Divine Tree (2)

Mikael did not answer Lila's question but pointed his index finger to a mystical tree that's so far away from them but even though it's away, there's a mystical red glow that's really different from the lights from crystals and small creatures.

"Come, follow me." Mikael smiled and urged Lila to follow him. Mikael leaped lightly but was already away from where he was standing.

"So fast!" Lila utilized her magic and flew to catch up with Mikael.

When they were 1 kilometer away from the said tree, Mikael stopped beside a small lake. Lila also stopped and was shocked by what she saw.

The said tree was in the middle of the lake, the water was sparkling clean like crystallized water. Because of how the water was so clear, fishes can be seen clearly on the water and look shallow.

There's a small island where the tree grows, surrounding it with green lush grass. It was so beautiful and really magical.

"Wow! So beautiful, it's really like a different world here. Are we still inside the cave?" Lila can't help but question herself because it's really unbelievable that there's a different scenery inside the cave.

"Yes, we are still inside. This is the innermost part of the cave where the divine tree is located."

"Divine tree?" Lila turned her head to Mikael to watch his expression and she looked again at the tree not too far away from her.

Due to her enhanced senses, she can see things more clearly even if it's away from her. The distance of the tree will not give her any problem from recognizing.

"This... It's the Red Pear Divine tree!!!"

Through her one week reading all the books in the Library at her home. She was able to read a book with rare plants in it and one of those was the Red Pear Divine tree.

It was categorized as rare because it only grows every 50 years and it was really hard to locate. It was nourished by heaven and earth spirit essence that's why it was called the Divine tree.

"So this is the reason why the One-Horned Demon Bear beast was here. It was the fruit of the Red Pear Divine tree." Lila concluded.

She was curious as to why she encountered the One-Horned Demon Bear beast earlier when it was supposed to be at the very far away high mountain. So the Red Pear Divine tree fruit was the reason.

Its fruit can help the One-Horned Demon Bear beast evolve its bloodline to a higher stage. Once the beast eats it, its strength will advance by leaps and bounds and the One-Horned Demon Bear beast who ate it can be crowned as the King in their lineage.

"Is this also the reason why you came here El?" she faced Mikael again with the questioning gaze of her eyes.

Mikael also returned her gaze and smiled,  "The Red Pear Divine Tree is not the reason why I am here. I have another motive, besides this will be considered as a bonus as well. Since we killed the One-Horned Demon Bear beast there will be no problem if we harvest the fruit.

As I know it will only bear one fruit, after its pluck the tree will slowly die and everything around here will return to normal.

Shall we check?"

"You are knowledgeable, also you're unbelievably strong. It has been 3 days since I met you but aside from your name I don't know anything about you at all. Who are you really El?" Lila questions Mikael.

She doesn't want to ask about Mikael but with the strength he showed earlier and the knowledge he possessed. A lot of questions started to root in her mind, she wanted to know who is this young man beside her and what is his background why she saw her in that state when the first time she met him.

"Cough...cough… I am just an ordinary man roaming around for adventure and to find my luck. And lady luck was really at my side when she let me meet you and here we are." he smiled and showed his white teeth.

"Just say so if you don't want to talk about it. Stop talking nonsense." Lila harrumphed as she raised her brow.

"Haha. I'm not talking nonsense but for your safety, it's better if you don't know much about me."

Though Mikael said it lightly but Lila can feel that he's really serious about it and maybe it's a good idea not to inquire about him anymore.

"Let's go. The water can help you consolidate your cultivation faster especially if you just had your breakthrough. We can swim all the way to the Divine tree as you do it." he said.


Mikael started walking to the shallow water first as he started swimming when it was already deep. Lila followed and when she soaked herself to the water she opened her pores as she started swimming too.