
Suddenly, a flash of memories rushed into her mind. She doesn't know who's memories it was but it has the information of this place, the man who's beside her, every bit of information of the realm she was in right now entered into Lila's mind.

"Argh!" Lila painfully wailed.

Looking at the painful expression on his daughter's face, Lord Kadi furrowed his eyebrows. He was really worried about his daughter,

"Lila, are you okay? Where are you hurt? Please tell you father about it?" he anxiously asked.

Lila gritted her teeth and shook her head, she was going to answer when a lot of people barged into the room. A group of five entered and aside from Mari who Lila already met, she saw the other four who she never met but she felt familiar with them, especially to a man who's wearing light blue and was now looking at her with a worried expression too.

Seeing them, Kadi has a relief expression and rushedly approaches the upcoming personnels who just came in.

"My daughter is in pain. Check on her right away, please." Kadi said.

The group of five who just came in consist of Mari as 'Lila's' personal maid; Sevastian who's wearing a light blue dress, respectfully standing at Kadi's side and the 3 physicians who were Kadi's hired doctor in his family.

They were experts and have been with the family for so many years so their skills were already proven and tested.

Because of the extreme pain in her head due to a lot of information coming into her mind, even if Lila persevered she was not able to handle it and passed out. Kadi was so scared as he looked at his daughter passing out and falling on the chair. He ran to her side, lifted her and brought her to her bed with the other 5 people following him.

As she settled on the bed, the old doctor, who had a grayish beard and hair; not so tall, was wearing a dark green robe. Though he looked old but you can see through to his build that he's still healthy, aged 60-70 years old respectively.

The old man touched her wrist to examine her condition and furrowed his brows. He doesn't seem to find any problems with her condition at all. He looked at Kadi and also looked at his fellow colleague.

"She's fine. I don't find any problems at all." physician Bernu said.

"Nonsense! As you saw earlier, she passed out and she was holding her head like she's in pain before you arrived!" Kadi said furiously.

Butler Sevastian went forward to Kadi bowing, "Suppressing your anger my General, we know that you are very worried about the young miss conditions. That's the reason why along with physician Bernu, I also brought senior physician Delsi and head physician Angalius." Sevastian said respectfully.

Both physicians checked Lila's pulse and also did not find anything peculiar about it. Head physician Angalius faced Kadi and said the same thing as physician Bernu said.

"We have the same diagnosis as what physician Bernu said earlier. There's nothing to worry Lord Kadi, I do believe the young miss reaction was due to her trauma caused by the ambush. She will be fine." Head physician Angalius said.

"But young miss acted strange earlier, like she doesn't know I am referring to her when I called her 'young miss' and also she looked so shocked looking at herself in the mirror when I went inside because of the broken vase?" Mari was like talking to herself at that time but at the same time the room went silent as she was talking that's why even though she said it in a low voice, they still heard what Mari said.

Hearing what Mari said, they turned to where Mari is with a look of confusion. At the distance behind her, there's a broken jade like porcelain vase. Lord Kadi walked towards Mari's place and asked her, "I was not able to get it clearly when you informed me about her situation earlier. Now, explain what you just said."

Mari was stuttering at the first sentences as she spoke with the Lord but with the help of Sevastian, she was able to relay what she saw earlier. The physicians shook their heads.

"With what young miss experienced, she might have built restrictions to her head to avoid remembering bad things. This might cause her to have temporary amnesia that disabled her to remember that's why she behaved that way." Physician Delsi said confidently.

"Temporary amnesia? How long will it last?" Kadi asked. While they're talking, Lila, who was in bed, was slowly getting conscious. She opened her eyes and still saw the same room and the same faces.

Noticing her opening her eyes, Kadi felt relieved. He almost lost his daughter this time and he will never forgive the ones who tried to kill her. He will find the culprit and kill it.

After a couple of questions from the physician and Lord Kadi, they leave her room. Lila, who was now alone, sorted her thoughts. She got the memories of the owner of the body she had right now.

"I am now in the book?" she murmured.

As far as she remembered, the character Lila in the novel died due to ambushes while on the road. She was supposed to meet up with her friends at the capital to watch the festival but instead of meeting her friends, she met her end instead.

Lila also doesn't know what's going on in her real body. "Am I dead in the real world?" she asked. Before she went to sleep, she drank 2 capsules of sleeping pills because at that time her insomnia was getting worse and she had trouble sleeping for a couple of days already.

And also to accelerate her sleepiness, she read her favorite novel and at the same time, also looked at the cover of the book with the Strange Prince face. Lila remembered her last words before succumbing to sleep, "How I wished you are real and I can see you in real life my Prince."

Remembering her words, Lila jolted. 'If I am now transferred and replaced Lila's character in this novel, am I going to see the strange Prince somehow?' With that realization, Lila's face was getting red at that thought, her heart beats fast and she wants to shout like she usually does every time she fantasizes her Prince.

"Damn self, relax! You are now a 24 yr old lady not a teenager. You are now matured and supposed to act at your age." she said to herself. But now, looking at her small hands she doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Sorting her thoughts she decided to learn more about this place, though it was described in the story but it was not detailed. As a marketing strategist, she has to be able to adapt and be attentive with the sudden changes so that she can make a plan to counter and exceed it.

At this part of the story, 'Lila' who was the previous owner of her current body, supposedly died by the plot made by the prime minister. The prime minister who was the hidden enemy of the empire wants to kill the ministers and generals who's loyal to the emperor. He desired to get his hands on the crown and replaced the current emperor with the help of the witch who has sinister magic and power.

"What will happen now to the story? 'Lila' was not supposed to survive the ambush and get killed, now that I am here will it change?" she murmured.

She got up on her bed and went out to her room, with the memories she had she's now walking towards the library. She planned to get some information and to have a total understanding of the place where she is right now.

Along the way, Lila met Mari whom she first met when she woke up on this realm. She wanted to ask some questions to Mari but with her personality, she cannot open her mouth and talk first to a stranger.

Seeing her young miss walking towards her, Mari immediately came forward to her side, respectfully bowing, "Young miss, if you need anything you can just call me. You should still be resting, is there something you need?" she asked.

Lila didn't know how to react and just wore her usual cold face. She tapped Mari's shoulder, "No need to bow, I'm fine so just stand straight. Thank you for asking." She tries to smile a little but it is kinda frozen and awkward while moving forward to her destination and leaves the stunned girl.

'Am I seeing this? The young miss just smiled at me and spoke with that tone? Oh god this is the first!' the young girl thought. After coming back to reality, Mari just continued to finish what she was doing.