Heavens Oath

They rose and Ming dismissed her subordinates and had them return to their posts. Though she knew that her subordinates had a lot of questions to ask but now is not the right time.

She had to bring Lord Kael to Grand Master (Lady)  Aria. It may be that her Lord's name has been forgotten but to the remaining loyalists of her Mistress. They cannot simply neglect this man's role in their Mistress life.

Grand Master Aria or was previously called Holy Lady Aria was the so called big sister of  the strongest Empress Layla. She was the one who's with her since they were young and also she's the one who imparted most of Lord Empress Layla skills.

She may be her Layla's big sister but most likely Layla treated her like her mother, her only closest kin. Layla's childhood was never a secret to anyone on Highland. She was orphaned at a very young age and Holy Lady Aria who's already a part of a sect and one of the strongest Inner sect disciples at that time, she found Layla on one of her missions with her sect members on the outskirts of Highland.

Highland at that time was not yet united and wars on every kingdom always blow every now and then. Being a victim of the war, Layla was found by Holy Lady Aria by chance when she was a small child. Her parents and kin were already killed by enemies and since the kingdom was affiliated with Lady Aria's sect. They were deployed to help the kingdom with the sudden assault from the enemies.

As one leading the sect members for reinforcement, they were able to purge the enemies and let them withdraw from the war. That's the time that she found Layla on top with the enemies dead bodies crying as she called out her parents name.

To Holy Lady Aria's shock even with Layla's small body, she was able to kill two enemies who barged inside the house while her parents and other relatives were already killed outside.

Recognizing Layla's potential, she brought her back even with the sect's disapproval but with her determination to keep her, they conquered her decision to keep the child.

But with the passing time, the sect was able to realize how fortunate their decision to let Holy Lady Aria to keep the child back then.

After the trio left, the remaining people talked to themselves. "Who is that young man? And who's Lord Kael?" one of the ladies with braided hair asked.

"Who knows, but the way our leader acted it seems like he's a revered young man. Maybe one of the Lord's on one of the mainlands?" another lady said.

Murmurs and speculations circulated within the group, trying to comprehend Mikael's background but even if they racked their brains. They still cannot find any possible identity that fits the young man.

"Stop spouting nonsense and hurry up to your post. We have an important mission and we don't have the authority to know his identity." A girl with a cold expression lash out and made everyone silent.

"Yes senior sister." everyone answered.


(Inside the hall)

It was spacious and grand. Inside the hall there are large beams surrounding the place, each space between the beams has sculptures with the same person but has different positions. One has a wielding sword while riding a horse. One was sitting on a rock while there are few people around her like she's teaching. One was holding an arrow, ready to shoot, so on and so forth. It was so life-like that it's ready to move like a real person but one thing was common is her smiling face.

Butler Sinoda was so in awe with the things he saw inside the hall but was so eye-catching was the sculpture at the center edge of the hall. She was sitting on her throne with imposing might, like a Queen watching over her people with a heartwarming smile on her face. A benevolent existence that can melt everyone's heart that you'll be willing to be subdued by her.

Butler Sinoda gulped a couple of his saliva upon looking at the biggest sculpture. Though it's only a sculpture but the aura it's releasing was beyond his. He can't help but lower his eyes, he feels like he's unworthy of staring at her.

Mikael stopped his tracks and faced Butler Sinoda.

"Whatever you saw and heard today, don't let a soul know it's existence. I brought you here because I trusted you more than anyone else. If by any chance I found out that you let anyone know even your closest friend or kin. I will never hesitate to eradicate you all."

Butler Sinoda shuddered upon hearing those words, the Fifth Prince that he knew was different from the man in front of him. He immediately kneeled in front of Mikael.

"In the name of Heavens, I will never let another soul know of what I encountered today. If I ever let one soul know, I will be struck to lighting and be gone forever. Rest assured Milord that you can trust this humble man to be forever faithful to you."

Butler Sinoda did not hesitate and said a heaven's oath to express his faithfulness. Making an oath to Heavens was akin to submitting his life to the Heavens. And if he broke his promise, he will be eradicated by the Heavens itself.

Mikael was satisfied by Butler Sinoda's performance. Though he trusted this man but the matter about this place, his identity, especially about Layla he wanted to be extra cautious. Time is not ripe and he wanted to protect Lila and her members up until it was the right time to charge up to Highland.

"Good that you know what's good for you. If you follow me, I will never let you be in sorrow."