Dungeon 1

As expected rarely adventurers spoke about the dungeon. But a few experienced, the gold and platinum ranked ones knew where the dungeon was.

Xero and Masato traveled a distance of 20000 miles in just fraction of seconds.

The members and the guild leader already warned them about the dungeon but Masato wasn't ready to give up.

Masato: The first few floors would be too easy, let's skip them.

Masato used earth magic, creating a hole in the ground and wind magic to ensure safe landing.

They stopped near the 47th floor. As per the religions scrolls the dungeons are 50 floors deep. And the dungeon master is on that floor.

Masato: Time for some warm up.

Xero: Yeah warm up is required before a big fight.

Xero trained a lot with Masato, this brought her level up to 120. Level 120 isn't a big deal for Masato but for the other neanderthals it was a big deal.

The floor had large dragons who were easily killed by Masato's magic and Xero's water blade.

Masato: This is like a labyrinth, I can't find a way to go to the next floor.

Xero: Use your Magic.

48th floor

This floor was filled with weird snake monsters having human hands and wielded a sword or a spear. Masato knew that these Snakes would be no trouble for him.

49th floor

This floor was something different. it consisted of many different types of monsters. Orces, Giants, Mind flayers, Owlbears, etc. This floor was very straightforward only one way forward or backward. The stairs were easy to find. Xero and Masato decided to take a break and have lunch near the staircase.

50th floor

Thinking that the last floor of the dungeon will be a completely dark room with a large metal door infront and the final boss defending it but no the 50th floor was a beautiful garden. But it had no care taker. Masato used his magic to scan the area but found no monsters.

They both start walking towards something which looked like a mansion.

Masato being a hard core anime fan knew that this mansion has a library and in there somewhere lies a very big secret about this world or the answer to one of the unanswered questions.

Inside the mansion

After spending 2 weeks extracting all the information from the library and discovering the whole floor Masato concluded that he isnt dead just the time in the real world has stopped. His soul is trapped in this game and he has to defeat the 12 demon kings if he wants to return back.

He also found a world map. It gave him all the locations of all the dungeons. It also gave the location of a deamon king. Demons were basically gods top angels who had fallen because the started a rebellion against the almighty god. Under the leadership of Lucifer. But to fight against Lucifer Masato has to kill all the 12 kings. The demon whose location was given on the map was the serpent king.