Chapter 5

Fuyuki laid Nyx down on the bed. He closely watched the pale child. He watched as blood trickledown Nyx pale lips. Thinking about it now, he never kissed Nyx in his past life. it wasn't the fact that he didn't want to, it was fact that his lover never let him. Nyx back then was shy, and unapproachable. He pushed everyone away, locking his desires away. Though that's the reason why everyone approached him. Nyx acting cold would only lead to people teasing him, if teased to much he would puff his cheeks and tear up, making him look like a pitiful child.

Fuyuki wiped away the blood on the child. He gently held Nyx hand, and closed his eyes. Remembering his lovers past life's body, this body was more seductive, and delicate. It had everything a female leopard prayed for. Female leopards were beauties that had slender and tender bodies that could seduce any male beasts, even Fuyuki himself has met one, though it was in the bath.

Before Fuyuki thoughts wondered off, he felt the child grip his hand. He opened his eyes to only meet the others wet eyes.

Even though Nyx was used to the pain he still can't help but tear up.

Nyx felt a jolt in his lungs, his fever has begun. His grip grew tighter, his breathing became rough, his vision blurred. He soon began to cough out blood, the man beside him tried to comfort him while his lungs squeezed his heart.

This went on for the whole day, Nyx soon stopped coughing, his voice dry and hoarse. The suffocating fever began to cool, now he just needed water. After coughing for so long, his lungs dried, needing water he tried to speak, but nothing came out.

He lost his voice.

Again he tried. Nothing.

Nyx voice was lost in his dry lungs. Feeling helpless and sleepy, he let himself drift into dreamland.

Fuyuki held a glass of clear water, knowing the child was sleeping, he left it on the table. Wiping the blood off the child and changing Nyx bloody clothes. Fuyuki realized he left bruises.

Such a delicate body.

Fuyuki only wanted to help his lover not hurt him, but he didn't want to think any further, he'll come back and apologize when he returns. Right now he has a mission. He grabbed his furry coat, kissed the child goodbye and left.

Jumping out of the window and landing on his feet, Fuyuki transformed into a white leopard. Looking back at the house, and wondered if his lover would be alright. Although he wants to stay, he mustn't.

Zen, when he wakes up inform him I will come back for him.

«Zen:Yes Master»

Zen, treat him like you treat me. He'll soon be my wife.

Zen knew his master, his master was a lady killer and could have any women he wanted but....but taking his wife's host is this fate?

«Zen:Yes Master»

Then he left.

Nyx gently opened his pearl like eyes to only see Clay nestled beside him. He tried to get up but felt pain and soon gave up. Nyx, tired from the fever tried moving his arms, nothing. They weren't moving, probably to weak from the fever. He could see dark bruises stained on his body, but no blood?

"Awake?" Nyx heard a voice that made Clay tremble beside him, Clay is probably awake, but why tremble?

Task Bots have bodies, they themselves are human, but at the same time their not. Why their human is because of their soul, their not human because of their robotic brain. Though they still have emotions like humans do.

"I guess both of you are awake," the same person spoke.

"Why is master making us take care of this child?" another man spoke.

"This child is important to the master, Hayato," a man in a lighter voice spoke.


"Yes, Hayato,"

"How important, Kenta?"


"Yes Shiro?" Hayato answered as his innocent eyes looked back at Shiro. Shiro seeing the innocent eyes could not say a thing.

"Zen, why don't you explain?" Not giving Zen time to protest he pushed Zen beside Hayato.

Zen new that Hayato was much younger then them and that he.....never touched a female before. Zen, not wanting to ruin a friends innocents could not say a word. He helplessly stared at his friend.