Chapter 3

Fuyuki sat on his old Ma chair, remembering a young boy from his past life. The boy resembled Kane, who was smiling and laughing in a field of flowers.

He was happier then.

Fuyuki's thoughts wondered off, not realizing that Hiroma walked in.

"Are you thinking about him again?"

Fuyuki didn't answer but Hiroma could see right through him.

"I loved him but I couldn't protect him,"

If you loved him that much why didn't you confess to him when he was still alive?

"No one could've saved him that day and besides you weren't even in his realm that day, so don't blame yourself!"


Nyx sat quietly on a sofa chair, but suddenly sneezed out of nowhere.

Is someone talking about me? It's been a year since I reincarnated into this body, and still no luck on getting my emotions back! But this world reminds me so much of his world.

Nyx thoughts wondered off as both lovers longed for each other.

Nyx had been stuck in this world for a year, not wanting to go back to his old life, he tried learning about this world and found out that this world has magic and cultivation.

In this worlds cultivation, one must go through 10 stages. Each stage has a requirement to breakthrough(ML will explain this to MC soon, so be patient).

Magic however does not go through stages but levels. Each level gives tasks like games(modern world except technology is more advanced). Each tasks is given randomly so if both beast have the same level the two might have different tasks.

Nyx, being unable to cultivate since birth, grew up learning how to use magic. But after a certain "incident" Nyx level restarted, making Nyx start all over from scratch. When the beast kind found out about this, they felt pity for Nyx who was a prodigy in shadow magic, but was now a weakling. Nyx, who was used to these stares because of his past life, didn't even twitch.


Kane, who was looking through Nyx memories was interrupted by Luna, Nyx older sister.

"I've been calling you for the past 10 minutes!"

"Forgive me sister, but I never realized you came in," Nyx who didn't mean to give her a blank stare was trying to smile, but looked deformed instead.

Luna who guessed what Nyx was doing, only smiled, and told Nyx not to rush.

The relationship between Luna and Nyx got better after a few months of meeting each other in family gatherings. In this world, family gatherings are calling of packs.

After talking with Luna for the whole day, the sun began to sleep and the moon began to wake. Soon Luna said her goodbyes and left. Nyx soon laid down on his bed, but this night Nyx won't be sleeping.


The noise woke Nyx up from his slumber.

What was that noise?


Did I just hear swords collied?

That noise is coming from the front door, Nyx ears twitched as he got up from bed and turned on the lights. Nyx walked down stairs to only hear more of the noise. Nyx slowly tip toed over to the door, grabbed the handle and hesitated.

Should I open it or not? Nah! Screw it! I'll open it!

Nyx swung open the door to find-no one?

But I swear I heard someone fighting! Am I hallucinating?

Before Nyx could get even more confused someone grabbed his tail, Nyx, who didn't have his guard up accidentally let out a moan rather then a scream(MC weak spot is his tail).

Nyx who's now embarrassed, finally turned on the front doors lights, to only find an injured man on the floor.

Their eyes met for a second before the man fell unconscious again.

Nyx who forgot about his moan completely, didn't know what to do with an injured man, so him, being a good person dragged the unconscious man inside, and placed him on the sofa.

After placing the man, Nyx, having no medical skills, was freaking out.

«Mission-Save Fuyuki»

What!? A task out of nowhere!

«Task Board:If Host refuses, host will get a penalty»

Fine I'll save him!

Nyx, going with his instincts, unbuttons the mans clothes. Only to see scars scattered around Fuyuki's body. Nyx, following a scar that ran down Fuyuki's chest, only silently stared.

He's ripped.

Finally, snapping out of his gaze, Nyx worked all night to save Fuyuki.

«Mission-Save Fuyuki:Complete»

«Reward:New skill»

«Reward:Level up»

«Love Meter:3%»

«Task Board:Host, congratulations on leveling up, please keep making persistent effort on the Love Meter»

Nyx, who worked all night, woke up from the pestering Task Board. Seeing a screen pop in front of him, Nyx, seeing his level go up, was exited but soon depleted after seeing the«Love Meter» his emotionless face was really emotionless this time.

«Mission-Nurture Fuyuki back to health»

«Mission-Introduce yourself»

«Mission-Get to know him»

3 tasks!? And why are they all related to him?

«Task Board: Answering Host question-Each Host has their own Task Bot, and each Task Bot are made specifically on whats important to the Host»

So whats important to me is love?

«Task Board:Answering Host question-No»

Then what!?

"Task Board:Answering Host question-Host priority is to have emotions, and the best way to get your emotions back is love»

And you chose him!?

Nyx, who's to busy asking questions to his Task Bot never realized Fuyuki waking up.

Fuyuki, who just woke up and felt pain from his shoulder made a groan, getting Nyx attention.

Nyx, seeing the injured man get up and groan, ran over to only trip and fall on his face.


«Task Board:....»

Nyx, getting up to only show an emotionless embarrassed blush, looked cute.

«Love Meter:5%»

Why did that go up!? Wait is he a pervert?