Chapter 47. Lan Jaiying

Lila was not supposed to help and just be a bystander. She doesn't know them anyway and with her strength, she's not confident if they can save them with just the two of them. Even Though Lila is a lot stronger now, she doesn't have any combat or fighting technique that can counter the bandits. And also, though Amith passed high-level killing techniques or offensive cultivation onto her she never practiced it yet.

She understands how eager Magus wants to go head-on and fight them; however, observation and planning need to be done first to see if there's a probability for them to win. She also reviewed her memories and searched about the Lan family if there's any character or any plot that shows about this ambush and the Lan family.

Lila's in deep thought while the fight is ongoing and when she finds the information she needs and clicks a minor character that can harm the strange Prince indirectly, Wael Leim starts to harass the character she had in mind.

"Aargh! Who?!"

Magus watched Lila as she threw a small branch she broke from her side to stop Wael Leim from his atrocity. She looked so cool that he's pumped up and ready to battle. He followed Lila as she jumped from the branch where they were hiding and confronted the bandits that were making a crime in broad daylight.

"Tsk! Just a bunch of ants and you're ruining the fun. Men, kill them for me."

Magus heard their conversation, especially their nasty remarks about what they're going to do with Lila, especially Lila, she can hear their thoughts which is obnoxious. It's giving her goosebumps and wanting to cut their third leg so they can no longer act on those disgusting ideas, so they look at each other and start to move.

An orange-colored aura burst out on Magus's body as he rushed forward and struck a punch to one of the bandits near him. The poor guy received a bolt of lightning rushing through every part of his body. Eyes rolled, he passed out as his body kept on trembling like he was electrocuted on the ground.

The remaining bandits were stunned, especially Wael Leim but he smiled a wicked smile as he ordered his lackeys to attack in groups. Due to years of experience and combat, though the bandits were surprised, they easily recover and organize their moves and attacks. They have a tacit understanding and synchronize actions, Magus was slowly overwhelmed.

Different kinds of Magic, weapons, clash of spirit power released by the attackers. Though Magus has the upper hand at the start due to his higher spirit power level and surprises attacks however the number of his opponents and their continuous charge gives Magus a hard time counter-attack and defeat them as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Lila charges forward to where Wael Leim is standing, she wants to snatch away the lady who's in his hands. She never met this lady and their families never interact with each other however she needs to save this lady because she's one of the cannon fodder who will assist the First Prince and the Prime minister in oppressing the Fifth Prince through using her family connections.

The eldest young miss of the Lan family has beauty and brains and is a future capitalist, the future wife of the first prince, Lan Jiaying.

Lan Jiaying is supposed to engage with her childhood and family friend, Zoe when she reached adulthood at 18 years old. However, everything has changed when she fell in love with her savior at age 16 from an ambush. She is only described briefly from the novel as the legal wife and a rich merchant. A few sentences of how they met with the first prince and her family's assistance to the first prince and prime minister schemes.

The reason she did not hesitate to lend a helping hand is that the part of how she met her husband to be is happening at this moment. And the supposed saving the damsel in distress was only a scheme brewed by the prime minister so that the first prince can have a connection to the wealthiest merchant family of the empire and have the eldest young miss of the Lan family fall in love with the first prince. Which succeeded in the novel and Lan Jiaying never knew the fact that she and her family had been scheme against.



With a collision of wind blades and swords, Lila fired a whirlwind at her opponents who tried to stop her. She utilized the moves she learned from taekwondo when someone's near her and did not forget to release her wind magic to throw her opponents away.

"What the hell are dawdling for your piece of sh*ts! Only two kids and you cannot even capture one of them?! Baird, Caine, go help those weaklings!"

Wael Leim shouted angrily when he saw that his lackeys took time to capture Lila and Magus. He's somewhat worried that they're almost late at the appointed time and place instructed by his contractor. They have to finish quickly because if not, he will not be able to get the huge fortune offered to them.

"You! Come here!"

He pulled Lan Jiaying harshly causing her to stumble and crash herself into Wael's arms. Wael took advantage to caress her body with his right hand and massage one of her peaks in different shapes. Lan Jiaying screamed, twisted her body in his arms, and swung her claws as a protest against his vile actions.

Wael Leim did not even flinch with her protest, he laughed maniacally seeing her humiliated face and futile actions. He grabs her and carries her on his shoulder while he does not forget to kick Yule heavily.

Seeing this, Lila, dodged, attacked, defended, threw a kick, sliced her attacker with her wind blade. Little by little, she almost defeated her enemies and almost reached Wael Leim, however, her one glance at Magus changed her decision to pursue Wael Leim because Magus received a lot of cuts and injuries. Magus was kicked and he was kicked away with blood spurting from his mouth.


She flew fast to Magus's direction and caught him before he reached the ground.

"Magus are you alright?"

Cough. Cough.

"I'm alright. It's just that I exhausted my spirit, power, and magic that's why they got me."

"They are strong. You…. be careful….. Lel."

Lila put down Magus on the ground slowly and got a pill on her spatial ring.

"You've done your best Magus, here eat this."

After she feeds the pill into Magus's mouth, Lila gets up, her face serious as she glances at the remaining bandits.

'There are less than 10 people left. If I go all out, I might defeat them. However, the problem is their leader. There's a 40% chance that I may defeat him and save this Lan something miss.' she thought.

There's a glint in her eyes as she picks up the sword that was dropped by one of the defeated bandits.

An oppressive aura surge outside her body vanished from where she's standing like a ghost and appeared behind the bulky man, chopped his neck with the hilt of the sword in a precise manner causing the bulky man to lose his consciousness instantly. It only happens in 3 seconds then she proceeds with her next target.

She did not hesitate as she released her magic and creatae a hurricane that sweeps her opponents one by one. After she stopped her attack, there's no space in their bodies that is intact and no cuts. Though they're still alive, they can no longer move on how grievous their injuries are. Because of this, Lila exhausted half of her remaining magic just to defeat the remaining bandits aside from Wael Liem in one fell swoop.

Worn out, Lila gritted her teeth as she rushed towards Wael Leim who's walking away with Lan Jiaying on his shoulder.