Lord Kael

Mikael walked on a negligible road that can't be easily recognized that there's a path outside the Capital. After 2 hours of  twist and turns on bushes, shrubs and trees, they reached an old tattered arch that was like an entrance from an ancient household. It was destroyed by a passage of time that only the arch remained in the wilderness.

If someone passed by in that area, they will only see an old arch with a lot of bushes. Beyond that arch was wilderness with bushes and trees.

Legend said that a thousand years ago, it was an entrance to a sacred place but was never proven and considered as a folklore in Lowerland.

A lot of cultivators, adventurers, discoverers, treasure hunters, etc., tried to uncover the place and see if the legend was true but no proof found. So aside from beast hunters and normal people accidentally finding this place, they will only look into it or use it as cover from sudden rain, not associating the arch to the legend.

In other words, most citizen's of Lowerland have forgotten the Legend of a sacred place.

Mikael stands at the center as he casts a spell that Butler Sinoda did not hear or even if he heard it, he will not be able to understand the words his majesty said.


There's a sudden distortion in space and with a blur of his vision, he was transferred to a different dimension that he's not aware of.

What welcomed him was a sight he had never seen in his life. It was a different world and has pure spirit essence than the Imperial Palace where he served most of his life.

Though outside it was already the Fall season where the tree leaves were changing color and the temperature was a little colder but here it was Spring, where trees, plants were green and flowers glow beautifully.

It has a wide garden consisting of Dandelions, California Goldfields, Cosmos, Blue Field Gilia, Baby Blue Eyes, Dwarf Everlasting Flowers and Perennial Wildflowers that was so appealing, picturesque and pleasant to the eyes. It smells so good that it puts someone's mind at ease.

They passed the beautiful garden and also passed a small stream with crystal clear water running down. Stepping on the small stones to pass the small stream, they walked on another passageway and what Butler Sinoda shocked the most was the big majestic manor he saw from afar.

The manor was so wide and big, it has an ancient style that can be seen in the old era a thousand years ago. It's majestic and unique much grander than the Imperial palace.

"Where is this place?" he said to himself.

As much as he wanted to ask his majesty about this place, he kept his mouth shut and just continued to observe the place.

When they're walking not far away from the place, they are surrounded by ladies who wore armor that had ancient designs and a dragon in the middle. Sharp swords and spears was pointed at them.

Butler Sinoda was alarmed and took out his sword, protecting the Prince.

Looking at the people who surrounded them, they were considered as guards in that manor and they cannot be considered as weak. Though Butler Sinoda was considered one of the strongest Butler in the Kingdom but with these people surrounding them, he cannot fathom their strength.

'Too strong!' he concluded in his mind.

The pressure he felt was so overwhelming that if he did not train hard for years to reach his current level, he could easily succumb only with their aura.

"Who are you? Why did you trespass this place? Who brought you here?!"

One of the ladies said, she's not wearing armor and there's a band on her head indicating that she has a different status than the rest. She looked like her early thirties, had a pretty face and good build.

Mikael patted Butler Sinoda's shoulder, telling him to put down his sword and smiled gently at the lady who spoke.

"It's been a while Xiao Ming, you've grown up. How have you been?"

Mikael said casually. The leader of the group was surprised when Mikael called her Little Ming. As far as she remembers, only her Mistress and the Lord who called her that way.

Alarmed, she raised her sword and put the edge of the sword on Mikael's neck.

"Who are you really? And why do you know my name? Did Naji send you? Speak, or I won't hesitate to let your head roll on the ground."

Mikael felt a warm liquid flow on his neck as a result of the sharp sword on his neck.

"Naji," he murmured. "It has been a long time since I heard that name."

He still has his smiling face but it looked like a devil from hell who's ready to slaughter them. Ming felt a familiar aura when he released his killing intent in a short period of time and was confused as to how strong his killing intent was when he said Naji's name.

Mikael suppressed the anger he felt and returned his warm smile.

"It's not appropriate to talk here, it's better if you bring me to that Master Aria." With that he flicked his finger and a small thread of his will flew from his finger to Ming's forehead at a speed of light.

Ming was startled, when she finally realized who the young man in front of her was, she hurriedly put down her sword and kneeled.

"I have seen his highness, welcome back Lord Kael!"

When the other lady guards had seen their leader kneeling and said those words. They put their weapons back to their scabbard and kneeled, saying:

"Welcome back Lord Kael!"