Rare Ability 2

"That's a really good and rare ability indeed." Amith said in delighted tone. If only his Mistress had that kind of ability before, she might have found out her enemies schemes he thought.

They continued their journey. After almost half a day they reached the Capital.

The Capital was the most prosperous place of the entire Empire. It was the center of commerce and trades. There's a lot of buildings, stores, cafes, stalls, etc.

A lot of cultivators, warriors, and martial artists come and go to the Capital. There are also commoners from rural areas coming to Capital just to sell their goods.

Lila was fascinated with what she sees, the Capital was like a city in her previous world. Though it was described from the novel it was really different when she saw it in her own two eyes.

She planned to roam around to study about how the business works here and see if she can find someone who can help her. She wanted to know if her skills can be used in this realm and she will start in this place.

Before she left the manor, she went to her father's study room and left a letter indicating her plan.

Lila was not intending to return home right away, she indicated in her letter that she will go on an adventure to improve her strength.

She assured her father in the letter that she will be fine and promised to return home as soon as she finished her journey. She doesn't know what her father's reaction will be but she's positive that her father will respect it.

Meanwhile, Kadi was twitching his eyebrows while reading his daughter's letter. He doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. His daughter decided to go on a journey just like that, he doesn't even know if his daughter can make it on her own.

He's worried about his daughter but at the same time he wants her to slowly stand on her own and be strong. He doesn't have a choice but to let her be, hopefully she will return to his side as soon as possible.

After he read the content, he put the letter down and smiled.

"Sevastian, my daughter is now getting mature." he happily said.

Sevastian blankly watched his Lord smiling, he did not read the letter so he doesn't know the content.

After a while, Kadi just continued his work.

At this time, Lila and the group were already settled at the courtyard Yanhe arranged for them. Though everything was already arranged by young master Yanhe, Lila didn't plan to stay in this place.

Earlier, she saw an Inn at the remote area far away from this place. She had to find a way to let Mari return to the Manor as soon as possible, she doesn't want anything to happen to Mari as Yanhe also had a plan on her.

Yahne was talking to his servant while Lila was inside to her designated room, he instructed his servant to have things ready.

He never thought that even though they talked in low voices, Lila who was inside looking at Yanhe can hear his thoughts.

Lila smirked and Amith who's at her side all the time knows that her Mistress discovered something again.

Yanhe brought her to the restaurant he mentioned and ate their lunch. The place was elegant and cozy, most of the customers were from rich and powerful families in the Capital who patronized the place.

It was a two storey restaurant and they went to the second floor which doesn't have a lot of diners because only influential or very rich people can afford the foods and drinks there.

It's only Yanhe and herself at the second floor, Mari and their guards were on the first floor to help themselves. Yanhe didn't want any one to disturbed his time with Lila.

Yanhe already reserved a table for both of them, Yanhe was very gentleman and let Lila sit down first. He had to make a good impression on Lila so as to not ruin his plans.

After they were settled and already ordered food and drinks, they talked a little while waiting for their food to be served.

After they were settled and already ordered food and drinks, they talked a little while waiting for their food to be served.

Food was served and they started eating, Lila enjoyed the food that was served. It was her first time eating those but the taste was superb. Her colleagues might not know but she was a foodie.

When she had time, she and Sandy searched for a place to eat and tried different delicacies. What they loved most was seafood restaurants, when they travel to different places they always tried its local delicacies.

Lila was enjoying her food when a group of girls who just arrived went to their table and one of the girls bang her left hand on the table.

"Yanhe, what's the meaning of this!" the girl said angrily.

Yanhe and Lila were startled and they both looked at the girl who just made a scene. When Yanhe saw the girl, he looked like he had just seen a ghost and he had a cold sweat at the side of his face.

The young girl who had her hands on her hips was glaring at Lila.