Rare Ability 1

Yanhe, who's now waiting in the hall with General Kadi and Sevastian can't wait to leave this place to start his plan.

He already plotted something along with some of his men so that he can get Lila and make her his. He had his men get ready to the Capital, he has just to make a signal when they are there and his men will start to move.

Lila was wearing a simple light pink dress and had her hair fixed with a lotus flower clip. She didn't wear makeup because she's not used to it and she's wearing a veil anyway.

Her veil has the same color as her dress and was only covering the part below her eyes. With her petite body, even with veil, she looked so stunning.

Mari was wearing a light blue dress and had her hair fall at the back of her shoulder. With her round eyes, straight-edged nose and small pink lips, she looks charming.

When he saw the girls entering the hall, he couldn't help but fall in love with the girl in light pink dress. With the veil, Lila looked mysterious and enchanting.

His carnal desire raised up again and he can feel his little man slowly standing up. He took a deep breath to calm himself, this is not the time yet for his little guy to take action.

He also looked at the girl beside her, though the girl looked simple and can easily distinguish that she's a commoner. Her beauty passed to his standards and she also has a great body.

Yanhe smiled, deep inside he's already drooling and imagining that he already pinned down Lila under his body. Undressing and kissing her all over, slowly destroying her little flower,

Just with that thought, his body's heating up and his little soldier was awakened again. He really can't wait to harvest these ladies soon.

Lila, slowly approaching froze, she looked at Yanhe for a moment and had her eyes looked down so that they can't see the disbelief in her eyes.

"Why am I hearing Yanhe's thoughts?" she said in a soft voice.

She continued and sat beside her father, she had goosebumps all over her body and felt disgusted at the man in front of her. She devised a plan to counter this man's evil plans.

She tried to experiment with the people around her aside from Yanhe if she can hear their thoughts but to no avail.

'This ability was not included in what Amith showed me last night, is this the ability 'Lila' said?' she thought.

Head down she just listened to her father and Yanhe talked.

"There's a newly opened restaurant at the Capital and I am planning to bring it there, we will also visit the beautiful spots. By the night, a play will be held and we will watch it." Yanhe telling their itinerary.

"That would take days then." Kadi said with a worried tone.

Yanhe immediately explained, "That would only take 3 days and 2 nights, don't worry everything is already settled. I had her courtyard ready at one of our properties in the Capital. And my father is already aware."

With that said, Kadi was at ease but to be safe he added his 2 powerful guards to be with them. Kadi talked to Lila and reminded her to keep herself safe. He also provided instructions to Mari and the two guards.

They left at the manor, Lila was sitting in one of the carriages with Mari. Looking outside enjoying the beautiful scenery. Yanhe was on the other carriage and the guards were riding a horse.

Amith suddenly showed up beside Lila, "Mistress, I can tell that the name Yanhe has evil plans on you. Please be careful." Amith said.

Lila was startled when she heard his voice, she made an invisible wall in between so that Mari can't hear her talk.

"Are you not afraid that Mari will hear you?" she asked.

"No one will hear or see me aside from you my Mistress, you don't have to worry." he answered.

"That's good then. In regards to your speculation, I already know his plan for me." she said.

Hearing the words she said, Amith made an angry face. "Then, my deduction was right. Damn that sly fox, if only I have my physical body I'm gonna slice him to pieces!" he said.

Lila did not react, she just continued to look outside. After a while Amith spoke again, "Then why did you not tell that man named Kadi?"

Lila shrugged her shoulders, "Did your Lord Layla tell you about an ability to hear other people's thoughts?" she answered with another question.

Amith recalled what his Mistress said before but was not able to get any information, that's also the first time he heard it.

He shook his head and said, "I was not able to recall that you said that kind of ability before my Mistress."

"Mmm. The reason why I found out his plan was because I was able to hear his thoughts." She shared what she just learned today. She has no doubts about sharing it with Amith since he already knows where she came from and already helped her.

"I tried it with my father and other people too but I was not able to hear their thoughts. If my guess was right, I can only hear someone else's thought if that person wants to harm me." she added.