Thank you

Lila heaved a sigh of relief as she dissipated her spirit power and landed near the beast. Her face was so pale and her body was so weak since she exhausted her spirit power for the fight.

She sat cross-legged, popped a pill on her mouth, regulated the spirit essence to her body and replenished the spirit essence that was lost and healed the injuries she got.

As part of the things she learned from the memories of Layla, it was easy for her to forge this healing pill when she had the complete ingredients and it really did her wonders.

It's just that the ingredients to create this pill are highly rare that's why she was only able to forge it once and she was able to get most of those rare herbs here in the secluded forest.

Thus, she only had two pills on her hand and she already used one when she helped Mikael and this one was used on her because of this unforeseen battle.

'I never thought that I would have to resort to using this pill as soon as possible. It was really hard for me to find those herbs and forged this but it was used as soon as I got into a fight.

I have to be more careful in future and cultivate more so I can be stronger when I will face this kind of situation.'

Sighed, she doesn't have a choice but to accept it. As much as she would love to use her healing magic, she doesn't want to take the risk of someone finding it out.

Even though she somehow trusts this man who saved her earlier, it's better to be safe than sorry. While she was recuperating, Mikael was tending to the carcass of One-Horned Demon bear beast and got the core of the beast.

The core was like an adult fist size, its colored shiny silver that makes it glow.

Aside from One-Horned Demon Bear beast's strong defensive body and strength, its core was one of the best ingredients for strengthening pills that can help a cultivator breakthrough to Violet Spirit Power in a short time.

And even just the core itself has the highest concentration of spirit essence that even just holding it while cultivating can enhance those who have lower spirit power levels.

It was very valuable that most strong cultivators will hunt the beast for its core but most of them will have a hard time killing it and it will cost them more manpower to hunt it down or their lives.

It was really a treasure and anyone will not be able to control their greed if they found out that someone had that core in their hands.

But it was not important in the young man's eyes. Though it's value exceeds more than any treasure but for him this core cannot even compare to the treasure he was seeking.

He kept the core and he intended to give this to Lila later, he had ways for him to breakthrough to higher power levels in the future. It's better for this core to be of use to Lila than him, it was also his way of helping Lila to go further on her cultivation so that she can enhance her power level more.

After some time,Lila was done recuperating, she stood up and walked beside Mikael, "Thank you." she said.

Mikael turned his head and looked at Lila's beautiful eyes. He saw in her eyes her earnest gratitude.

"It's nothing much. How can I watch my benefactor being killed by the beast.

I'd rather have myself killed first before it can hurt you.

I will never let anyone harm you again."

He said smiling while looking at Lila seriously, Lila can't understand the last sentence he spoke and she felt like he meant those words. She's not sure if she just imagined it but she felt a faint killing intent when he said it but it was gone immediately.

"Again???" confused, she asked.

"Haha… nothing… don't mind it, I'm just talking nonsense."

Lila just let it pass because she knows she cannot let him explain it to her if he doesn't want to. Besides, she was so excited to harvest the spoils of the battle because the One-Horned beast was a huge fortune for her.

As what she read from the books when she was still at the manor, almost all of the  One-Horned Demon Bear beast parts are useful and can be sold.

As a marketing strategist, she has some knowledge about business and the demands of the target market. And what she had been observed from the time she transported to this realm, the best target market are the cultivators.

And what are cultivators' needs and wants?

Something that can enhance their strength and power.


Hello readers!!!!!!!!! Author here!!!


I am sorry again for my late upload. As a single mom, I do have a lot of things to do. I also spent more overtime (mandatory) at work lately so I can slowly create this chapter. (ง'̀-'́)ง

I really, really love to create more chapters but time is not cooperating.

Also my mind will not work if I'm too exhausted, so I hope you will like this chapter!!! (ᵔᴥᵔ)

It's my rest day so I had to savour this time to sleep. I only spent 2-4 hours sleeping for the past few days.

Happy reading!!!!!
