Divine Tree (1)

She really wanted to teach this person a lesson so that he learned that she can't be easily bullied.

'Forget it! Given how he can easily withstand the beast attacks, he can't be easily pummeled. It's just a waste of time if I fight with him.'

Harrumphed, she walked out and left the young man behind. If she continues talking with this man, she will die of anger first before she can win a fight with him.

He laughed and followed her as she entered the cave not too far away from them.


Three days after they entered the cave, a group of 10 men arrived at the place where Lila and Mikael battled the savage beast. They are around their thirties to forties and have a sharp aura.

The smallest one, wearing gray robes, scouted the area. He moved fast and observed the devastation around the area. The lean guy, wearing a green robe has a grass in his mouth, squatting beside the tallest guy wearing black robe.

As the other men, they were standing at the back of the tallest man within the group.

The tallest man has a muscular body with a domineering aura, indicating that he is the leader of the group. He's holding a big axe that lay on his shoulder. 3 newly big scars on his right face from the top of the right eyebrow diagonally to his cheek.

They were beast hunters who targeted the One-Horned Demon Bear beast. He encountered the beast two weeks ago when he was hunting a Silver wolf beast. Together with his other 4 men, they were caught off-guard as they were not aware of its arrival and he lost his men at that time.

He was able to escape from death with the help of his life saving means but with the death of his 4 men and his loss, it really made him mad with hatred.

This time, he had everything prepared to hunt the beast down, also for vengeance and the money over the loot that he can get from the beast.

"Boss Ga-ir, it seems like someone killed the One-Horned Demon Bear beast ahead of us." the smallest guy reported after he's done roaming the area.

The tallest man released a murderous aura when he heard the report, "Are you sure that savage beast is already killed?"

The smallest guy cower from fear, Boss Ga-ir was known for being vicious and hot-tempered. If anything doesn't go to his liking or plan, he always swings his axe to kill.

Especially after their accident with the beast, not a single day that he wanted to get back here in the forest to kill it. His temper never goes down and after he was healed, he grouped his strongest men for the ambush. But right now, if someone gets ahead of him and he will not let this matter go.

"As you can see Boss, there are traces of a fight that happened here not too long ago and also I happened to see some traces of dried blood around the area. Maybe my deduction is not yet right and the savage beast was only hurt."

"Kalin and Sa-id, search around the area and find that beast so we can kill it! The rest come with me, we will enter the cave. Since that beast was here, the news was maybe right that there's a Red Pear Divine tree inside the cave.

Its fruit once ripe can boost one's spirit power and strength to the next level. It only grows to an area that has the highest concentration of spirit essence and only grows and bears fruit once in every 50 years.

Once the fruit is harvested the tree slowly dies in the area where it grows that's why there's no fixed location if someone wants to locate that tree, only the One-Horned Demon Bear beast can sense the tree where it grows especially if it's bearing its fruit and it's going to be ripe.

We have to kill that beast and harvest the fruit as soon as possible!" Ga-ir exclaimed.

"Yes!" everyone answered.


Inside the cave, almost half an hour after they entered.

'Whoa. This place is so magical, I can't believe I can see this kind of place in my entire life.'

Lila can't help but be shocked by what she's seeing right now. It was not a usual cave that she saw in her past world. After they walked on the narrow path for 30 minutes inside, they came to a huge place inside the cave that was so bright like a day.

Aside from small creatures that's flying with lights at their backs, there were also glowing crystals with different colors around. It was so magical that if it is in her previous world, it can be one of the most famous tourist spots.

"It's so pretty." she murmured.

"Indeed, this place was not supposed to be how you see it today. Though this cave has the densest spirit essence around the area, however, due to a tree who grew here, it nurtured the natural minerals that's why these crystals are now showing and lightened up the place." Mikael said.

"A tree?"