Finding out

"Gen Gen wake up," Mary said while trying to wake Gen


in the tent that were almost destroyed he could hear someone calling his name. Trying hard to open his eyes, he could see Mary standing next to him.

"Good Morning, Mary," he said while rubbing his eyes

"You have slept for 3 days"

"What, seriously?" he asked with a surprised face

he knew that he was very tired last night and hardly remembered anything, but that was not enough to make him sleep for 3 days.


hearing this Gen gaping while looking at Mary

"Mary please don't say that in the morning"

"you have a lot of nerves saying that for someone that got home in the middle of the night with a bruise"

Oh, she was angry. No wonder she was in a bad mood early in the morning, while thinking like that, he touched his chin, closing his eyes and taking a moment of silence to think a word to get out from this situation.

"Mary, has I ever told you how pretty you are?"

"I haven't showered for 4 days"

"Geh, do you know that women look more pretty when they smile?"

"I'm sorry, my smile is just too expensive for you"

"Do, do you cut your hair?"

Mary said nothing and looked at Gen with a face full of questions. Gen can even hear what her face said "are you really asking me that?"

with troublesome face he try to glare at Finn and give him a face asking for help, but unfortunately Finn dont get it at all.

OH MY GOD. I forgot he was blind

* sigh * "Just tell us what happened yesterday and depending on your answer maybe I will kick you out of this place"

"You won't dare"

"Or am I? You want to find out?" Mary said while giving a sweet smile to Gen

Aaa she is smiling

Gen shuddered all over his body and as fast as possible prostrated while apologizing to Mary

"I am SORRY" Gen said with all his heart like his life depends on it

after that Gen told everything that happened yesterday even though there were some parts that didn't say like when he met the women in the street, the reason he didn't say it was because he thought it was not important and would only make them worry.

"Gen, do you know why me and finn never steal in this place?"

"Yeah, I know.but its-"

"No, you don't know it at all. You can die out there, Don't you remember how you almost die when we met?"

"But I want to pay you guys back for-"

"HUH? Do I even ask you to pay us back? Do you think we saved you so you can throw your life again? And first of all-"

Gen has been scolded by Mary for 2 hours after that, even his mother never scolded him that long.even though most of it cause Gen never gets himself into trouble to be scolded for 2 hours, usually a few sentences are enough for him.


came out slowly from the tent and looked around carefully, Gen tried to run away from Mary,but the moment he got out from the tent,Finn appeared from behind him.

"You doing it again, are you?"

"Psst dont tell Mary about this"

"Mary will kill you if she knows this, you know"

"It's okay as long as he doesn't know, Oh yeah you can take this for me. When I try to give it to Mary, she just won't take it"

Gen said while giving the money bag to Finn

"But, Mary say-"

"come on, its not like I can carry it with me all the time. Can you do this favor to me?"

Finn knows that when Gen says that he is trying to make him his accomplice in crime.

"you just won't learn, are you? fine i will save this for you with one condition"

Ouu, its easier then i thought

"sure, i will follow any condition you gave"

"the condition is-


  -don't die "


"I hope marry won't kill me if she finds out," finn said while holding the money bag in his hand

after yesterday's incident he had gained confidence and didn't need a full day to make it.the time he needed only 3-4 hours to succeed.

I have got the money in a shorter time than I thought, should I continue?

while in doubt he tried to see the money that he got.

14 silver? this wont enough, even a low grade potion cost 1 Gold coin and I need to buy a high grade potion for Marry that costs 10 Gold coins and if added to the cost to get out of this place .... Its look like I have no other choice.

with that kinda of thought, Gen knows that he needs to continue. he also estimates the time he has before he goes home cause he just simply dont want to be scolded by Mary again. So he is starting to find his new prey but unfortunately this time is not as smooth as previously.

"look like its going to take time" he said while looking all the people on the street.


"This is bad" Gen said while running as fast as he could. He passed all the shortcuts he knew and saw the sun had begun to set. He hoped to be able to return home before dark after yesterday's incident, making Mary even more angry is not a good idea.

I really be dead this time

even after doing it all day he could get only 2 people. the second time was not as smooth as the first and used more time than he thought.

he can see the tent before sunset but this is not really good news for him cause he can see Mary talking with Finn in front of the tent. After Gen came,Mary approached him with a steps that looked like a little rushed not too fast but not slow at all.

walk closer to Gen the first time Mary do not ask him but she starts to look all over his body and surround him look like a mother who wants to see what is wrong with her son.

"Where do you go since this morning?" Mary asked with a slightly angry face.

straight ball from the start.

"Aaaaa I the ...-"

He tries to find an excuse for Mary but nothing comes out, that when he sees Finn gets closer to him by following his voice. He stands in his back and gives something to Gen.

"Use this" he whispered

"This is"

* cough * "Mary do you know how much I worried you and I want to repay you for everything you done for me.

although this is not much, this is the flower I have been looking for since this morning "

he said While bowing his body slightly forward like a gentle man giving flowers to a woman he used to see in movies.

"But that a grass"

Well,this is something that was given by someone who is blind afterall

* sigh * "I think, I'm too soft to you"


nevertheless even after saying that she took the grass and walked away with it "but remember there won't be the next time"


The next day Gen kept going again, he left early in the day and always went home before dark. The reason he gave Mary was that he would try begging as well but he will be located elsewhere. Within a day he could get 20-30 silver, each time he returned He always gives 1-2 silver to Mary and gives the rest to finn to save.

"With this already collected 1 gold and 10 silver, I just need to keep it going" Gen has a rough estimate how long he needs to save up. "1 month at least I have to do this for 1 month and we can get out of this place" just by thinking like that has made him happy.

like a normal day Gen began to search for prey on the streets but since morning he waited, he did not find the best target, he began to feel uneasy because for him to not find anyone means he waited 1 day longer to get out of this place.

"I need to find someone fast" he can see the sun is starting to set and he should go home soon.

perhaps because the remaining time left has made his judgment affected a little and made Gen make mistakes. He found a man about 40 years old, had a rather thin body, used light armor with a sword on his waist. Having a menacing look in his face, Gen sure that this man what they called {Adventure}. The reason Gen chose it was very simple, it was because he could easily see the location where his money was saved and think to himself that this would be easy.

after making up his mind he began to approach the man and do the usual pattern he always did. He bumped into him as lightly as possible and bowed his head to apologize, this technique was always successful after the lessons he had learned before.however things are not going well this time.

the man holds Gen shoulder with a little smile in his face.

"Where do you think you are going?"

the hand on his shoulder is very heavy. he can barely move. no,the right word is he can't move.

"This is not good. what should I do, what should I do" even have thought like this he made a face as if he didn't know anything because the moment he panicked that would be the end.

"don't play dumb, kid.let me see your hand"

Gen can see the man holding the sword in his other hand, its look like the man will attack him the moment he knew the culprit is Gen.

no, no, no. i cant afford to be caught, what should i do? yeah the money, i need to throw it away. no that won't work he will realize if i throw it away, should i pretend that i found it in the ground. that won't work either, he isn't that stupid. i need to remove the money, i need-

the man see Gen stood frozen there. But he didn't care, he grabbed his hand that had the money and raised it as high as possible as if to show that he was taking it.

"huh? where is it?"

strangely when the man looked at his hand, he found nothing.

Its gone? the money is gone? but how?

Gen himself was surprised when he saw the money disappear in his hands after the man picked it up.

the man began to search for the money in Gen body, but no matter how many he searched he could not find it.

he began to become angry when he could not find anything, so he gripped Gen neck with one hand and held it as high as possible while strangling him.

"WHERE-IS-IT?" The man said word by word, he said it as if Gen knew what he was looking for.

"I ... dont know what you are talking about" Gen said with all his breath

the man suffocates Gen with all his strength while staring at his eyes, he wants to see whether Gen is lying or not. After about 3 seconds the man can see Gen barely breathing, he can kill him anytime he wants.

is he really don't have it?

The man thought when he saw Gen face that seemed to know nothing while on the verge of death.

"Hey, stop it. He could die"

one of his friend says while putting his hand on the man shoulder and trying to calm his colleague.

"Tch," he said with an angry tone and threw Gen towards the wall, making him hit the wall next to him. After seeing Gen lying on the ground, he gave him the last stare and then left.

* cough * cough * "This is bad, Mary will be mad again"

he could see the hand marks on his neck that had turned blue, this made him worry about how he would explain it to Mary. however that was not the most important thing right now, he needed to know what had happened to the lost money. After finding out he was fine. He ran to the place he always visited before meeting Mary and Finn. When he arrived at an empty building on the edge of town, Gen made sure that no one followed him.

"here should be okay,let's see how this works. I'm pretty sure the money is lost in my hands"

he began to examine his hand, see if there was anything strange. Gen tried to flip his hand back, swinging it and even biting it. He also tried various poses and chanting to activate it.

this does not work maybe I should try another way if my body does not work maybe I should use my mind. he tried to recall how the money was lost in his hand. what I think about that time is how I can get rid of that money maybe if I do the opposite it will return instead.

after knowing what to do Gen began to concentrate and began to close his eyes. He concentrated all his thoughts into his hands and began to try to bring up the money.

"Money, money, money, money comes to me" is the word he repeating in his head but unfortunately nothing happened. The only thing he found is a stupid child in an empty building closing his eyes while taking his hand out with a serious expression.

Strange, this doesn't work. Is there anything I'm missing? he had been doing this for some time and nothing happened. he even began to doubt whether the money had really disappeared, maybe from the start he had never taken the money. No, I was very sure that I took it. Gen tried to convince himself. Afterward he could slightly feel something, flowing all over his body, the more he concentrated the more he felt it flowing in his body, then Gen tried to flow it to one of his hands.

"Money comes out"

the moment he said that the money come out from one of his hands, seeing this Gen was shocked and turned into happiness.

"This works, the money comes out from my hands."

something missing suddenly is not natural right? yeah, this what they call cheat power ,yeah cheat power. Finally, something useful appears , with this I can do something. Gen become so happy getting a power after being in this place for quite a long time. thinking that now is the time to turn things around, as is always the case in novels and manga.

I can use this, I need ... I need to learn more about this. He ran towards a large boulder, the stone was at least 3 meters high and 4 meters wide.

"let's try with this one"

he placed his hands on the stone, closed his eyes and tried to concentrate again.

"Nothing happened?" He opened his eyes and saw that the stone did not disappear.

"No no let's be positive , let's try something a little small. Yeah, how about you" he pointed to the stone next to it. Not as big as the previous stone, this stone is at least as high as 1 meter.

unfortunately, the same thing happened to this stone. Nothing happened, seeing this Gen felt a little depressed.

"Fine, how about you

okay next is you

you must be the one

this is my last try and using the law of the fantasy world you must be it.

ughhh ... you, you, you ... "

Gen tried almost everything he encountered from stone to fallen trees, but everything he chose had one thing in common. All were quite large, it seemed he wanted his strength to have more uses, at least that was what he hoped for.

* pant * pant * "Fine, I choose you. random brick, a really normal brick" gen said with a little desperate sound.

he took that brick and held it in both hands and did as everything he did before, the difference would this work?

and after holding the brick for 3-4 seconds finally something he wanted happening. the brick disappeared.

"its disappeared, the brick really disappeared hahahahaha"

Isn't my strength rather useless?

Seeing how his power worked, he thought that it was a little useless, so he tried something else. He thought maybe he could use it to living things.

In this place the most easily found living thing is a rat. Finding it was not difficult, all he needed was to go to the closest alley. When he tries to catch it he realizes something, just how fast a rat is.

"I can't catch it like this, I think I need to make a trap"

The trap Gen made was very simple, all he did was look for a box and put a board next to it to make a path. The rat will climb in and enter the box, all he needs is bait. Looking for a decent food in this place will be hard but it will be different for rat bait.

Just by waiting for a few minutes, Gen had found something. In the box, you can see a big rat. He tried to grasp the rat with both his hands, he made sure not to get bitten, bitten by a rat in this place is not funny, you don't know what disease he has.

Grasping the rat he tried to concentrate, he did the same thing he did to the brick, but nothing happened.

"It doesn't work, maybe the rat is too big?"

Gen thinks the same thing happens to the rat, it's just too big. So he tried to find a smaller rat. But unfortunately, still, nothing happened.

Seeing this Gen felt rather disappointed if he could only use his strength to a brick, the value of his power will fall.

Gen began to think about how he should use his power, then an idea crossed his mind.

If I can't use it on living things, what if I use it on dead beings?

he began to run and search, the first he found was a corpse of a rat. Of course, he wants to use it to something else if he could, but the easier things he could find is this.

I hope this works, at least my strength will be more useful.

He took the rat's corpse and began to concentrate. What he did was the same as before, and within 5 seconds the corpse of the rat disappeared.

"Hahaha, its working" Gen was pleased because his strength had other abilities.

Now all I have to do is find out how much he can save.

But unfortunately, the happiness that he felt did not last long, he tried storage as many as he can but no matter what he did the max capacity only 5 brick and 3 dead rat.

Ah, it's useless after all, why do I have the power if it's not useful. Now I understand the feeling of a mob when he can bring out a fire but only enough to light a cigarette.

The disappointment that he feels is so big, he only hopes is actually a useless power. Ain't this supposed to be the time that I have an overpowered skill and make a comeback? How can I survive with this power?

He looked around and could see that it was getting dark. "I think it's time to go back"

Inside lows, while eating dinner. Gen while looking down trying to ask Mary.

"Hey Mary, what do you think of a power that can store something out of thin air?"

While eating Mary looked at Gen who was asking "do you mean magical bag? That is pretty practical, our parents used to have one too. Right, Finn?"

"Hmm yeah, Daddy always say don't touch it" Finn casually replied

"Wait wait wait wait, are the items your parents have really rare items and need enormous luck to get them?" Gen asked nervously.

"Well it's probably pretty rare in here and our parents get it from second hand store. But as long you have lots of money you can easily buy it, its have different size so the price depends on the size too. Most of the middle-rank adventures have it "Mary answers without thinking much about it because it's not the first Gen ask something like this. He would ask the weirdest thing or the most common thing out of nowhere.

"Rather than that, what is in your neck?" Mary pointed at the scarf around his neck.

"What? This? Is this not what I always wear?"

"No it's not" Mary is getting close and trying to get the scarf around his neck.

"Mary this is just some fashion that I want to try, there's nothing weird with it," he tried to find an excuse for Mary.

"Just shut up and let me look at it" she stubbornly replied. She can tell that Gen is acting suspicious.

Meanwhile, Finn just ate peacefully without even bothering to take part in it. Something like this happens a lot since Gen crashed over.

After successfully facing Gen struggle she finally succeeded in taking the scarf over. She was a little surprised when she saw Gen neck. there was a handprint that was still blue.

Seeing this Mary has a surprised face then turns to worry and in the end turns to anger.


"Mary I can explain this... Actually ... Eeh ... Yeah, the truth is this are the game that is popular right now. Its name is choke it till its blue" the way Gen say this in the most suspicious way.

And of course, there is no way Mary will believe it, it even makes her even angrier.