The Dragon

Masato: What the hell are you an amazonian? I mean who the hell does that, plus it seriously is illegal.

Xero: I had a dream that one day someone will come and he will be so strong that I wont stand a chance against him. You Masato, you are the prince of my dream.

Masato: Wait You mean that you are strong?

Xero: Yes, even if I dont look strong, I actually am level 50, nobody in this island is above 30. Wait you never told me your level.

Masato: Well that's cause I dont know what my level is, the orbs which measures magic break everytime I touch them.

Masato (inside his mind): This is like a perfect RPG game. But instead of selecting options, I am replying directly.

Xero: No way, no bodies magic in this world is strong enough to break the magical orb. Can you summon spirits.

Masato: Yeah, 5 of them.

Xero: That's impossible you have to be above level 200 to do that.

Masato: And how much can the orb measure?

Xero: Till level 150. Wait this makes sense. This means that you are somewhere between level 200 and 250.

Cause in the ancient mythological stories there was once a hero who was level 250 and summoned all 6 types of spirits.

Mayor: Is your chatting over cause the dragon is heading towards the city. As per the reports he will reach the city in 4 hours.

Masato: No worries, Xero hop on my back, cause you will slow me down if you walk.

Masato used his magic to find the dragon.

Masato: North

Mayor: How do you know?

Masato: Magic. ...Dexterity 10%

Hey Xero just try not to get crushed by the wind pressure.

Masato starts running

They reach a forest. It was a thick evergreen forest.

Masato uses his Magic to jump from tree to tree like a monkey.

They find the dragon sleeping on the ground. It looked like the Ender Dragon from MINECRAFT.

Xero jumps on the ground a little away from the dragon so that she wont interfere in the fight between Masato and the dragon.

It was four legged, had gigantic 10m long wings, its whole body was covered in scales. Scales made of some hard metal. Iron or Titanium.

Masato: Volcanic Explosion

Normal attacks are competitively weaker and can be used without saying their name but special attacks require shouting their names.

The ground below the dragon started shaking. A small Volcano like structure appears below the dragon. The volcano is tall enough to lift the dragon a few feets above the ground. The dragon opens his blood red eyes. He starts to fly but he is too late.

The Volacano erupts. The lava starts flying in all directions. The lava melts the dragons wings, and eventually the whole dragon is vaporized. The surrounding forest is unaffected because Masato simultaneously uses water magic.

Masato: Xero where are you?

Xero was sitting on top of a tree. Masato was even stronger then she expected. His power stunned her. After 10 seconds.

Xero: Hey I am on top of a tree help me get down.