
Eric coming back from the black market with a displeased face. In the end, he had to sell the carriage for only 25 gold coins, he realised he was being tricked.

This man Grease thought someone who would help him someone who worked together with the black market store owner to trick him to sell his carriage for dirt cheap. Even if he tried to ask him about it, he would play dumb and say he didn't know anything about it. Eric is green but not dumb, although, in the end, he doesn't have any evidence that it was grease that set him up.

Entering back to the brothel, Eric sees Grandpa medicine already giving the kids the potions one by one. With a small cu,p he pours the potions and forces it down to all the children.

Watching everything in the back was black bear, he needed to make sure every child was getting the potions. He had a certain trust in Grandpa's medicine but this time he didn't have any leeway if something wrong happened.

Noticing Eric and grease coming back from the black market. He asked Eric "How is it? Do you get the money?"

"Here take this" he throws the bag of gold coins to Black Bear with a displeased voice. Black bear caught it with ease and counted the gold coins inside, and then grease once again came to black bear and whispered to black bear ear. They didn't even bother to hide it in front of Eric.

"I knew it " Eric thought while seeing Grease whispering to the black bear ear. That alone already confirmed his suspicions. The fact that they make it so obvious also angers him. They just showed Eric that they didn't care what he thinks about them.

Grandpa medicine was eventually done distributing all the potions to the last children. He made sure there was not even a single drop left in the cauldron, other than preventing any waste of such precious potions he also calculated the right dose for every child perfectly with his feelings alone.

"I'm done, do you have my money?" he says while walking toward Black Bear.

"here is your money" Black Bear gives the money to Grandpa for medicine but unlike Black Bear, he not even bothered to count the money and continues walking out of the brothel.

"Their conditions are still unstable so make sure you treat them properly, after a couple of hours their conditions should be better. Also, make sure you bring all of my equipment back to my place. Don't you ever think to take anything from it because I would know" he says while passing everyone.

After Grandpa's medicine leaves the building he says to his subordinates "Move all the children to the carriage and bring back Grandpa's medicine equipment back to his place".

The carriage was already being prepared beforehand in the back of the brothel. There are three carriages two of them filled with children and one of the carriages is empty. The empty carriage is for the children that Stick and Dumb would bring back.

"Boss, are you sure they can bring those children in time?" Grease asked black bear who was beside him.

"He will bring them, even if he looks like that. If his life in the line, he always completes his job". He casually answered him.

After waiting for a couple moments later a thick fog with irregular shapes moved forward in their direction. At the end of the fog, a couple of figures emerged. it was Stick, dumb and the red dresses witch leading the way, behind them can be seen a dozen other figures could be seen following them. It was the kids of the slum that they were gathered a moment ago.

Black bear cannot hold his smile seeing this. He already guesses that they may asked the witch for help but seeing it in person makes him impressed. Even for him, hiring the red dresses which already put a hole in his pocket, he wondered what kind of deal they made to get her help.

"Good job, bring them inside the last carriage" Black bear pointed at the carriage.

"Lucky me, everyone is already prepared to depart. This is making my job easier" Maylin said seeing how they waited for them to arrive.

Making sure everything was ready, Black Bear boarded the carriage in the front. Maylin would follow and envelope all of the carriage and everyone inside with her fog.

They already wasted so much time tonight, if they wasted any more time than this they won't make it for the delivery. In the contract, it strictly says that the delivery must be done before morning.

With the fog, they started their departure from the slum. Years after years Black Bear always hired Maylin for this delivery. They need to make it discreet as much as possible, if somehow anyone finds out what they're doing then the city itself won't stay quiet about it. And even Maylin cannot get away from it, which is why she makes sure to ask for a high price for her services.

Maylin fog is the best option money can buy in the slum. Even if few people knew what she looked like everyone knows what her fog is. No one would dare to scoop around when her fog appeared in this slum. Every pedestrian would make way seeing this fog that moved as if it was alive strolling without a care leaving the slum.

Eric was astonished seeing what just happened. Even if he knew that they were surrounded by the fog their vision didn't get blocked at all. From the outside, it was impenetrable fog but from inside it was no different from a thin smoke that moved along the carriages.

It takes an hour-long journey to arrive at the mansion. In their way exiting the city, they would pass through some city guards but without any exceptions, they would turn a blind way to them. Just like the people in the slum, they also know who the red dresses witch is but unlike them, Black Bear makes sure to pay up these guards so they won't create unnecessary problems for them. For the guards, this is perfect because they didn't have to put their lives in danger for it and get some extra money for themselves.

Just right before dawn they eventually arrived at the mansion. Greeting them was the head butler standing straight with a stern look and both hands right behind his back, it looked quite elegant to everyone who saw him. The mansion at this time of the day gives a mystical vibe that mesmerises everyone in the carriages perfecting the old butler's existence.

The fog started to disappear bit by bit revealing every carriage. The first one to leave was Eric, he hurriedly arrived in front of his father.

"Where is the carriage that is with you" the old butler asked with a stern tone.

Eric knew this was the first thing that his father would ask. Without any choice, he gives a brief explanation to him. After finishing the explanation, the old butler without any expression slapped Eric once again.

Falling to the ground, Eric heard his father say "Well done finishing the delivery, I already prepared a meal and a bath for you. You can have a day off for the rest of the day"

"Yes head butler" Although he just got slapped once again he answered with a tone of joy. The worst scenario that he imagined didn't happen, a mere slap is the best thing that he could receive right now.

Sigh...* The old butler didn't have a high expectation for Eric but at the very least he properly finished the delivery. To him the worst thing that could happen that he failed to come back at all.

"Maybe my expectations are just too low". The old butler thought.

When Eric goes inside the mansion, the old butler will go to the Black bear that just started leaving the carriage. " I just heard that you taking care of my son quite well" the old butler says with a sarcastic tone.

Hearing this black bear smiled. "you cannot blame me for that. He can take this experience as a lesson".

The old butler just answered with a stare and then she went to the red dresses Maylin. She offers her left hand to the butler and with a kiss to her left hand he says "Lady Maylin, it's good seeing you again this year. I hoped my son didn't cause you any trouble"

"So that is your son? What a cute-looking boy. Don't worry, he is well-mannered in my presence" Maylin answered gleefully.

A short moment later after unloading every child, Black Bear with his carriages leaves the mansion but this time the old butler follows them. And in the afternoon he would come back with the carriage that Eric sold in the black market, Showcasing the competent of the old butler.