
A domineering aura engulfed the surroundings and a heavy pressure focused on Mikael. He was still in the mid-air when he was hit with the beast claw.

Good thing he was able to defend it with his sword and he flew ten meters away and slam on the big rock.

A sweet sensation welled up from his throat and a fresh blood trickled from the edge of his lips.

Lila tried her best to dispel the stun effect but because the beast keeps on roaring while it's fighting with El, she was not able to dispel it as soon as possible.

Without a choice Lila bit the bottom of her lips, maximizing the circulation of spirit essence in her body and chanted the dispelling spell on her mind.

This spell was one of Layla's enchanted spells that is dangerous to be used if one person doesn't have the required cultivation level.

It uses a lot of spirit essence just to chant it, with just a single mistake it will backlash on the cultivator's body that will cause more damage or even death.

Lila calms her mind and controls the flow of the spirit essence on her body. From her dantian, it flowed going down to the bottom and going up at the center of her brain.

Focusing all the spirit essence at the center, she did not neglect the other parts maintaining the balance of her spirit essence to avoid wrecking havoc that might cause failure.



The stun effect cracked down and stopped, she's now able to move. That's the time she saw Mikael flying away like a kite and crashed on the big rock.


She made a hand seal and rolled her cultivation technique to absorb the spirit essence around her, she had been putting everything into risk now because if she will not do it they will be this beast's dinner anytime soon.

A red-orange glow illuminates her body, she raises her spirit to maximum. More spirit essence was going towards her and her body absorbed the spirit essence like vacuum sucking up at high speed.

Lila moved forward and whisk her hands, a sharp like sword wind shot to the beast. She executed it many times to distract the beast and stop its assault on Mikael.

The beast was hurt with her sneak attacks and it rushed forward to Lila, it swung his left claw to slap down Lila's other attacks. Stopping her attacks, the void shook from the clash, a ripple of energy flow outward wreaking havoc on the surroundings.

Every attack of the beast was like spears that can slash someone right away, even if you dodge it you will be affected as there's spatter of the attack that can give you injuries if you did not defend yourself carefully.

Lila did not stop, though she earned some minor injuries and small cuts due to pressure on every strike. She persevered, while doing it, she sucked the spirit essence crazily while chanting the verse of the cultivation technique she chose.

The spirit essence within a thousand mile radius was sucked dry because of her and with a resounding 'boom' sounded on her head, her spirit power increased.

Secondary level Peak stage of Red spirit power!

Tertiary level Peak stage of Red spirit power!

Final level Peak stage of Red spirit power!

With the last 'boom', a refreshing feeling and pure spirit essence rushed into her meridian and her dantian was growing bigger, changing its color to orange.

'Primary level Initial stage of Orange Spirit Power!

I had a breakthrough!'

She wanted to enjoy the moment but the situation did not allow her to do so. The beast almost bite her as it's charging at her.

Warding off her attacks it stomped its feet to the ground and pounced at her trying to catch this little ant who's attacking him.

Lila used all her might, though she had just broken through to her bottleneck it also helped her increase her attacks.

She clenched her small little fist and concentrated all her spirit power on to her fist for her attack. She utilized her wind magic to let her float on the air and stretch her hand for the punch.

"Die!" she shouted.


An ear shattering sound impact sounded all around the place, due to the collision a lot of trees fell down to the ground. The impact caused the damage of the forest around twenty meters.

Since she reached the Primary level Initial stage of Orange Spirit Power, a spirit essence lake formed inside the orange spirit fire ball in her dantian. It was so vast that it expanded up to 1 hectare! It was beyond the normal cultivator with the same spirit power. The same spirit power level on normal cultivators can only accumulate half of spirit essence lake on what Lila has right now.

The huge leap in her cultivation was due to the powerful cultivation technique she's been cultivating ever since Amith imparted it to her. And also her tenacity on taking risks just to turn tables even if it will cost her her life when she fails. With the advancement of her spirit power, her body strength also increased to an astronomical level that she can defeat a Primary level Mid-stage Yellow Spirit Power level cultivator.

But since she was not yet able to stabilize her spirit power, the usage of her spirit essence in the battle increases. Even if she has an abnormal spirit essence lake but with her consumption, it was almost at the limit.

'Damn! I have to kill this beast as soon as possible or my spirit essence will run out!'

She set her sight on the beast weakness which is the horn to finish the fight as soon as possible. She doesn't know that Mikael has already made its move to assist her.

Looking at the battle between the beast and Lila, Mikael was pleased with her sudden increase of spirit power. When he noticed that Lila was able to dispel the stunning effect of the beast. He had to retract his aura to lower level and counter the beast attack. He doesn't want Lila to notice his true power that's why he spewed blood when he was struck by it.

He locked his killing intent to stop the beast's movement for a while as he gripped his sword and put enough power into it as he aimed at the beast's neck.

Lila who's attacking above and Mikael who's attacking below, their movements were corresponding on each other's moves.

Mikael was able to slice its neck since he was faster than Lila, with the damage it caused the One-Horned Demon Bear beast cried.

And Lila taking advantage of the situation punched the beast's horn with her full power.


A crack on its horn is slowly showing but still her power was not enough.

"I can't break it!" she panicked.

If she can't make it, it will cause them trouble and their life. When she's already at its limit, Mikael leaped higher to reach the beast head. He precisely targeted the area who already had a crack to completely cut its horn without hurting Lila.


The horn finally cut and the beast staggered a little before falling on the ground.