ii. bonus | pomegranates

[ii. bonus | when Matthew realised he was in love with Lila.]


- M A T T H E W -

A gust of wind swayed into my room as I laid in bed, clutching my phone after a long phone call with Lila. My heart was beating erratically and the blissful grin failed to fall from my face. Tingling fingers pressed against the plush material of my bedsheets when I released a pent up sigh.

One word to describe my feelings for Lila would be catastrophic. It was damn near weakening, she had the ability to render me breathless with just her laugh. I could function fine without her, but I always wanted her around me. We had only been together for a year, and she already felt like home.

She, completely and utterly, had my heart.

Lila was my first thought upon waking up, and my very last when I fell asleep at night. The in and outs of me falling in love with her was simple.


She made me feel alive and she would forever be my first love.


All at once, like a supernova occurring.


I remember every single detail.

My skin was warm from the summer sun, the wind was soft and the grass tickled my fingertips. We were in my garden, that I had never bothered to spend time in other than at family barbecues, and a laughing Lila was nestled in my arms.

She had taken up photography, and wanted to take pictures of me. My dark glasses were shielding my eyes, but she slid them from my ears impatiently.

"Matthew, your eyes are your best feature." She muttered quietly, her camera moving from my chest, and with her scent no longer encasing me, I knew she was proceeding to take a picture.

With a grin glossing my lips, I tilted my head to the direction of her voice. "Really?" I questioned. "I would think it was my smile that hooked you."

A silence followed, but I could tell she was rolling her eyes. "That too."

I sat up and reached out to her, moving to rest my forehead against hers. "Wanna know what hooked me?" My hands threaded through her thick hair to tilt her head up.

She laid a hand on my chest and breathlessly laughed. "What?"

"I'm going to sound totally cheesy with this, but it's just us two, so I don't mind." Pressing a brief kiss to her lips, I smiled softly. "Everything."

She snorted. "You're right, that was cheesy." She pulled back slightly. "When did my boyfriend become such a hopeless romantic?"

Her response pulled a loud laugh from me, and at the sound of a click, a blush made its way onto my face when she captured another picture of me. I was suddenly overwhelmed with what I felt for her. It wasn't just a crush anymore, I passed that stage a long time ago.

Interlocking our fingers, I heard the light thud of the camera when it rested against her upper stomach, and pulled her so she could crawl on her knees. "Kiss me."

I didn't have to tell her twice. She kissed me squarely, releasing my hands to drape her arms over my shoulders. Her soft lips moved gently with mine as I wrapped my arms around her waist, moving her so she was seated in my lap.

I love you. I thought. My senses were exceptional, but with her lips on mine, I could only focus on her. The way she smelt like a citrusy shower gel, and the way her touch made my skin tingle.

That was the moment I realised I more than just liked her.

"Hey, lover boy."

Pulling me from my reverie, I heard the voice of my cousin, Marco, and the faint smell of tobacco. Shaking my head, I sat up slowly.

"You're smoking again."

Marco sighed. "I swear, I have a sniffer dog for a cousin. Yes I'm smoking again, but only when I'm really stressed." I guessed he saw my lips parting so he quickly spoke again. "Besides, I'm legally allowed to smoke."

I dragged a hand down my face. "Yeah, okay. I love you, man, but why are you here?"

"It's Independence Day, and you know our tradition. Come on."

Happiness suddenly filled me and I grinned at him. "Best part of the summer. Who's coming?"

The bed dipped beside me and I noted that he was sitting down. "Flora, Fiona and Leia." At his girlfriend's name, I nodded. "Mina decided to skip this one." There was a bitter undertone to his voice. "Said that we're all pissing her off lately."

A bark from Toby made me aware that he was in the room, his paws pressing into my thighs. Petting him between the shoulder blades, I scoffed. "Pissing her off?" I said incredulously. "She just can't get over the fact that Vanessa doesn't need her anymore."

He clapped a hand down onto my shoulder. "Enough of that. You call Lila and get changed, and I'll pick up Flora and Fiona, and come back for you."

Nodding, I gave him a hug before he left my room. Retrieving my phone from my pillow, I dialled Lila's number. "Are you free today?"

"I was going to catch up on some TV shows, but do you want to do something?"

"Yeah. Me and my cousins are going to the beach, it's an Independence Day tradition."

"The beach." She recapitulated. "I'm down, I'll be at your house in 20."

I love you.


- L I L A -

His fingers intertwined with mine, a broad grin plastered on his face as he sung loudly with Marco. The radio was playing a Blink 182 song and I could tell Flora and Fiona were having a hard time trying not to laugh.

"Don't waste your time on me!" Marco screeched from the back of the pickup truck where he was lying with his girlfriend as he guffawed with Matthew.

Clapping a hand over Matthew's mouth, I laughed breathily. "If I start singing, then you won't be laughing."

His stormy grey eyes were filled with mirth. "What do you mean? I'm sure you have the voice of an angel."

"Not when I'm singing Rihanna."

Flora squealed and gave me a high-five whereas Fiona looked at me through the rear view mirror from the driver's seat. "God! Lila, I love you!"

His hands cupped my face and he turned his body to press his forehead to mine. His fingers curled around my two Dutch braids. "I love your hair today." Lips slanted over mine and a gag was emitted from Marco. Matthew simply flipped him off and pulled me closer as my eyes fluttered closed.

Words rolled off the tip of his tongue as he pulled back and grinned blissfully at me. "I love you."

Fiona switched the radio station to music she liked, which was more pop, and she stuck her tongue out to Matthew when he protested.

Before long, we arrived at the beach and Matthew had opted to give me a piggyback with one hand secured around my thigh and the other holding Toby's lead.

Marco and his girlfriend, Leia were trailing behind us as Fiona scanned the beach for an empty place far away from other people. Upon finding it, she dug slightly into the ground and proceeded to start a bonfire.

"That's the tradition?"

Matthew tilted his head backwards slightly. "Yep. Just wait until you try my aunt's famous garlic bacon butties."

"And don't worry!" Flora called out from in front of us. "I've brought plenty of mints."

I nuzzled my nose into Matthew's dark brown hair, loving the scent of it along with the softness. Tightening my legs around him, I kissed his head and heard him sigh softly. His response was him turning his head to kiss me softly for a brief moment.

Once the bonfire was lit, I slid off Matthew's back and sparked up a conversation with Flora. Her arm hung over my shoulders and she regarded me with a grin.

"You know what, Lila?" she spoke. "I'm glad you came today because you make Matthew happy. And I know you thought we blamed you for what happened, but if anything, Matthew was just being stubborn."

I bit my lip and rendered her with a small smile. "Thanks."

Pulling on the hem of my shorts, I took a seat in between Matthew's legs, leaning back into his chest. His arms secured around my waist and he pressed his lips to my hair.

The embers of the fire flickered and Marco opened up a picnic basket and handed out the garlic bacon butties that Flora accompanied with two breath mints each.

Matthew laughed whilst he took a tissue to wrap his breath mints in, which he placed in his pocket. "Hey, Lila?" Tilting my head upwards, I stared at his rosy cheeks as he spoke. "Let's go on a date tomorrow."

"Aww, goals!" Marco squealed dramatically, wrapping his arms around Leia.

My cheeks warmed and I positioned my hands over his larger ones. "I'd love to." I murmured against his jaw, placing a kiss there and smiling.

After we ate, I moved from Matthew's lap so he could comfortably hold his guitar in his lap. Flora did the same, and I remembered when he told me that she had been the one to teach him how to play. Marco, Fiona and Leia had proceeded to stay by the sea as Matthew's fingers strummed the strings before he began tuning the guitar. Flora sang along to the tune she was playing, which I recognised as Wild Things by Alessia Cara. Smiling softly, I listened and was impressed by her singing.

Once she finished, Matthew's lips pressed softly to my cheek and he nuzzled his nose into the side of my face before he pulled back with a lazy grin. "I'll play your favourite song."

Almost instantly, he started playing 'Act Like You Love Me' by Shawn Mendes and when his eyes met mine, from how intense the emotion was, I thought he could actually see me. My heart beat just a little bit faster and I sighed blissfully. Meeting Flora's gaze, she grinned widely at me and made a heart shape with her hands.

Before long, we wanted to join the rest of the group by the sea, and took our clothes off until Flora and I were in our bikinis and Matthew in his shorts. He knew how to swim, but as we weren't at a swimming pool, he stayed close to me. the sea softly doused the beach whilst our hands were linked and we began stepping into the water.

It was a deep blue with white foam bunching at the tips of the waves, rising and falling rhythmically. Matthew secured his arms around my waist and pulled me closer until our noses were touching. "It's unbelievable how much I love you." He scattered kisses across my face, taking the time to peck my lips. "I appreciate you so much."

Threading my fingers through his hair, I slightly winced when my bracelet, one Matthew bought me as a late birthday present, caught on his hair. He laughed and stood still as I gently pulled my wrist free. The sand tickled my feet and the water floated to our waists.

It was a perfect day.


"What's your favourite memory of us?

"Honestly?" Matthew responded, linking our fingers together as we approached the cobblestone walkway. I was his date to his grandparents' anniversary party, and I was far from relaxed. "Today at the beach. Things have been good for a while, but at the beach with you was perfect."

Toby trudged along quietly by his side, the sight pulling at my heartstrings. He and Matthew were incredibly close, and so in sync. Whenever Matthew was sad, so was Toby and their connection had me desperately wanting a dog even though I knew we wouldn't have a connection that compared to theirs.

Catching up to Matthew's parents, Katherine gave me a beautiful smile. "Thank you for coming, Lila. My parents are excited to meet you."

I placed a hand on her warm shoulder. "I can't wait to meet them. Thank you for inviting me."

Matthew leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "They'll love you."

The door opened and a woman who looked exactly like Katherine, and in her late fifties, beamed at us. "It's so good to see all of you!" she exclaimed, pulling each one of the Lanes into her arms before her attention turned to me. "You must be Lila. You're incredibly beautiful."

My cheeks tinted red and I gave her a grateful smile. "Thank you, Mrs Miller."

She wrapped her arms around me and shook her head softly. "Call me Martha. From what I hear you're a family favourite, across the Lanes and Millers."

I knew what she was talking about since I had met most of Matthew's family from both sides straight after prom.

"Enough of staying out here, come on in!" Ushering us all in, she turned to the people who were gathered in her house. "Everybody, this is Matthew's girlfriend Lila."

Having everyone's attention on me was nerve-wracking, but Matthew squeezed my hand and gave me the confidence to bring my hand up to a wave. I soon learnt that his family were warm people when they gave me comforting smiles, turning their attention back to their previous conversations.

I scanned the beautiful house. The decor was mainly matte colours and I noticed a couple of pictures of Matthew when he was younger.

"Aw! You were so cute!"

He scoffed playfully. "And I'm not cute now?" When his head turned to the direction his parents were walking towards, I could tell that he noted they weren't standing beside him anymore. "I'm more than cute to you."

"Of course you are."

"Lila." He pouted and I had to refrain from pinching his cheeks. "You have got to get better at not sounding sarcastic all the time."

He let go of the lead as Toby sat back and nestled his head between his paws.

"I'm sorry." I laughed, cupping his cheeks and pressing my lips to his momentarily. "You're beautiful to me."

A grin glossed his lips and he rested his forehead on mine. "That's more like it."

Before he could kiss me, a little girl, who looked around the age of eight, ran up to Matthew, but stopped a metre in front of him. "Hey, Matthew! I haven't seen you for so long."

A beat of silence passed before Matthew bit his lip and creased his eyebrows. "Hi, Ashlee."

"I told you he would recognise my voice!" she yelled to a group of kids behind her, gingerly moving to wrap her arms around Matthew's waist.

He returned the hug and ran a hand over her brown hair. "You've grown since the last time I was with you."

Tilting her head up, she gave Matthew a wide grin that showcased the cute gaps in her teeth. "I'm 153 centimetres now." She rolled her head on her shoulders. "But I don't think I'll ever be as tall as you or taller."

Matthew rested his hands on her shoulders and lowered himself on his knees until they were levelled then sat back on his shoes. "Now you're taller." She giggled and he leaned forward to kiss her cheek. "Don't tell anyone, but you're my favourite cousin, Ashlee."

She hugged him once more before waving at me. "Your girlfriend is really pretty! Bye!"

A chuckle fell from Matthew's lips as he stood up again, draping an arm across my shoulders and picking up Toby's lead. "I am starving." He slowly smiled. "Lead me to the food."


His hands were situated on my waist and my head rested on his shoulder as we slowly swayed to the music. Meeting his family members was tiring, but he was holding me up. "Dancing seems to be our thing." He murmured softly into my ear, laying a kiss under my earlobe.

Over his shoulder, I glanced upon Katherine taking a picture of us and giving me a warm smile. We had eaten and the night was coming to a close, but I couldn't help feeling that Matthew and I had many more beautiful moments to come.

I was irrevocably in love with everything about him and despite his flaws, he was absolutely perfect to me. Smoothing my hand over the material of his suit, I took in his scent comfortably.

"I'm so in love with you." I whispered gently, proceeding to hug him tightly.

Feeling him smile against my bare shoulder, his arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me even closer. "I'll always love you." He kissed my skin. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Ditto." I laughed, pulling back and gazing into his grey eyes. 

A smile pulled at his lips and I settled my head back onto his shoulder. Katherine approached us, looking slightly tired. "We're going to leave now."

Matthew called Toby and he was there in an instant, sitting back on his haunches in front of him. Matthew petted him, smiling softly. "Come on, pal."

Goodbyes were said and we all left to walk towards the car. I made sure to stay out of Toby's way, but linked my fingers with Matthew's. A sudden bout of love for him lead me to kiss the back of his hand.

I always thought that I wouldn't have a steady relationship in high school, but ever since Matthew and I met, he continued to surprise me each and every day. He had changed my mediocre life and I was so grateful that I met him because in a sense, he completed me.

Our relationship wasn't perfect, but as long as we loved each other to the best of our abilities, we could get through anything. He turned to me and smiled. "You're perfect, Lila."

He would always be the one for me.