Chapter 46. Bandits 2

"Wael Liem? Never heard of him."

"How could you never hear of him when he was one of the top notorious criminals that had a big bounty on his head! He is really dangerous you know!" Magus exclaimed.

"He really is? Hmm." Lila reviewed her memories if there's Wael Liem on one of the characters.

"Of course he is! Not only is he dangerous but also vicious. He not only robbed his victims, he also killed it not leaving a single one alive. He also violates innocent girls, even children! He's been wanted for more than 2 decades now but he is so slippery that he can always get away.

Never thought that he would roam around the Capital again and target the Lan family. Lel, you stay here, I will help them."

Magus is getting ready to leap from the place where they are hiding but Lila stopped him by holding his shoulder.

Magus: ???

"Don't be rash."

Lila stated in a serious face while watching the fight. Seeing this, Magus also stops his track and focuses his attention to the fight.

Lan family, it is indeed one of the biggest merchant and highly respectable families not just in Capital but also other parts of the Tarragon country. Have a lot of businesses that cover mostly the food industry. They already established their name for a very long time

Whoosh! Peng! Bam! Clang!

Another minute passed, the bandits killed 5 guards of the Lan family. Though the other party has also lost lots of its people but the guards are having a hard time defending themselves from the sneak attacks, especially fighting in equal with Wael Liem.

Some of the guards received some serious injuries from the fight but still not backing down. They tried their best to defend the carriages, especially the front one.

"Hahahaha. So weak! And here I thought the guards of Lan family are great."

Wael Liem commented maniacally while wielding his weapon. It is a big metal bat that has thorns on it and whoever receives a hit will have a big flesh torn on their body.


Another guard was hit on his head and died instantly.

Wael Liem was going to attack another guard when a slender man wearing navy blue robe jumped in the middle out of nowhere. He flicked his wrist and stopped Wael Liem's big metal bat with his dagger.

"Ohohoho. If it is not the well-known "Shadow Killer!" What? You really abandon your dignity as an assassin and lower yourself as a dog of the Lan family?

Haha. Shame on you Yule!" said Wael Liem.

The slender man stood at the top of the carriage, looking down with a double edge knife in his hand.

"My matters have nothing to do with you. Young miss is my saviour and I will protect her even if it costs my life."

Without another word, Yule leaped on the carriage and attacked Wael Liem with his fast speed. The other guards who were having a hard time fending off the bandits were injected with chicken blood. They gained confidence and attacked their enemies simultaneously.

The bandits are startled with the sudden increase of strength but they were able to turn things around since the guards had lower cultivation than them.

Slowly, a couple of guards were taken down, some had grievous injuries and couldn't stand up. Yule was still fighting Wael Liem but he also accumulated some cuts and injuries due to Wael Liem sneak attacks and strength.

Wael Liem swung his metal bat with sharp barbs on Yule's head and Yule stopped it with his knife. Blood flowed in his hand as Yule was using his spirit power in full speed to fend off the attack and to defeat Wael Liem. Paled face, Yule throws off 3 shurikens on his right hand to Wael Liem.

Wael Liem withdrew his weapon, dodge the upcoming attack and sent a kick to Yule.

"Aaahhhh!!!!" a loud scream was heard at the carriage and a beautiful lady was thrown outside with a maid.

"Young miss!" Yule shouted while he was crunched on the ground due to pain on the side of his stomach and a blood streak on his mouth.

"You let go of me!" the young girl demanded.

"How dare you touch a young miss with your filthy hands! Let the young miss go at once!" the maid cried

One of the bandits slapped the maid hard that the maid fainted to the ground with just one slap.

"Boss, we have a delectable hostage here. This girl is so spicy that we received a few slaps and scratches before we got her." A skinny and ugly bandit said with a lewd expression on his face while he's holding the young lady.

"I'm going to save you young miss!"


Oof! Puawk! (puking)

Wael Liem punched Yule's stomach when he tried to run to his young miss's side. Yule puke a mouthful of blood and his inside are turning upside down. He incurred internal injuries as he kneel on the ground with pain.

"You piece of sh*t! Who can you save with that trashy strength of yours. Haha. Tie this garbage and bring that girl to me."

"Yes Boss!"

The remaining bandits tied up the survivors including Yule and the young lady was brought to Wael Liem.

She's around 16-17 years old, with a pretty face and phoenix eyes. She wears a light yellow dress, body structure that's fully developed, especially the chest, plum bust and slim waist.

"How dare you attack and rob us. Don't you know who this young lady is? I'm the young miss of the Lan family. Release me or our Lan family will not let you off!"

"Ohohoho. You have a fiery temper eh? I like it. Let's see how you can keep your attitude after I play with you in bed later."

The group bandits laugh after his statement as he slowly stretches his hand to touch the young girl's face. She glared and was a little bit terrified inside as she didn't know what to do or if someone could save her in this predicament.

Though she is the young miss of the Lan family, she doesn't have any cultivation or any means of self-protection. She's weak but she has a great mind and knowledge. She only used her brain to get a hold in the Lan family as she helped her father with ideas in the business.

She only wanted to visit one of the branches restaurant and tea house in the business district. She never thought that she would encounter this tragedy.

She closed her eyes as she trembled, hearing what this despicable man said, she was so afraid that she would lose her purity or her life.

However, there's a warm liquid splash on her face, she opened her eyes and she saw in front of her a bloody hand with an object struck into it.

"Aargh! Who?!"

With bloody eyes, Wael Liem turns around to see who's the sneaky bastard that attacked him.

He saw two teenagers, one young man who's wearing dark green and a young lady wearing white with a veil on her face.

"Tsk! Just a bunch of ants and you're ruining the fun. Men, kill them for me."

Wael Liem waved his other hand as he pulled out the object that was struck on his wrist. It was only a broken branch that was sharpened at the edge.

"Boss, boss, I guess it's a pretty girl wearing the veil. We can keep her alive and play with her later afterwards you can give it to us so we can also play."

The right hand man said as he can't stop his lustful thinking that he can taste a young meat after so long. The others also agreed as they pleaded to Wael Liem.

Wael Liem turns his sharp gaze to Lila, though he can only see the half of the face from her forehead to eyes. He knows that she's a fine noble.

"Hehe. Alright, you can keep her alive. Kill the others and keep the women so that we can depart already."

Lila looked at Magus as they have a common understanding at what to do.