Granpa medicine

The thing that black bear do was outrageous. He won't dare to do this if it was the old butler but it would be different if it was Eric. He knows he can pushing this pushover if he does it well. The worst thing that could happen is that Eric takes the money and leaves. If he does then black bear would suffer tremendous losses.

In this negotiation, Eric had the upper hand but he didn't realise it. Black Bear instead make it like he has the advantage. He knows the inexperience Eric won't see it coming.

And just like how black bear predict. The only thing Eric has in his thought is how he should deal with the delivery. How he can get the money and most of all, how he can make sure his dad won't disappointed by him. To Eric, his dad has a higher position in his life than the lord that he served. He was the sky he wanted to reach one day. The thought of taking the money and leaving didn't cross his mind at all.

"I won't pay for all the potions. I can only pay for half of them. All of this is your fault. I refused to pay for all of them"

"then we have a deal. Called Grandpa medicine right away. If he doesn't wake up, you can even break into his house. Just make sure you bring him out"

Eric was surprised at how fast black bear agreed to his suggestion. He had a little regret, he probably would have a better deal if he had thought it through more. And for black bear, it was within his expectation. Pushing it more would be too risky. The worst-case scenario is that Eric takes the money and leaves.

Black bear bringing Eric to where the kids are. It was way worse than he thought. He can see a row of cages stacked but the cage is empty and in front of them is the kids that lying motionless. Only a couple of kids sitting down with blank stares. In the right of them, not far away from the kids. Eric can see something get stacked together. It was covered by a big sheet. But Eric can see some legs coming out from the sheet.

"is that...?" Eric pointed it out

"yes, it was the dead kids" black bear answered.

Eric puked his stomach out when hearing this. He knew he would see some dead kids but seeing it for himself was way different than his thought.

"you stinky bear, you dared to wake up me in the middle of the night. You even break to my house for it" a voice could be heard entering the room.

It was an old man. crouching forward with a cane in his hand. His body was covered by a blanket to protect himself from the cold breeze at night. With a grumpy face seeing everything in the room. It looked like he was still in his pyjama.

"Grandpa medicine, you finally here. Check this out, can you do something about this?"

Seeing the sick kids, he moved forward to see one of the dying kids. He checked his tongue, opened one of his eyes, checked his wrist and moved closer to see the colour of his skin. The stench should be unbearable but he doesn't care at all.

" tch tch tch, it was a severe food poisoning. They would be in a better condition even if you left them to starve. This gonna cost you a fortune to cure them"

"how much is it?"

" 45 gold coins"

"that expensive, do you try to rip me off"

"shut up, it was a premium price because you woke me up in the middle of the night. If you don't like it then find someone else but even I know you cannot find that someone else. So pay up"

This wrinkled old weasel. He tries to take advantage of me so blatantly.

But there is nothing black bears can do. Grandpa Medicine already grasped the whole situation. Black Bear learned all his tricks from Granpa medicine itself making him have a harder time outsmarting him.

"make it 40 gold and I let you pick any girls you want for a whole night"

"42 gold and 2 girls for 3 days straight. That is my bottom line. Even for me that is already overpriced for the girls"

He was right. 2 girls for 3 days that cost 3 gold coins were already extremely overpriced. Even for black bear, this is the best he can do.

"fine, I hoped in those 3 days you would die from a heart attack" black bear tossed him a bag of gold coins.

"Hhmp, do you even know what a heart attack is?" he counted the gold coins in the bag*

"This didn't enough you stinky bear. Do you try to trick me?"

"I paid half first and half after it was done. Isn't that how it was done? This guy would pay the other half" he pointed at Eric.

Grandpa Medicine gives one look at Eric.

"Are you sure this stupid-looking lad has the money to pay me? No, never mind. Even if he can't pay me up. I would make sure this big guy makes you pay up" he pointed his cane to Eric and then at black bear.


In the master room of the mansion. Mr.I opened his mask and changed his clothes to his sleeping attire helped by two young servants. In front of his stood the old butler.

"Are you sure young Eric can do the job properly?" Mr. I asked casually

"Don't worry my lord. I'm sure Eric can do his job properly"

"I'm just a little worried. Even though it was a simple job it was the most important one"

"Eric is a fast learner and can follow instructions perfectly. He is a bit inexperienced, so this job should give him the experience that he lacked. One day he would take over my position so this type of responsibility is the least he can handle"

Hearing his trusted butler try to assure him. Mr I have nothing to object to.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry that I'm letting out a bit of my concern. I'm trusting your judgement my old friend" mr I say humbly.

"It's okay my lord"

Each guest is allowed to bring 2 or 4 companies. Most of them always bring the maximum amount they can bring. It is usually composed of one carriage driver, 2 servants and their head butler. Because mr I was the owner of the mansion, so he allowed me to bring twice the amount.

Each guest is having their own room. Their servants would be placed in one big room separated from other servants who arrived with other guests. Their room is their haven where they can speak about their private matters and take off their mask.

It was strictly forbidden for other guests to enter someone else room without permission or invitation.

With how many guests and servants get hosted by mr I mansion. It can be imagined how big the mansion is. Included to the hall, the dining room and the ballroom. It was so big that to some of the guests it compared to their main house but to Mr I it was just his summer house. That showed just how wealthy this old gentleman was.


A bunch of guys entered the room with a bunch of stuff. Their could be seen a cauldron and a bunch of boxes. Even a giant medicine rack gets carried inside.

"you planning to make it here?" black bear asked.

"you want me to come back and forth in the middle of the night? On this breezing night? Do you want to pay me extra for that? "

"no, it's okay. Just make it fast"

It's really rare to see black bear get overwhelmed like that. It is usually him that overwhelms other people. Grandpa's medicine is one of the special entities in the slum. There won't be any priests that want to stay in this place so people like granpa medicine is their only option.

It was an unwritten rule to not touch people that could benefit the slum. Including a blacksmith, a carpenter or someone that willing to do voluntary work. Because if something happens to them, the whole slum will suffer. So each faction to a certain degree would give them protection. But sometimes they would ask these people for some favour*.

Granpa's medicine is more special because he has lived here for the longest. He even knows black bear for a long time. From time to time when he was drunk he sometimes jokeds around that he knew black bear when he was still a cub.

After heating the cauldron. He used a small stair to climb up the cauldron. He put in a bunch of strange-looking medicine. Most of them are a powder of different colours on his medicine rack. He didn't measure it. He just gave it one look and took everything that he needed.

In the last part, he opened up a jar filled with a weird liquid. He pulled 5 crystals from it. It was a monster crystal. He put it above the cauldron and crushed it with one hand. Monster crystals shouldn't be that soft, they can only be that fragile because of how the crystals were soaked with those strange liquids.

The potions didn't have to use the crystals but Grandpa medicine did not have a choice because the children were dying. The crystals are used to give the vitality they need. That is why it was so expensive. When black bear saw this, he somehow felt that the prices were a bit justified.

"you, mix this up. Mix it with this pace. If it is too fast then it would ruin the potion. Too slow then it won't get mixed properly" he makes some random guy beside him do his job.

Then he just walked away to the front of the brothel.

"oh yeah mix it for half an hour and when the water gets reduced to half. You can call me back"