
Mayor: So you are Masato, your guild leader informed me everything, you dont look like a 10 year old.

Masato: Dont mind my age sir I am here just for the money.

Mayor: Quite a businessman you are.

Masato: Money is important for survival

after all.

Mayor: This is your first quest right?

Masato: Yes sir.

Mayor: So as per the rules u have to give me some kind of proof that you have completed the quest, then I will inform it to your guild and you can any day go and take all your money.

Masato: Ok this means that you have already paid 2 million vals to the guild.

Mayor: Yes but actually I paid 2.3 million vals but the guild takes some money for itself.

Masato: Can the proof be some witness?

Mayor: Yeah but I should be someone trust worthy.

Masato: You select someone you trust, I will go with them.

The mayor thinks for a while. Then he walks towards the door.

Mayor: Follow me

Masato silently followed the Mayor. There was a awkward silence between both of them. Masato was kinda nervous. They stopped infront of a large mansion. The mayor knocks the door.

Some weird creature opened the door.

Masato: I never knew that Sea Elves survived even on land.

Mayor: That's rude

The Girl who opened the door: I get that a lot. So yeah we sea elves can survive on land but our magic is comparatively weak and our speed too. I am Xeronom

The sea elf looked like her age was 10. Her skin was bluish green, her hair was black. Ther eyes were golden and shined like a pearl. Her hands and feets were webbed her collar bone and ribs were covered with gills.

Masato (inside his mind): If I gain this girls trust then she can be the first girl of my harem. Theres one more problem, my age is not enough to have sex. Whatever I've heard that sea elves have an awesome memory, even if I forget her she will remember me.

Masato: Hey, can I call you Xero cause your name is too long.

Xero: I don't care

Masato (inside his mind): Yeah it will be hard to gain trust of this girl.

Mayor: Ok Xeronom you have to go with Masato to defeat the dragon.

Masato: I dont think she is strong enough.

Xero: You are making fun of me. Let's have a fight here before we go to beat that dragon.

Masato: I dont have any problem but dont cry if I defeat you.

They both chat while going to the field to fight. Masato goes to the other corner.

Masato: Dexterity 10%, Strength 20%, Magic 5%, Summon spirit Flamie.

Hey Xero I'm gonna use only fire attacks against you.

Xero uses aqua ring and covers herself completely with a water shield.

Masato: Hell's fire

All the water evaporates and Xero is seriously injured. Her hand was burning.

Masato quickly used water and healing magic to save Xero from dying.

Xero wakes up, she runs towards Masato, jumps and hugs him, they both fall down, while sitting on Masato's stomach she says.

Xero: Please marry me.