
Inside a mansion outskirts of the city. Surrounded by a vast forest. A small banquet was held. This time of year is the only time the mansion itself will have visitors. It can be seen rows of carriages parked outside of the mansion. This is what the rich used as their summer house.

On a long table filled with food. It can be seen a group of people wearing expensive-looking clothes. Something that you can see in those medieval eras. They can be heard talking, with laughter or whispering. You can easily hear how they would exchange pleasantries.

Then a man could have been seen standing up, at that moment everyone immediately stayed quiet. They all looked at the man with anticipation. It was an old gentleman with long white hair with a ponytail. Even though he looks old, you can see that his body is still full of vigour. He has the body of a man in his prime.

With one arm behind his back and another arm with a glass of wine.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Once again we gathered at this place. And every year, you would hear this old man doing the same boring speech."

a small laugh can be heard inside the room. And he continues.

" with god's blessing, we managed to do our little club activities year after year and with god blessing, we would have another successful gathering. Our 1 week-long festival will be starting tomorrow morning. So this old bone hoped that today's banquet could ease your long journey and tonight's rest could give you a good rest to start a new day"

The old gentleman seems to be quite religious and humble. His words were simple unlike other older gentlemen they knew that would speak unnecessarily long. Giving the audience a favourable opinion of him.

The host of the banquet wears a white mask with a glamorous ceramics color. And there is a Roman numeral I coated in gold. The mask would cover every part of the face other than the mouth. Everyone today has a similar mask. There are 24 people with Roman numerals I to XXIV. Numbers I to VI would have their mask coated with gold numbers. VII to XII would have their numbers coated in silver and numbers XIII to XXIV would have their numbers coated in bronze. The number gives a strict hierarchy within the club.

The host of the banquet walked out and talked to a butler. The butler also wears a mask without any number attached and covers his whole face. Every servant within the mansion also wears the same mask.

"How is the product delivery? I hope there won't be a problem and can get it arrived tomorrow morning" Mr. I asked the butler who stood faithfully.

"Don't worry my lord. I already confirmed the number beforehand. It should be safely delivered right away"

"very well. Just make sure you pay them properly. They're the type that will work properly as long as you feed them well"

Mr I walked back to the room and a second later the butler walked away. Along the walk, the butler could see how hectic the situation was. He can see every servant doing their work and without a care walk past them.

Arriving at the back of a mansion, the butler met up with a young man with the same attire as him.

"Take this, make sure you paid for them and get the products. This is a test for you. I hope there won't be a problem. A butler should handle every situation and adapt to every problem. As long as the request that was given to you is fulfilled then everything is fine." he gave him a bag of gold coins.

"yes, father" the young butler answered cheerfully.

And then he got slapped.

"you fool, don't you call me that. Why do you think we wear a mask? This is not the main house and you can call me that just because there are only the two of us here"

"yes head butler"

Even after getting slapped. Eric the young butler didn't get disheartened at all. He knew his father cared about him. He was happy with how his father would give him a lecture. His family already served the household for generations. It took him years to get allowed to join the "business trip". He knew the moment he was allowed to go. It means his father trusted him enough and trained him to be the next head butler. For Eric, there is no greater joy than that.


Walking in the slum in the middle of the night while wearing a cloak that covers his whole body. This is his second visit. The first time was with his father in the daytime. Seeing the slum at the time wasn't pleasant for him but at night it was even worse. At night the sketchiest people would come out while the most decent people would stay at their house. Even gen who live in the slum would prefer to avoid the slum at night.

The more he walks, the worse it gets. He can see puke and piss everywhere. Some people would sleep on the street while getting mugged. A group of people beating each other and so on. And the pedestrians just walk past them as if nothing happened. Cannot bear the stench, Eric pulled out his handkerchief and covered his nose.

As he walks, more eyes are on him. One guy would start standing up following him. And along the way, another also followed him. As he walked and walked, a small group eventually started following him. Even Eric eventually noticed the group. Worried about the group he walked faster and faster but the group refused to let him go. Till he hurried go inside a second-floor building. The building was a brothel that he visited with his father the other day.

He talked to one of the girls "Where... Black bear?" while panting for breath

The girl gives Eric one look and says "he's in the back. Follow me"

Inside he sees a man. Holding a girl in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. He laughed while being the loudest in the room.

Seeing Eric enter the room. The room becomes temporary silence.

"Oh, it was the son. Where is your dad? I was hoping to meet him today. Isn't he worried his cute son would get lost getting here? Hahahaha" The black bear laughed so hard it could be heard around the room.

Hearing this Eric becomes so unpleasant. He knew how rude people in the slum were. But seeing it directed at him made him furious.

"shut up. I'm here for the products. Have you already prepared it?"

"huh? Products? Oh, you mean the kids? Of course, I have it. Do you bring the money? Let me see it"

Eric left breathless for a moment and threw the bag of coins at him. He was surprised how the black bear just said it was kids so loudly without a care in the world. His father told him to never call them that to prevent unwanted intentions.

Black Bear was a big man. He stood 2,1 meter tall. He has curly messy hair. And he was hairy. You can see how thick his arm and chest hair was. It was so thick it looked like a fur. With a big uncared beard to match his look. His nickname fits perfectly with his appearance.

Counting the gold coins. One of his lackeys comes forward and whispers to his ear.

"Hm? Did something like that happen? Just scared them away. Beat up some guy and say this guy is with me"

"hey, sonny. What do you do to gather those guys outside? Do you want to get robbed or something?"

"Those guys just started following me. And stop calling me that. My name is Eric Willingstone. Hearing you calling me that making me sick"

Hearing this black bear giving him a small smirk. Then the inexperienced butler realised what he had done. He just gives him his real name.

So green. I can easily take over him. Compared to his dad, Who only speaks when necessary. No matter how much I try to agitate him. He would always stay calm and managed to get the upper hand.

Black Bear never gets any information for this particular client. He already worked for them for years but still never knew who they were. He always had a feeling that one day they would just disappear and blame everything on him. And then this guy that just recently arrived gave him the most information he wanted. He would send his man to search for who he is based on his name.

Black bear sees the handkerchief in the young butler's hand.

"that handkerchief. Do you bring them out along the way? Don't tell me you covered your nose with them. Even I would be tempted to rob you."

Hearing this Eric was embarrassed. He was spot on. Immediately he hid his handkerchief. It was his favourite. It was quite expensive and he always brought it to important meetings for good luck.