Time pass

Xero and Masato then return back to the city. They both then enter the Mayor's office.

Xero: Mr. Mayor Sir, Masato fulfilled his quest he killed the dragon. I've never seen someone as strong as this guy. Wish you were there to see him defeat the dragon.

Mayor: That's good news. Honestly, Masato you dont know how relieved I am after listening to this news.

Masato: Mr. Mayor, I already told you that I am here for money not for helping you. In a world without money I might have been a hero.

Mayor: Ok now time to inform your guild.

Masato was waiting outside the mayor's office, thinking what should he do after this, another quest or enjoy his time in Kenja Island. While thinking Xero taps his back.

Xero: Hey Masato if you dont mind can I ask you one question?

Masato: You just did.

Xero: Ok two questions?

Masato: You just did.

Xero: When?

Masato: Now!!

Xero: Hey! I am serious.

Masato: Ok, What is it?

Xero: If you dont mind can I come with you

Her bluish green face turned as red as a tomato. She also was shivering, probably because of nervousness.

Masato used magic to make a sweater. Which he gave to Xero

Xero: What is this for?

Masato: You were shivering.

Xero: Stop joking. Just tell me the answer.

Masato walks close to Xero, he holds her slimy hands.

Masato: Only on one condition, you become my guide and show me around this beautiful island city.

Xero while holding Masato's hand starts running.

Xero: Follow me

Masato: Tommorow

Xero slips because she looses her balance

Masato: Are you alright

He helps her get up

Masato: See its already night and for an adventurer sleep is very important.

Xero: Do you have any place to stay tonight

Masato: No, I will stay at some inn tonight.

Xero: If you dont have any problem then you can stay in my house tonight.

Masato: Are you crazy, Obviously no.


Masato wakes up the next day, unable to sleep for the whole night because his mind was busy thinking about Xero. Masato's mind was continuously reminding him. That having sex with her will be illegal even for FBI and even for Webnovel.

Masato reaches Xero's mansion, knocks the door. Xero opens the door but this time she looked older. Her boobs looked developed, her height increased, she looked sexier.

Masato: Can Sea elves change their age?

Xero: Normal Sea elves cant but I can, my age actually is 14. Two years older then you.

Masato: Whatever lets go on the city tour.

Xero: Hey answer this which Xero do you like more, the younger one or the older one.

Masato: Its better if she is the same age as me.

Skipping the city tour


Masato and Xero both are standing near the port waiting for the ship to arrive.

Masato: Cant you just swim?

Xero: I've never been on a ship.

Masato: I dont have much money now.

Xero: Dont worry I have 20,000 vals with me.

Masato: What are you gonna do with all that money?