Chapter 4

Fuyuki awoke to find himself in a strange room. The room smelled of strong herbal medicine. The soft pillow was softer then the clouds, making Fuyuki feel like he was in heaven.

However, there was a problem. This bed was to....fluffy. Fuyuki, living in a world of war, always slept in a hard bed. So, to Fuyuki it was uncomfortable.

Fuyuki, hearing a sound, got up, but forgot he was injured, and made a grunt. The jolting pain was only for a moment so Fuyuki got used to it quick.

Nyx, hearing a grunt coming from the injured man, ran over but to only slip and fall.


«Task Bot:.....»

Nyx, getting up like nothing happened, but to only find a screen popping up in front of him.

«Love Meter:5%»

Why did that go up?! Wait, maybe he's a pervert!

Nyx shivered to the thought of that.


«Task Bot:Please calm down dear Host or you'll hurt yourself from to much stress»

The Task Bot had advised him, after all Nyx body and mental state is worse then ever. Kane didn't enter Nyx body until after Nyx grandpa prayed for a blessing on his grandson. That's when Nyx pain had stopped, no fever everyday, no coughing out blood every second, no waking up to bruises from the bed, no suffering from insomnias anymore. It was as if the gods really blessed him, but no, it was because the original Host was already dead, Kane had entered his body after the original Host reincarnated. Then met the man who did this to him, then on and on until we get to here.(I'm to lazy to explain everything)

After entering Nyx body, you might think it got better, but nope, it got worse, Nyx would get headache so bad he would have nosebleeds, bruises so painful that he couldn't even move, and fevers that would someday consume him. No one could do much for him, all they could do was watch, and comfort him while he was in pain, of course Nyx felt happy and comforted unlike his past life, which no one cared. His aunt however cared very much for his life, Nyx still wonders what happened to her when he died.

Nyx closed his eyes and tried to calm down. After a few seconds he opened them, showing his pearl like purple eyes. However, after opening them, him and Fuyuki's diamond eyes met.


Good, it went down.

Fuyuki, paused as he stared into the child's eyes.

Emotionless eyes, but so familiar.

As Nyx stared into his eyes, a warm feeling sparked inside him. He too, was feeling something familiar.

«Task Bot: Congratulations Host, you have found your soulmate»



«Task Bot: Host, your stress as risen»

«Zen Bot: Congratulations Master, you've found your soulmate»

Soulmate? I thought Kane was my soulmate. And aren't you suppose to have one soulmate? So how can I have two?

Soulmates are the other half of you, the one that has magic or cultivation. If they have magic, their Task Bot should know your C Bot. If your both a cultivator and magic user, then your soulmate should be a spirit, demon, or you probably don't have one. Usually if you have both, you don't have a soulmate. This is what we call a Z. Z are people who don't have soulmates, and they are the most rarest creatures in the world, but none seem to be found anymore.

«Zen Bot: Master this is Kane»

How? Wasn't Kane dead?

«Zen Bot: Kane's original body is dead but Kane's soul isn't, so his body was put into Nyx body, which he is still your soulmate even after your reincarnation»

As Fuyuki was deep in thought, Nyx was freaking out.

What!? How can he be my soulmate?

«Task Bot: Host please calm down, your stress level is rising, you'll start having headaches if you don't calm down»

A warning screen had popped up in front Nyx, but it was to late, his stress level was to high.

Nyx felt a jolting pain in his head. His vision began to blur, more warnings screens popped up. He clenched his head, feeling the ripping of his brain, this time no one was here to comfort him.

Nyx was starting to lose his balance, but before Nyx fell, he was caught by Fuyuki, the two eyes met again, but this time it was different.

Nyx soon felt warm liquid flow out of his nose, the pain was getting worse. His body was heating up, soon he'll have a fever. Nyx leaned on Fuyuki as the pain started to rip through his skull. He was starting to lose consciousness. He gripped on Fuyuki as the pain stabbed his skull. He'll lose consciousness but the fever will wake him because this is only the beginning of his torture.