Swozhashi Sword (1) - Edited

"I can only hope that you will fulfill your end of bargain Naji. It was dangerous for me to escape to where I was banished and teach you black magic before.

Even with your magic pills and tonics if I cannot get her healing magic, I will not be able to remove this restrain that's eating my life away. I cannot last for another thousand years and you know what will happen to you too once I die, Naji. I already waited long enough."

"I know, I know. I will dispatch my people to locate her and catch her as soon as possible. And I hope you can provide me more information soon so that it will be easy for us to find them." Naji said.

"I'll let you know."

He vanished like he's never been there before, Naji clutched her fist as she called her trusted aides and provided some instructions.

"I will never let you have him again this time Layla. I will find him first before you two meet each other." Naji proclaimed after her trusted aides left.


(Current situation)

"The fruit is already ripe, I'll get it real quick." Mikael leaped and plucked the fruits. After he harvested the fruits, the tree was slowly diminishing its glow.

He handed the fruits to her. Looking at the fruits being handed to her, Lila twitched her lips.

"Since we discovered it both, I will keep one and you keep one also." Lila picked up one fruit and stored it in her spatial ring.

"It is fine for me if you keep them both, it is not important to me and besides, if you didn't save me I will not be able to witness the Centennial Red Pear Divine fruit." he said.

"No. No. No, don't use that excuse again. You keep that, you already gave me a lot and I can't accept it anymore."

Seeing her stubbornness, he doesn't have a choice but to keep the remaining fruit. They sat down and ate the fruit.

After three days...



Two powerful auras flowing around the area, it brought ripples to calm lake water. Mikael was able to suppress his surging energy and calm it down. If anyone can see him right now, they will be shocked to see his cultivation level.

His current cultivation was already beyond the cultivation level of Lowerland. But the same as before, he always concealed it to avoid detection on his enemies especially from Highland.

With his good manipulation of what spirit power level he would want to show on everyone, no one knows his real cultivation level.

He watched at Lila not too far away from him, sitting cross-legged, closing her eyes. She broke through on her cultivation and advanced one full cultivation realm reaching Primary level Initial stage of Yellow spirit power.

'As expected of Layla, advancing to the next level is really easy for her. Now, she can protect herself for the meantime while she's here in Lowerland. Naji will have a hard time sensing Layla in this backward place."

Mikael was not aware that Lila already activated her sealed magic and Naji was already aware of it.

Lila was feeling happy with the power surge in her body. Her cultivation is raised by leaps and bounds and she can feel her body is a lot stronger than before.

'This fruit is so magical! This trip is not wasted at all!'

Though her body looked delicate like a weak little lady but she can break a boulder with one punch. If she fights the One-Horned Demon Bear beast again, she believes that she can slay it in one go.

She also felt her soul had changed, it looks more clear, not hazy. Indicating that her soul upgraded and can withstand soul attack from black magic wielder.

She did not stop yet as she consolidated her cultivation. Lila did not notice that Mikael was no longer at the Islet as he moved into the deepest part of the cave.

Mikael stopped at the wall and pressed his hand on the wall. The place shook for a while and a small passageway showed. He entered and what showed him was a sword stab at the center of a small altar.

Only the sword hilt was shown outside as its body was in the rock altar. There's ancient writings and drawings on the walls, the present generation may not be able to understand it but Mikael can. It was the language they had a thousand years ago.

"Hey budd, it has been a long time since the last time I got a hold of you. Never thought that Layla hid you here and had her followers take care that you will not be easily discovered. I've been looking for you, do you still remember me?"

He held the hilt and exerted some force to pull out the sword. As the sword felt his aura, it's like a small child who found its maker. Its buzzing, indicating its happiness when Mikael successfully pulled the sword out.
