Pick Pocket

"It's time for revenge," Gen said at the end of the shopping district path in the slum, even though he said that he didn't act immediately. He didn't want the previous incident to happen again, with that in mind he began to analyze the mistakes he had made earlier.



in the slum, at the end of a busy street. There was a boy who was seen talking alone, but no one seem to cared.

"Now that I think about it, it was very strange when I saw the young man the other day with such a look and walked as if this was the back of his house, he didn't even pay attention to his surroundings" Gen said while analyzing his mistakes.

"That was my first mistake, I also didn't pay attention if he was with someone else,it was my second mistake and after I thought again when he walked unconsciously pedestrians opened the way for him as if they did not want to deal with it, this is my biggest mistake".

being on earth Gen doesn't have to think about all this, but in this world it's not that easy, thinking like that he starts thinking as a whole. "After I managed to take the money, what did I do next? The right choice was to run as fast as possible, but where? and what happens if I get caught and been chased? how can I escape from that pursuit? "

when analyzing, he is aware of the mistakes and shortcomings of his preparation. he is even thankful that he did not die remembering where this place is, in this world or maybe just this place,murder is not something strange especially for someone who has no money and strength. You can even burn someone alive as long as it does not interfere with others. when he first came to this world Gen has seen a number of murders, such as some punk killed by a man when they trying to rob him even someone kill because of trivial things like bumping with each other when walking opposite direction.

"Well, it seems like I have to do some preparations," after saying that Gen began to explore the slum. While doing this he began to choose locations to carry out his plans, such as a place to run after successfully getting the money and the route he would take to run if he was found out. "It seems that the previous location is not ideal, even though it has a busy location it doesn't have a place to hide"

when Gen walked toward the location he wanted the sun began to set, "I spent too much time, I promised I would return before dark"



The sun had set, an old lamp that still use fire began to light on the streets one by one. inn and restaurants began to crowded by customers


"Ah, I'm hungry, after I remember again I haven't eaten since last night" Gen said as he watched the streets filled with pedestrians. From the previous mistakes Gen wasn't rash, he couldn't afford to fail.

"The man looks rich but he is too vigilant when walking (Pass), Hmm this guy does not seem to care about his surroundings but he looks like someone who has come to this place several times, if not he has confidence in himself, he might not have money at all (Pass), Oh. That woman is very beautiful and has a very good style, even her clothes looks expensive, her body curves are very tempting and she is alone, How suspicious (Pass)" When Gen said that he saw three men blocking her but despite being blocked by three man.the woman did not panic at all,she even looked very calm.

"Hey,onee-san give us all your valuables things and play with us tonight and maybe we'll let you go" after hearing one of the men say that the woman smiled softly and said " Alright, I'll play with you in the alley over there".the moment they hear that they immediately feel ecstasys.

"It's good that you understand quickly"

"Come follow me, I'm in a hurry"

the 3 guys look at each other face with smiles on their faces.

"as I thought it was suspicious" Gen said as he followed the woman the moment she was blocked by the 3 men. The woman took them to one of the deserted alley on the roadside. gen could see their stupid expressions and even heard their heavy breath.

"Jeez, are they just thinking using their crouch ? didn't they feel anything was strange at all?" Gen said when he saw the 3 men following the women.


Gen could hear 3 sounds of something crash and a few moments later the woman came out of the alley. Gen could see blood falling from her index finger and at that moment he saw the woman looking at him with a gentle smile on her face and with one index finger to his lips.


After doing that she left as if nothing had happened. Gen could feel goosebump all over his body.

"Looks like she has realize of me from the start."

After making sure that the woman had left,he began to enter the alley. There Gen could see 3 men lying on the ground with a surprised expression, on the left side of their chest there was a hole that looked very neat and blood came out slowly like a leaked wine barrel. seeing this Gen had a cold breath and his body could not move for a moment. When he began to calm down he began to breathe deeply and he hit his cheeks with both hands. After that Gen began to approach and begin to search their corpses.

"Nothing, there is nothing on them.are the lady already taking it? Nope, I doubt it.this guys are just poor"

Feeling disappointed Gen went to leave the alley. And the corpse? That was not his problem, that they were faulty for thinking with they Crouch..Gen felt a little relieved not to target the woman, if not maybe he was the one who would be lying on the ground.even the thought of it giving him a goosebump. But Gen remembers why he did this, its for the money. So he continued what he was doing. Hour by hour passed by. Gen searched slowly one by one,while he doing this he can found some good targets but he let it go cause hesitation for a moment.

"its getting late, I need to choose quickly. hesitating like this will not take me anywhere"

after complaining for a moment, Gen found it. the perfect target, an old man in his middle 40 who was drunk after drinking.

"its now or never"

after suggesting himself, Gen walked toward the drunk man and bumped into him as if in a hurry

"watch where you going kid" the man punch and kick Gen till he is thrown away and falls to the ground

"I'm sorry"

"Hmmp, you're lucky I'm in the good mood. now scram"

"yes" Gen got up from the ground while holding the part that had been hit and left as fast as possible.

when people see this they just thought some kid that getting punched by some random drunk man and that what Gen was after. Gen ran toward the place he had set and looked around while making sure that it was safe enough to lowered his guard

"A perfect crime," Gen said, looking at the money bag in his hand

"with this I can go home"

Gen didn't check the money he got because he didn't know who was watching him, so he went home as fast as he could while looking around. When he got to the alley where he stayed he could see Mary and Finn with worried faces, when Mary seeing Gen already home he could see a relieved face on her face

"Yo, I'm home," Gen said as he waved his hand to Mary

"See who returns, I thought you died on the side of some road without saying goodbye"

"Mary dont be so harsh to me, I have a rought day"Gen said apologetically

"is that so, come inside your dinner ready"

"thanks" Gen was rather relieved Mary did not ask what he was doing all day because he was very tired, of course he would say everything that happened the next day


at the end of the alley there are 2 black shadows looking at Gen from a distance when he meets the Sibling.

"That kid is not bad"

"hehehehehe, Big brother, should we go take the money now?"

"Huh? Dont be stupid, if we take the money now he will be more alert the next time we meet him again. We should take it one go, I'm pretty sure if he will save the money and tried to get out of this place.that when we move "