Let's leave

After knocking on the door over and over again without any answer. Gen sees two men going in their direction fast. All the knocking eventually attracts their attention. He knew that the guard inside the house didn't have the capability to take care of all of these guys but it was better than nothing. He could fight off a couple of guys and call for help. Even the thought of hiding them inside the house was already good enough.

Giving up knocking on the door, Gen grabs Finn's hand again and starts running. "Stinky gambling guard, I hoped you lose all of your money again" Gen pointlessly cursed.

"I can hear a voice over here," one of the guys says. They split up from their group just to catch Gen and the siblings. The two of them were more than enough to catch them. This is one of those easy job that pays handsomely. They would try to make as much money as they can.

With their speed, it was just a matter of time before they managed to catch up. But with another turn, weirdly the kids that they were chasing were gone.

"It's weird, where they are going -------" in second later he gets hit by a brick from his right side and falls to the ground.

Seeing his partner falling so suddenly, he tried to see what happened to his right side and he got tackled to the other side down to the sewer. Surprised by what just happened, he tried to get up but just like his partner he got hit by a brick a couple of times and lost consciousness.

Making sure the guy that he hit wouldn't wake up, he started to stand up and climb up from the sewer.

"It's okay now, you guys can come out" Hearing this Mary and Finn come out from behind a trash can.

"Are they okay Gen?" Mary asked worriedly seeing the two guys lying on the ground.

"This is not the time to worry about them. We need to keep running again" he once again carried Mary behind his back and grabbed Finn. Even at this time Mary somehow worried about her chaser. As if her kindness knows no bounds but he can't really complain because without this kindness he won't be here today.

Knowing that they cannot outrun them, Gen makes a split-second decision to ambush them. However, the main reason it was so successful was because they greatly underestimated them.

While running Mary can hear Gen's breathing start to go heavy. After all this time, with all the running while carrying Mary on top of that. Understandably, he would get tired. "Gen, drop me off. I can walk by myself" She tried to make it sound as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Don't be stupid, I can easily carry you with this much" with assuring voice gen answered.

After a couple of turns, trying his best to avoid everyone within this thick fog. Gen finally sees a ray of hope. Just at the end of this road with his short-lived enchanted eyes, he can see the end of the fog.

"Mary listen up, actually Finn and me started to save up some money. It's not much but we can use that money to leave this slum"

"is that the money that you get from stealing?" with a grumpy voice Mary asked.

"hehe, I'm sorry. But I promise after we get out of this place I won't steal again. It takes some time but I would gather some money to cure your leg and Finn eyes. Then the three of us can learn how to read, I may not look like it but I can teach you and finn how to count. And then we can eat some meat, I already get tired eating that rotten bread------"

In his long dialogue, Finn who is grabbing Gen's hand abruptly gets pulled by something. And just like that Finn disappeared inside the fog. Realising this he stopped and looked back to try to find Finn within this thick fog.

" Finn... !!! " in his cry out to try calling Finn, a hand suddenly hit him from the other side of the road. Leaving him unconscious with Mary behind his back.


a moment later Genn woke up with both his hands stretched out in both ways with a long big hand holding them. Looking around he can see Mary holding Finn in her arms.

"Good, you're waking up. Stupid,....right? I have my eyes on you for the last couple days. I quite like you, so I'm here to make a deal" Stick said while standing up in front of captured Gen. He called Gen by his nickname mainly because he didn't know who his real name was.

"a deal? What deal?"

"Work for me. I already see your ability with my own eyes, if you do then I can help you escape from your current situation."

"only me? how about Mary and Finn? Take them too, please take them too. I will do any jobs you give me. So please take them too." Gen earnestly begged to stick for a better deal.

"I'm sorry I cannot do that. We cutting it short. You're the only exception that I can make. I'm doing all of this because I value your skill". stick reluctantly refused Gen. He didn't have a choice, if it was a normal situation he wouldn't mind accepting Gen's offer.

But even now he wasn't sure he could gather enough kids at the end of the night. If he doesn't then he needs to break into an orphanage to just get enough kids. It would create a big problem afterwards because, unlike the kids in the slum, the kids in the orphanage have a faction that backing them up. But he didn't have a choice if he wanted to survive tonight at all costs.

Hearing their conversations, Mary interrupts "Gen take the deal, it's okay. Finn and I would be okay. After everything is over we can meet again." Mary says with a reassuring flimsy smile. Finn in Mary's embrace just tightened his hug on Mary, he could see how he trembling with that one hug.

Such obvious a lie,aaah Mary once again your kindness is painfully heavy. Gen thought with a painful face plastered on his whole face. It was painful, so incredibly painful for Gen to hear that Mary basically saying to abandon them for his own survival.

"See? You should listen to her, this is the best choice for you. So what is your answer?" Stick is quite happy that there is someone who would help him to convince Gen.

Gen lowered his head and opened his mouth with a slight trembling as if he wanted to say something but it got stuck in his throat. And then stick getting closer to Gen, putting his ear to try to hear what his answer would be.

When the distance between them is close enough, Gen immediately pulls his head as far as possible and head-butt stick with all his might. It was so hard a couple drop of blood flowing in his face.

After stick falls to the ground, Gen spits on stick and says "That is my answer"

"Gen, you're stupid" Mary said in a disappointed voice but Gen just answered her with a big fulfilling smile and once again he losing his consciousness.