First quest

To join a guild one must keep his hand on a magical orb to measure his magical strength, but Masato being our overpowered main character cracked the orb just by concentrating 5% to 10% of his magical strength.

The guild leader called Masato in his Cabin.

Leader: You are the strongest person who ever walked inside the doors of my guild. Please join my Guild, you are directly promoted to Platinum rank. You have acess to the second floor, tougher missions then all the normal adventures. And you will earn more money then others.

Masato: I need a badge of your guild first

Leader: You have to learn to be patient. First you have to sign these papers.

Masato takes the papers and starts to read them.

Masato: This is the joining certificate of the Guildenstern Guild. Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla. Wait what the, if you die during a quest or dungeon the guild will not be responsible. Ok Ok that makes sense. Give me a pen to sign this.

Leader: Make a pen with your magic boy.

Masato signs the papers. The leader takes them to a shelf. He gives Masato a badge with Platinum written on it and the guilds name written below. He also gives Masato a sword which was a symbol of the guild. All the top guilds gave their members weapons, like Spear, Sword, Bow, Etc.

Leader: Now time for your first quest but first equip yourself with some good equipments. Here take 50,000 vals but return them as soon as possible.

Masato took the amount. He then went to shop to buy some equipments.

After buying a light armour he returned back to the guild for a quest. He returned back the unused 25,000 vals.

Masato chooses a random quest awarding 2 million vals. He reports to guild master that he is leaving for his first quest. But first he goes to an inn to spend the night.

Masato had 50 vals remaining with him.

He goes to the receptionist and asked her the cost.

Receptionist: It will be 5 vals per day and the breakfast will be complementary.

Masato pays 5 vals takes the room keys and heads towards the room.

Masato enters inside the room and directly jumps on the bed.

Masato: System Command, System Command, Rize are you there?

No reply. Masato did this every night to talk with Rize but nobody answered.


After having breakfast he left for the

Kenja island. The quest was to stop the demonic dragon of approx level 70 from destroying the Kenja city.

Masato thought of saving time so instead of taking a ship he flew. The city port was full of people. It was as if people were waiting for someone or something. Masato landed on the ground. A small girl one or two years younger then him came running towards him.

Girl: Are you from the Guildenstern Guild.

Masato: Yes

Girl: We were all waiting for you please save us.

She took Masato to the city mayor's office