
Slowly opening her eyes she saw a different surroundings. 'Hey! Where am I?' she thought.

Lila suddenly realized that she was not in her usual room, getting up, she doesn't know where she was right now.

'What's going on? What is this place?' she thought again.

The last time she remembered was that she was still in her room reading her favorite novel 'The Strange Prince' until she slept.

'Oh no! I still have things to do to finalize my report for work!'

She realized and slowly got up sitting on the side of the bed. But she really doesn't know where she is right now and what she was doing in a beautiful room.

The room was so big that it was like her whole house if she added her room, kitchen, living room, etc. Also the bed was so big that she can multiply it by two for a king size bed.

"Was I kidnapped or something?" she murmured. 

She's still on her thoughts when someone knocks on the door. "Young miss Lila, are you awake? May I come in?" the voice of a young girl said and it sounds nervous, Lila blanked out when she heard the words. She still doesn't understand what's going on.

"Young miss?" the young girl called out again. The young girl was still nervous about disturbing her young lady because she was unconscious for a few days already and only the doctor could enter without any permission to check on her.

'That's strange, the doctor said that she's now okay and supposed to be awoken today but she is not responding.` she thought.

The young miss was famous for being moody and had a temper that always blew up when some things did not go on her way. She was known as vicious and always hurt her helpers for small mistakes that's why no one will stay longer with her.

The young helper was just hired for a couple of weeks and though she was new she knew how bad her new Lord temper was, that's why she's quite nervous right now that the young miss was not responding.

Lila, on the other hand, is still immersed in her thoughts while looking at her surroundings, it looks so elegant and beautiful. The bed headboard was colored gold and a lot of sprankling decorations caught her eyes.

She reached out at the headboard and touched the gold colored headboard. 'Is it gold?' she thought. She stood up and observed the room, looked and touched the things in the room that were sparkling. She knew that some of the decorations were jade, diamond and gold.

"What a beautiful room and it has a lot of expensive things!" she exclaimed. "If I have these things, I no longer needed to go to work and report to my stupid boss. Just this jade-like porcelain flower vase can be sold to millions and I can be rich in an instant!" she said.

Lila was a poor girl and was already an orphan at the age of 16. She thrived hard on her own to feed herself and she had a lot of jobs to sustain herself and to finish her studies. By her hard work and perseverance, she graduated and was now working at a big company as a marketing strategist and she was on top of her career. 

Lila was really a silent person, outside her work, she doesn't go out and mingle with her peers at her age. Now, she was 24 and aside from multiple jobs, when she had time she read novels and the one she loved to read the most was the book The Strange Prince. 

She also has a best friend called Sandy and Sandy was the only one who could let her go to places to drink and unwind.

Sandy was her workmate from previous work and even though they parted ways, they still connect and talk to each other. And Sandy was the one who Lila can rely on in times of hard times. That's why she thought to contact Sandy at this time when she's at a loss.

"Damn! I can't find my phone! What is really going on here?!" Lila already panicked.

Still heard the knock on the door, Lila had no choice but to go to the door and check who it was. If it was a bad person, she can only think of countermeasures that's why while she slowly approaches the door she also brought the jade like porcelain vase for protection.

When Lila passed on a mirror at the side and saw her face she was shocked and accidentally dropped the vase.


Lila was stunned, she stood at the front of a big mirror while looking at herself. She doesn't know what to say, she then changes her pace. Instead of approaching the door, she was now slowly walking near the big mirror at her right.

Extending her right hand at the mirror while looking herself at the reflection. She can't believe that she was now looking at her face a few years ago when she's still 14 years old.

Lila, as she was young, was a stunning beauty that her parents were so proud of until they died on a public commuter's vehicle while going home from work. Her parent's at the time went home together as they planned to surprise their only child on her birthday on that day. But it was not a happy surprise but a devastating surprise that let Lila live on her own starting that day.

Up until she reached 24 years old (a marriageable age at her generation) she had a lot of suitors. Even her boss liked her and kept on bugging her to be his girlfriend or more like be his mistress which she always declined and never entertained.

She also experienced being almost raped by her former senior supervisor and good thing she learned self-defense that saved her purity and innocence that time.

"Am I seeing things? Why am I now looking at my younger self?!" she shockingly said.

At the other side of the door, the young girl still waiting for her young miss's approval to enter heard something 'broken' noise.

Rattled, she entered the room without permission and saw her young miss looking at herself in the mirror while extending her right hand on it and also the broken vase at the floor, a couple of inches away from her young miss.

"Young miss?!" she exclaimed.

Lila, still immersed in her thoughts and has a lot of questions in her mind, hears the words. She turned her head and looked at the girl who said it with a question. Look at her face.

"Young miss? Who are you talking to?" Lila asked.

The young girl was stunned, she doesn't know how to respond and answer the person who asked it. 'Why are you asking who am I talking to when it's you and me in this room?!' she said in her mind but no guts to say it because of her fear in her young miss.

Suddenly, a thought came to the young girl's mind. Her young miss just miraculously survived from an ambush that almost killed her and the culprit was still at large. She thought that her young lady might be shocked and still hasn't recovered.

With that thought, she ran outside the room and went to her Lord's manor to tell the Lord about the situation of her young miss. With the news that the Lord heard, he rushed to his daughter's room.

With a bang at the door, he entered and saw Lila, sitting in the corner bending with her hands around her knees and her head nesting down on the knees.

"My child!" Looking at the sight of his daughter, his heart was so heart broken as he rushed up to his daughter's side to help her get up.

"My child, I'm so sorry that you have to experience those bad experiences and let you go on your own. If only I knew ahead of time, I will not let you leave with just a few guards. I'm so sorry my child." he consoled.

Lila raised her head to look at the middle-aged  man who came before her. The man was around 6' 9" tall, wearing a black simple gown but looked so elegant and majestic. Even though most of his skin was covered, you tell that he has fair skin. His face looked so handsome that he can still pass as a model at the famous magazine. Though there were traces that can tell his age but if you neglect that information, he looked like mid-twenties or just turned 30.

Kadi, the Lord's name, teary eyed while helping his daughter to stand up and let her sit on a chair just a few steps away from their place. He assisted his daughter carefully until they reached the chair and Lila settled.

"Lila, my child, are you feeling unusual? Tell your father what you are feeling right now so that I can have the doctor check on you?" He lovingly said, he turned to the young girl and spoke, "Mira, tell  Sevastian to call the physician's real quick so that they can have my daughter check! Have them come as soon as possible!" he demanded.

"As you wished Lord Kadi!" The young girl Mira bowed, left the room immediately and looked for Sevastian as soon as possible to pass the Lord's command. Sevastian was the right hand man of her Lord, his most trusted aide.

As Lila heard their conversation, she was more confused. She remembered what she liked about her favorite novel because some character has her name which is Lila; also Lord Kadi, Mira and Sevastian were the names she read in her favorite novel The Strange Prince.

"You called me your child?" Lila confusedly asked while looking at the man beside her.

Lord Kadi softly looked at Lila and smiled, "Yes, my child. You are my daughter Lila, my beloved and most cherished child. I don't know what to do if I really lost you." He patted Lila's head in a careful manner as what father always does to his child.

Lila was more confused at her situation right now.

She just froze on to her chair while Lord Kadi slowly stroked her hair. As she remembered, Lord Kadi was one of the most powerful people in the novel she always read, just below the imperial family. A general, who was full of bloodlust to kill his enemies for the goodwill of the dynasty and to the emperor who he was most loyal to.

Lord Kadi or was known General Kadi was a loving father, he was very strong and merciless but to his only daughter he was soft and caring that's why Lila became so spoiled, also with the way he raised his child.

Although he was soft and loving to his daughter but to his enemies he won't give any second thought to kill them. He stroked his sword and with his power which was almost at the apex level, he was one of the regarded generals of the emperor and also he had a lot of enemies who targeted not only him but also his family.

One of the victims of his enemy assault was his beloved wife who was killed by a hired assassin when Lila was young and now his only daughter almost left him.

Lila doesn't know what to think right now, her head hurts from realizing what's really happening to her. Why was she in this unfamiliar place and why she was now with this unknown man who's calling her his daughter?

What's the worst, though this man was calling her Lila, she looked like 14 years old and this man's name was also one of the characters in her favorite novel! Though she can't believe it, she already verified that it was now her looks and she looked 10 years younger at her current real age!!!

Being so clueless and lost, she touched her temples because of a headache. Was she going insane right now?

Was she so immersed in her ideal guy which was the strange Prince who is the protagonist of the novel she loves to read? But it was a sad story because even though the Prince was so eccentric, strong, even if he was hard to deal with; he was an understanding, lovable and softhearted Prince, approachable to the person who is good and fierce to those who are bad.

Although he was cursed to live only up until he reached 30 years old. The Prince still persisted to fight against all odds, fighting the enemies and demons who came on his ways. Helping the empire to nourish further, he became the Emperor without an Empress but in the end due to the curse that was not lifted, even though the Strange Prince tried to cure the curse, it let the Prince die in the end.

Lila always cried every time she finished reading the novel and she already read it a couple of times. Sometimes she dreamed that she could be with the Strange Prince, be his empress; as crazy as it sounds, Lila was so in love with a fiction Prince which she cannot have  in real life.

(But right now, was it still unachievable?)