+1 year

Xero: Buy ship tickets.

Xero goes and buys two of the most luxurious tickets.

Skipping the travel

Masato arrives at the Guild. Xero registered her name, and officially became a member of the Guildenstern Guild. Masato collects his 2 million vals.

He walks away from the guild, to a property dealer.

Masato: Hey Xero increase your age by 6 years.

Xero: Ok 18 years here.

Masato knew that the property dealer will try to fool and earn extra money from two 12 year old kids. But if he sees one adult then he will think before saying a word.

The mansions ranged from 1 million to 20 million vals.

In this world people used cards to carry money, just like debit cards. All the money they earn is stored in that card. This card had a finger print sensor. It depended on the members whether they want a card or cash.

Masato was smart to select a card. Masato bought a mansion of 1.8 million vals. He also hired servants to keep it clean. After hiring the servants he was left with 150,000 vals.

Masato: I have nothing to do with all the remaining money.

Xero: Then invest them somewhere.

Masato: Good idea.

Masato starts a trading company called Masato's material. It sold hunting goods and fruits. It wasn't an instant hit. Masato somehow wanted to establish a monopoly and his greatest opponent was Richard's trading company.

1 year later

The company was going great, they started from 2 shops and grew to 20 in one year, if he continues at the same rate then he will soon establish a monopoly in the Grander city. But his ambitions were not only limited to the Grander city. he wanted to expand his business around the world.

But that doesn't matter now beacuse Masato now was experiencing changes in his life. He was going through something which people called puberty. As the age of one increases, his magic power does too.

Masato was still a Platinum ranked adventurer. His rank didn't increase because he never went on a quest after saving Kenja city. He earned enough from his trading company.

Xero lived with him. Masato still doesn't know why she lives with him. There are many people stronger than her.

Xero: Masato you are such a boring guy. You just sleep and eat all day. I came with you because I thought you went on all types of crazy adventures.

Masato: Wanna go to a dungeon.

Xero: Why not, just remember even if we die noone will find out about us.

Masato: I dont think that I will die.

Xero: Then let's go.

They both walk to the guild.

Receptionist: I thought you joined another guild.

Masato: I was gonna join another.

Receptionist: Many quests are pending, go and choose a quest.

Masato: I am not here for that, I am going to a dungeon.

Receptionist: Are you serious, nobody has ever returned alive from a dungeon.

Masato: Then I will be the first one.