i. bonus | wedding cake

[ ii. bonus | Matthew Lane and Lila Reed's Wedding.]


Weddings are important because they celebrate life and possibility.

- Anne Hathaway


- L I L A -

Matthew's arms were gently wrapped around my bare waist as my head was against his chest. He was fast asleep, but I couldn't seem to reach that point, so I occupied myself by drawing imaginary circles on his abs.

In the dark, I could vaguely make out his features, and I couldn't help but smile. In one day, he would be my husband. Even though we took six months planning the wedding, it would be over in just a day.

After a few moments, Matthew stirred and I could feel his lips pressed against my forehead. His voice was laced with sleep and sounded slightly raspy as he intertwined our fingers. "What are you thinking about?"

Tilting my head up to meet his dark grey ones, I placed my lips on his softly before beginning to pepper kisses all over his face. He laughed as he pulled me on top of him.

His hands moved to my hips and I had to place mine over his to ensure that he wouldn't try to shift my position. "Matthew, you're tired."

I heard him slightly scoff as his fingers pushed up his shirt that I had slipped on two hours earlier. He slid me further up his chest as he tenderly kissed my stomach. "All you have to do is kiss me and I'm wide awake." A few giggles fell past my lips as he kissed my stomach. "I can't wait until I get you pregnant."

My hands threaded through his dark hair, and I accommodated my position to kiss his lips. All of a sudden, he flipped me onto my back and returned the favour by laying kisses across my face.

"See," he spoke quietly, his eyes widening playfully. "Wide awake now."

He gave me another kiss that rendered me breathless before moving to my neck. I knew Matthew liked giving me hickeys despite what my dad told him all those years ago, but as a man who was soon to be my husband, my dad no longer let it bother him.

Lifting himself onto his elbows, I could faintly see a grin on his face. "You're finally going to be my Mrs Lane."

My fingers inched up to caress his face softly and I placed a kiss on his nose. I stopped him from moving his hips as the scent I had become so accustomed to encased me. "Imagine if my name was Lois," I laughed quietly, adjusting my legs around his hips. "And I became Lois Lane. That would be iconic."

He chuckled and pecked my jaw. "Lila Lane." He tried my name out, his grin widening. "That just sounds so sexy to me." He laughed as a hand travelled down the length of my thigh before cupping the back of my knee.


His finger stopped me from finishing my sentence as he pressed his lips to mine. "No more talking, baby."


"I hope you know I'm going to go all out with his bachelor party." Isaac grinned as Matthew had me seated in his lap.

"No strippers." I glared his way, knowing how hard Isaac liked to party.

Matthew's loud laugh filled my ears and he pulled me closer. "Baby, you're forgetting I'm blind, what am I going to see them stripping?"

A blush scattered across my cheeks and I secured my arms around his shoulders.  "I think I'm concerned about the lap dances."

Isaac's blue eyes were filled with mirth as he raised his eyebrows. "You think I don't know what Yasmine and Maia planned?"

Maia, who used to be my coworker when I worked at the bakery, was Isaac's girlfriend. They had been going steady for about two years after his visit home had them crossing paths again. To know that Isaac had finally moved on soothed Matthew's teenage insecurities, but he already knew I was never going to leave him.

"I'm getting strippers?" I questioned incredulously as Matthew laughed even though he was slightly frowning.

"Now, you're not blind, which means you'll definitely see them stripping."

Isaac rolled his eyes and sighed as he leaned back on the couch. "Okay grandma and grandpa. We've already agreed to not get you two really drunk so you can make it to the altar in one piece. You're both getting strippers, that's a classic way to spend a bachelor or bachelorette party."

After we reluctantly agreed, Isaac and Matthew left when Maia, Yasmine and my sister, Helena, arrived at my apartment. It was a given that Helena was my maid of honour, and Yasmine and Maia were my bridesmaids.

"How are you?" Helena excitedly asked, surprising me and suddenly pulling me into a tight hug. "I can't believe you're getting married! And to Matthew!"

I laughed and hugged my friends after with an unstoppable grin plastered on my face. "I always knew he was the man of my dreams."

Tears gathered in Yasmine's eyes and curled her eyelashes with her fingers. "I'm going to be a mess tomorrow. I remember the day you two started dating, it feels so long ago."

It was only then I realised that they were all dressed and were waiting on me. I had no idea where we were going, but if it included strippers like Isaac stated, I knew that they planned something wild.

They entertained themselves with a prerecorded episode of Grey's Anatomy as I proceeded to get ready. First, we would spend the afternoon with my family and after, Yasmine and Maia would take the wheel.

Once I was set to go, we all climbed into Yasmine's car as Helena leaned her head on my shoulder. "I don't think I've ever said this, but I'm honestly really happy that you and Matthew are getting married. We've all seen the way you love each other and you are high school sweethearts." She sighed and rolled her lips inward to redistribute her lipstick. "I wish you and Matt nothing but happiness, sis."

I blinked rapidly to control the tears that had yet to fall and grinned so wide that it almost hurt. "I love you so much, Helena."

"I love me too." She joined in with my laughter, rubbing my arm. "You ready for dad's speech?"

"Of course."

Silence encompassed the car after that, which surprised me in a way because I could tell that Yasmine kept glancing back at me from the driver's seat, desperate to say something. But, I guessed she was saving it for the actual wedding.

My heart soared at the thought that after nearly six years together, we were finally tying the knot and promising our lives to each other. I knew I did that a long time ago anyway, but to walk down the aisle with Matthew waiting for me at the end would fill me with euphoria.

He had told me that even if he couldn't see me in my wedding dress, I would still take his breath away by just being near him. He would either squeeze my hands tightly or barely get through his vows, but the latter seemed most probable.

Matthew and I lived relatively close to our old homes, so I visited my parents quite often after work. My mom and dad were waiting at the door and I could just about make out the decorations that hung on the walls.

"You look beautiful girls." My mom complimented, striking a smile that lead me to see myself in her, which was understandable since people said I was almost the splitting image of my mother.

"There are my little girls." My dad pulled Helena and me into a bear hug, and the comforting smell that reminded me of home surrounded me.

"Dad," Helena mumbled against his shoulder. "We're both in our 20s."

"You just turned 20, Helena." I retorted with a snort and my dad pulled back with a laugh.

"You both sound like teenagers."

Looking over my dad's shoulder, I met the gaze of the person who said that and almost cried then and there. Standing in front of us was my older brother, Dan, who had joined the military.

I quickly glanced at Helena who had a smile on her face, but not the shock that was plastered on mine. I had no idea that he was coming back in time for my wedding let alone coming back at all.

He buckled slightly when I bounded towards him and threw my arms around his body, hugging him very tightly. "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

Dan laughed and kissed my forehead. "That's definitely the reaction I was hoping for. I needed the reassurance that my baby sister is still my baby sister."

"You're a year older than her." Helena deadpanned, rolling her eyes when he opened an arm out towards her.

"But three years older than you. Get over here."

Yasmine joined in with the hug after a few moments. "Group hug!"

Once I had greeted each and every family member, we were all seated at the large dinner table that my parents had purchased for family events with an abundant supply of food in front of us.

Digging into my plate of food, I felt a sense of serenity with my family surrounding me. Spending time with them never failed to make me happy especially I saw what losing a family member could do to someone.

"So, Lila." My cousin spoke up, smiling broadly at me. "Are you sticking to tradition and not staying with Matthew tonight?"

Yasmine and Helena snorted simultaneously. "Only because Helena and I are forcing her."

Smiling saccharinely in her direction, I forked my steak and rolled my eyes. "I doubt Isaac would allow me to cut Matthew's night short, anyway."


I struggled to not laugh when I began replaying the night in my head. The strippers were something different, and in my whole eleven years of knowing Yasmine, I saw a different side to her.

"You can't deny that was fun!" Yasmine exclaimed, hiccuping.

Eliciting a laugh from me, I wrapped an arm around my best friend and held her close. "I love seeing you happy."

She smiled softly. "Well, my life is going great right now. And my best friend is getting married to my other best friend." She cheered loudly, throwing her arms up in the air and almost hitting me in the face.

As if the stars were aligned for us, my phone vibrated in my jacket pocket, and once I pulled it out, my heart pounded against my chest.

'I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you so much. I haven't always been the easiest to love, but we've stuck together through thick and thin. So thank you so much for helping me through the bad times and experiencing the good with me. I'll love you forever, Lila Lane.'

Needless to say, I fell asleep with the widest smile on my face.

The next day, however, was slightly hectic. From the moment I opened my eyes, people were surrounding me and Helena, Yasmine and Maia were eager to let the day go without a hitch.

They had stayed over at my apartment as Matthew slept at Isaac's place. Once they had told me how the morning was going to go, they left me to my own devices. Stretching my arms over my head, I laughed to myself momentarily. The day was finally here.

"Lila! Hair and makeup are going to be here in an hour. Maia made you breakfast and your mom has your dress! Come on!" Yasmine's voice drifted into my bedroom, slightly breaking at the end.

Throwing the covers off my legs, I pulled my door open and met the gaze of my best friend again. Tears were gathered in her eyes and a joyful grin was plastered on her face. Her arms wrapped around me tightly and her body shook.

"I definitely need to wear waterproof eye makeup today."

My hands pressed against her back. "I think my dad will cry more than you."

She giggled, pulling back and pivoting on her heel to briskly walk to the living room. As I followed her, I saw the pictures of Matthew and me that we hung on the walls and my heart warmed at the thought of us expanding our family.

Maia stuck her fork into her pancake and nodded towards a plate stacked with a few pancakes. Climbing onto the stool, I rolled my engagement ring around my finger before picking up my knife and fork.

Just as I began wondering where Helena was, the front door opened and in she came with my mom in her pursuit. Giving them a smile, I turned back to my food but could only stomach a few bites due to the anxiety that filled me.

"I'm so nervous." I uttered my thought out loud, clenching my fist. "I've been waiting for my wedding day since I was a little girl and what happens if I mess up on my vows?"

My mom came towards me and gathered me in her arms. "It's okay to be nervous, Lila. Your vows will come from the heart, you can't possibly mess up."

Helena stood behind her, and whipped her phone out. She dialled someone's number and held the device out to me, which made me realise she had called Matthew.

"Hey, Helena." His deep voice sounded across the phone. "Is Lila okay?"

Walking back to my room, I closed the door quietly before smiling softly. "Just experiencing pre wedding jitters." I couldn't see him, but I could tell he was smiling.

He sighed in relief. "Oh my god, tell me about it. My hands can't stop shaking and even Toby is uneasy."

Laughing, I trapped the phone in between my ear and shoulder as I traipsed towards my dresser, taking some lotion to moisturise my hands. "I definitely don't have cold feet. Marrying you is definitely something I want to do, but I want it to be perfect."

"It will be," he reassured me, clearing his throat. "And tonight, we'll go on our honeymoon."

"That's all you can think about?" I joked.

"Of course," he responded. "It'll be the second best thing that will happen today."

"And what's the first?"

"Our first kiss as a married couple. I can't wait to hold you." In the background, I could hear Isaac gagging and it pulled a laugh from me. "Less than 5 hours, baby. I love you."

"I love you too, Matthew. So much."


An awe filled sigh passed my lips as I squeezed my dad's arm, my eyes meeting the sight of Matthew in his pristine black suit. The magnificent sun illuminated his grey eyes, and his show-stopping grin made it clear that he knew I was coming.

Glancing at my dad, I saw his bottom lip trembling once I brought his hand to my lips as we walked down the aisle. "You're going to make me cry, Dad." I whispered, directing my gaze back to my beautiful fiancé.

We had chosen a natural, summery wedding and Matthew was stood under an arch that had green leaves wrapped around it. Two more steps and I was directly in front of him, a quiet sob falling from my dad's mouth.

He kissed my forehead and gave my hand one last squeeze. "It's just overwhelming, princess." He shook Matthew's hand with a watery smile. "There's no one else in the world that I would want Lila marrying."

"Thank you, Jonathan."

Matthew intertwined our fingers and gave me his signature lazy grin when he spoke. "Hi."

Wisps that had escaped my waterfall-style hair and the flower crown that held it blew with the soft wind, my vibrant green eyes filled with gratitude when I gazed into his. "Hi."

My dad was in hysterics in the front row, eliciting laughs from mostly everyone as he held on tightly to my mom who was also crying. My bridesmaids stood to my left, holding their bouquet of flowers so tightly that it looked like it was going to break.

On Matthew's right were his groomsmen, three of which were close friends of mine. Isaac, Greg and Matthew's cousin, Marco. His parents were seated next to mine and Katherine had begun crying along with my dad.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony."

Truth be told, I was so entranced with Matthew that I zoned out until it was time for our vows. Matthew blew out a breath, squeezing my hands.

"Today, I'm honoured to tell you in front of everyone that I love you with everything in me. The day I first met you will forever be my favourite memory of us because I knew you were perfect for me when you didn't realise that I was blind and asked if I was deaf." My laugh and others' interrupted him and he stopped to kiss my hands. "You make me feel alive, everyday. You constantly keep me going and you've been my rock for as long as I can remember. Every morning that I wake up, I feel blessed to have you in my arms and I often wonder why I deserve you. I haven't always been the best boyfriend, but you've believed in me ever since we were teenagers. You are my best friend, my support system and to put it simply, you're my everything. I promise to love you until the day my heart stops beating." His voice cracked and he released a shaky breath. "I love you to the moon and back."

By then, tears were strolling down my cheeks and almost everyone was crying with me. It was my turn and just the sight of him breaking down in front of me fuelled me to speak from my heart.

"Matthew, the first time I realised that I was falling in love with you was when we went on our first date. You pretended that you couldn't ice skate just so I could hold your hand for the whole night." His cheeks flamed red and I laughed through my tears. "I noticed, but I loved being with you because you made me happy. When you smiled at me that night, you took my breath away because you have got to be the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. You're caring, sweet and talented but the reason I'm in love with you is that you always try to see the good in people. You have a heart of gold and I'm irrevocably in love with you. You're my world because I don't think I could live without you. My heart beats for you and everyday that goes by is a day where I've loved you to the best of my ability. I fall in love with you every time I see you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you because the one thing I've always been sure about is that you're my forever and always. I promise to remind you everyday that my love for you extends the distance between all the galaxies in space."

Matthew was quick to almost close the distance in between us when his dad called out. "You have to wait, Matt!"

Resting his forehead on mine for a moment, he cleared his throat as everyone erupted into laughs, turning to the officiator. "Please hurry it up."

He laughed and nodded.

The second Tobias, Matthew's nephew, approached us with the rings, we were both eager, and when Matthew had slid my ring onto my finger, he cupped both my cheeks and kissed me squarely.

Isaac hollered and applause surrounded us as my arms wrapped around Matthew's waist, his kiss taking my breath away. His passion poured into it and a comment from my dad had him pulling away with my bottom lip trapped in between his teeth.

"Alright, mate. There are kids here, keep it PG."

"I now pronounce you man and wife." The officiator laughed at my apologetic glance. "It happens a lot."

Matthew held my hand and raised it in the air. "Mrs Lila Lane, everybody!" he cheered, pulling me close as his other hand gripped Toby's lead. Confetti was thrown as we walked down the aisle together and I brought his lips to mine once more.

"I love you, Matthew."

He grinned. "I love you too, Mrs Lane."