Great Harvest

Though Lila knew that with her father's wealth, she doesn't have to worry about her future endeavors towards cultivation but as her being an orphan at a young age in her previous world. She learned how to be independent and find ways to make a living on her own.

She doesn't want to depend on anyone and be a burden as such she already thought of finding connections to start her venture in this realm.

That's the reason why she had to get stronger first so that she will not encounter mishaps and if there will be she can resolve it as soon as possible.

Also, with her promise to the previous owner of her body she will slowly find its culprit of her death.

With her thoughts in mind, Lila's eyes were twinkling as she started to work on the beast dead body.

As mentioned earlier, almost all of the beast body can be utilized for many ways.

For example, the claws, it can be used to create a powerful weapon. Also its fangs and bones, once sold to a merchant it can be sold to a higher price and be forged into a weapon.

Many warriors, adventurers, guards, nobles or even the emperor itself would be crazy to get a hold of those just to create a powerful weapon. And because of the dangers of killing one One-Horned Demon Bear beast and its rarity, the price will go sky rocket once it is auctioned.

Especially this one was almost an adult beast of its kind, no one will use it just to get one of its claws or bones.

That's the reason why though it's a huge fortune, one would have to be extra careful while possessing this hot potato treasure.

The beast fur can also be used for clothing or to make it a blanket or carpet, it's so smooth and fluffy that most monarchs will like to have it. They usually purchased it and used it as a display to brag.

Its flesh can also be used as an ingredient of a dish. Once eaten, it can enhance the spirit energy and make one get stronger or easily break one's bottleneck to the next level if the cultivator was already at its peak for lower levels.

The blood essence, heart, especially the brain can be added as an ingredient to create a pill or medicine.

Blood essence has a dense spirit energy that can serve as a tonic that can enhance the cultivator body's strength by leaps and bounds making it just like the beast, and has an almost unbreakable defense on its body.

It's just that one has to be extra careful of consuming it because it can also cause the cultivators' spirit energy on their body to go berserk if consumed recklessly.

The heart and the brain were also one of the ingredients of two different life saving pills that were so rare in the market and really expensive. If the cultivator still has a breath and consumes this pill, even its grave injuries will be healed in an instant and it can return the consumer to its peak.

Over all even if she lost her healing pill, she bumped into a big treasure that was more valuable than what she lost!

Taking out her dagger, she worked on the beast claws first and stored it on her spatial ring.

She also manipulated her magic to extract the beast blood and stored it on a gourd. Good thing that gourd has a magical effect that can store up to 20 liters of liquid in it even though it's small.

She is so busy working on it and stuffing her harvest on her spatial ring. Though too bad that she wasn't able to get the beast core but thinking about it, if it's not El's help she should be dead by now.

'Alright, I'm done!' clapping her hands to dust off some dirt, she faced Mikael and handed his share.

"Here's your share." delighted by how big she got today, she hasn't noticed the young man's gaze on her while she is doing her work.

Enjoying the view of how beautiful and innocent her smile was devoid of any killing and conspiracy of the world, nothing can compare to the beauty of this young maiden in front of him.

If only he could stop this moment, he wanted to stay in this forest together with her. Away from any problems of the palace, away from his enemies, he would love to spend the rest of his days peacefully together with her.

But he knew that it was only in his dreams. As long as his current enemies were still alive, as long as Naji and Layla's traitors were still walking and breathing. They cannot live peacefully and be happy together. He cannot stop his vengeance to those who manipulated and hurt Layla.

With this new life they got, he had to make sure that he would eradicate them and put Layla back on her rightful place the same goal as Amith.

"Hey! Can you stop looking at me like that? You're creeping me out!"

Halting his thoughts, he realized that 'Lel' was already facing him with a disdain look on her face.

'This guy sure is creepy. The way he gazed at me feels like I'm already naked in his eyes. Gosh! I really have to distance myself from him. He might have attacked me one of these days. Brrrr… "

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" returning to reality he never heard what she said.

"I said here's your share." Although annoyed, Lila answered him.

"You can keep those, I don't really need it."

"Really? But you helped me with the final blow and technically you were the one who gave it much damage and killed it, so it's not fair if I'm going to keep it all."

"It's fine and by the way this…" with a flick of his hand, a shiny silver core appeared on his palm. "You can keep it."

"This…" taken aback she doesn't know how to respond. It's already unfair on his behalf that he would not accept his share and let her have it but for giving away the core too.

Was it too much?

"I can't accept that!" she exclaimed but the young man reached out on her hand and put the core on her palm.

"Take it, you save my life in the first place so it's fine that you keep it all. I have my means of upgrading my level so you don't have to worry."

Smiling sweetly, handed the core to her, also taking advantage of touching the back of her hand. Lila can't help but feel her heart skip a beat when she saw the young man's smile.

She can't deny that this guy has an enchanting charisma and is really handsome that girls will fall for him in an instant.

"Th...thank you." Lila stuttered, slowly retrieving her hand and stored the core. She felt embarrassed when she realized that he was holding her hand at this moment.

Though her mask can't reveal her current blushing face but her red ears betrayed her, revealing her current state.

It did not pass on the young man's keen eyes and he felt so delighted watching her reactions.

"If you feel conflicted, how about you give me a kiss as a payment?" he teased, pointing his finger on his cheek.

"You…." she shoots him with a deadly stare as she is choked on his words. She can't understand how this guy's brain works. At one time he's okay to talk with and the next one he acts and talks weird. Really makes her blood boil.