Stick and Dumb

Seeing his attitude, black bear knew he was right. This is a good thing for him. Working with someone who can be see-through is a lot better than the old butler who is good at keeping his distance.

"sit down sonny. Or i should call you Eric instead? Sit down sit down" Such an overbearing attitude was given to Eric making him unable to refuse.

While sitting down he could see one of the guys come running. His face doesn't look good, so he quickly goes to black bear and whispers.

"WHAT???" He said while standing up.

"wait for me here, I need to check something"

Walking with a rushed pace, black bear arrives in a dark damp room. It was stink, so stink and familiar for someone like him. It was the smell of puke, piss, excrement and corpse.

"light up the room immediately"

Seeing the room brighten up. He could see a cage stacked together with children filling it up. But the children were as thin as a skeleton, their bodies filled with bruises all over the place.

Black bear come closer and see a bowl of food* or something that looks like food. He immediately ripped open the cage took out the bowl and tasted it.

puf puf puf* he spilled it out and his face became red with anger.

The food was so bitter and rotten. It was more like a poison than a food. Even a pig won't eat it. It was unknown trash being mushed together and served to the kids.

"CALLED STICK AND DUMB HERE. NOW!!!" he said furiously.

Inside the brothel, the stick was drinking with one of the girls beside him. He was drunk and bragging to the girl.

"Today is the day the deal would end. When I Get my money, I make sure I won't let you sleep tonight. Hehehehe, and you dumb. My stupid little brother, I would let you eat till you can't eat anymore"

"really brother? Really? I can eat till I full" Dumb answered childishly.

"Hey, the boss called. Hurry up" one of his colleagues said to the brothers.

"it must be my money. The boss sure is fast, wait here my sugar pie. When I came back, we would have a long night together. Dumb let's go"

"Okay brother" he stands up while smiling.

Stick and dumb arrived at the room and saw a black bear sitting down.

"hick* boss I'm here for my money" Stick says while smiling.

The black bear slowly stood up, and he walked to them slowly. His big shadow easily covered the 2 brothers.

"Something wrong bo--"

With his left hand, the black bear raised his hand and hit the stick with the back of his hand before he could finish his sentence. And with the same hand, he makes a fist and hits Dumb with a left hook. It happens so fast that both of them immediately separate both ways.

Before he can catch his breath and find out what happens. A hand grabbed his head. no, a giant hand holding his head. Stick was a short man he only stood at 1,4 meters. Even though he was short he had long limbs and a neck. And no matter how much he eats, he is still skinny. Everyone called him Stick but he would get angry if someone called him Short Stick.

When a black bear holding his head. It was like a giant holding a tiny apple. The stick can feel that a black bear can pop out of his brain with a little squish.

He slammed stick head to the cage. " do you see this?". He showed them the dying kids and the already dead kids.

And then he throws him away to the bowl of food *

"do you know what you had done?"

"wait boss, give me a moment. I can explain"

" out of 100 kids. 34 of them are dead, 52 of them are dying. Most of them probably won't survive to see the sun tomorrow. And only 14 kids that looked like can be delivered." the guy behind black bear slowly explains.

Hearing this, stick face becomes purple with worry. He knew he couldn't talk his way out of this one.

"I know you embezzle some money from those kids year after year. I turned a blind eye to it because at the very least you're doing your job properly. But looked like this year you taking it too far. Where do you use the money? Hmm, are you using it to feed your stupid fat brother? "

He once again picked up stick by the head and threw him to his brother. After colliding with his brother, black bear slowly walks again to them.

He lifted his right leg and kicked dumb so hard he got lifted into the air for a moment.

" hey you stupid fat piece of trash, where do all my money go huh? Do you eat it all up? Answer me?" the black bear asked Dumb while stepping on Dumb head multiple times.

Stick could see his little brother crying while seeing him. With his fragile body that has several broken bones. Blood could be seen dropping from his head. Stick's body moved unconsciously and stopped the black bear's leg.

He holding a black bear's leg like a log. He holds it so tight just to make sure it doesn't hit his little brother anymore even though it won't affect the black bear's strong leg in the slightest.

"wait boss wait, I could fix this. Those dead kids, I can find you a new one. Tonight, I will get you a new one"

"hmm, then how about the one that dying? Can you also get me a new one for that"

Stick bit his lip and said "You can heal them with potions. You can take the money from our payment"

"do you think your puny amount of money would be enough to pay them?"

"5 years no 10 years. You can take our money for 10 years to pay for the potions"

Hearing this black bear visibly calmed down. Seeing that his boss calmed down stick started to give a relief breath.

And then he takes out stick hand and bites down his pinky and ring fingers. Spit it out and throw it to his right hand. Stick was screaming when it happened.

"bother!" dumb says worriedly. And dumb see a hand grab his mouth.

Black bear stuffed stick fingers to his mouth and lifted him. Dumb was a big guy. He can weigh easily 200 kilos. He stands at 1.80 cm and has a weird body proportion. He has a long arm but a short leg and a long torso. Those short legs make him slow at moving. You can even say that dumb is slow physically and mentally.

The scene of the black bear lifting dumb with one hand itself was a spectacle show that you won't see often.

Dumb was crying while seeing his brother on the ground. It was a look of help. And a moment later it could be seen a gulping in dumb neck.

Black Bear dropped him off and said "Good, this should be enough to teach you guys a lesson. You guys have till sunrise, next time I won't be nice" and then he left.

The one guy that standing seeing it all was amazed. It was like a show. No, it was a show. If the black bear just killed the brothers then he had to deal with everything by himself. He even beat up Dumb to make sure Stick would step up. He knew how stick care for his little brother. Black Bear planned it all in that short moment when he called the brothers.

Dumb hurriedly pukes but he cannot see the fingers he just swallowed.

"Brother brother" he crawls to his brother little by little.

Finally arriving to stick. He hugged his little brother. "it's okay now, your big brother will fix it"

Seeing the 2 brothers. He eventually also leaves following the black bear.

coming back and seeing Eric. Black bear just walks past Eric and sits down. Take a bottle of wine and chug it down. It was nerve-wracking for Eric when see black bear just silently sit down and chug down a bottle of wine.

After satisfying his thirst. Black bear says "We have a problem. Your little products don't do well. 34 of them are dead and 52 of them are dying. The one that can get delivered is only 14"

Eric stood up surprised. "what do you mean by that? You say everything was okay"

"don't worry. My men would find a replacement for the dead kids. But for the dying one would need a potion. I was hoping you would pay for it"

"huh? Why would I pay for the potions? It was your fault everything became like this"

Hearing this black bear just stays quiet and stares at Eric for a moment. Seeing this Eric takes a step back.

"We have a problem. My men would replace the dead kids and you need to pay the potions for the dying kids."

"Like what I say, why is that my problem"

Black Bear just throws the gold coins back to Eric and says "If you don't want to help then take your money back. With this, it won't be your problem anymore and you get your money back"


This is a problem for Eric. It's not about the money anymore. His father strictly says to bring the products by morning.