Chapter 45. Bandits

Mikael stayed for a while before he left at noon, said he's going somewhere. Lila did not mind and she did not ask where because it's got nothing to do with her anyway. She also had plans in her mind that she wanted to do before she went home so she decided to do her business after Mikael left.

Walking from the street, Lila's enjoyed the serenity, especially the slowly falling leaves at a slow pace. She did not wear any veil or disguise as Lel, she just wear a simple white robe, no makeup and a simple clip as a decoration on her hair.

Though she looks simple but with the way she wears her clothes, her flawless walk like a noble lady and refined actions. She looks so delicate even with plain clothes that some young men, even girls, were mezmerize and can't ignore her presence. They look at her as she passes by, taking another peek as she walks away slowly.

Magus was also happily chatting with her as he talked about the beautiful spots in the Capital. He's like a tourist guide as it was his first time guiding Lila in the Capital. He will be Lila's guide as he knows the shortcuts to their destination, the Changling District.

The so-called Changling district is where most of the business men's and merchants hold their businesses. Not just merchants within the empire but also some other kingdoms of Lowerland. It is like an area in her previous world that mostly focuses on business trades. There's a lot of stores, establishments, buildings where they can buy and trade.

It's the most prosperous place in the Capital and is also the place where most nobles and high officials, even the royal family do their transactions.

It can be said that the district is where the rich people visit from time to time, some for business, some for leisure.

Changling district is like an industrial city in her previous world. It's bustling with activities and a lot of people walking to and fro from some establishments and stores.

They chose a road where not a lot of common folks used but also one of the passages where some merchants pass through if they want to go to the district faster.

It's a small road that  consists of mostly large trees that's why some merchants who'll pass will be targeted by bandits sometimes.

As they walk Lila stops and raises her hand to stop Magus from talking.

Magus: ???

"Ssshhh. I hear some commotion ahead of us." Lila explained.

They move swiftly, to uncover what's the commotion all about. They cover 10 miles for a couple of minutes as they use  trees and bushes as a cover to hide. They stopped at one of the large trees not too far away, looking over where the fight was going.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

"Despicable! How dare you guys try to rob us in the daylight! You don't know who you are provoking!"

One of the wounded guards howled as one of them was surrounded by bandits.

"Hahahahaha. I don't care who you are, what we wanted is for you to cooperate with us and hand over your stuff."

One of the bandits said. There were over 20 people surrounding the carriage as they besieged the group and executed their plan to rob the passing group.

There are a total of 3 carriages, one in front that's close that possibly has a passenger in it and 2 open carriages that have boxes of supplies in it.

It has 15 strong guards that protect the carriages but because of the sudden attack, some of the guards were wounded.

The wood carriage in front was painted in red and there's an emblem on the door that Lila did not recognize. But from the details of the carriage and how big it is, one could tell that it is owned by a rich household.

The driver on the carriage was holding his wound on his shoulder as he was shot by an arrow of the assailants, one hand still holding tightly on the rein.

7 bodies already lying on the ground and from the looks of it, it's from the bandits side.

It can be said that the merchant's side was really outnumbered but still hung on and did not lower their guards as they defended the carriages.

"It's the Lan family that's ambushed by these bandits." Magus commented.

"Lan family?"

"Yes. The Lan family was one of the biggest and wealthiest merchants of the Tarragon empire that not just had business here in the Tarragon but also from other empires! Their connections are vast and they mostly handle the businesses of the empire, they are also connected with the emperor." Magus answered.

"I see, that's why even though they're outnumbered they are able to hold on up until now."

Lila commented, as she can see, the fight was already more than 5 minutes but most of the Lan family guards were wounded but they already killed 7 people.

"Most of them are Final level Initial stage of Orange spirit power and a few of Secondary and Tertiary level. I can sense one of the Secondary level peak stages of Orange spirit power and that's the strongest of the group."

Magus frowned, he had an unfavorable look on his face.

"Tsk. Tsk. Even Though there's a Secondary level peak stage of Orange spirit power of the Lan family guards but this bandits was one of notorious here in Capital. They called themselves as Buyao Lianmin bandits.

Their leader is the top 25 on the wanted list in the Tarragon empire and his at the Final level peak stage of Orange spirit power.

Even Though his group is composed mostly of Red spirit power and few Initial stages of Orange spirit power level but they're unscrupulous, infamous with how they won't hesitate to kill their victims."

"Oh. So what's the name of their leader?"

Lila can't help but ask.

"His name is Wael Liem!"