
Masato: What should we do?

Xero: Sex

Masato: Can you please be serious.

Xero: Ok then I think that we should go to the serpent kingdom.

Masato: I don't know.

Masato (Inside his mind): Do I really want to complete this game so fast. I was enjoying this world so much. 12 demon lords. The people of this world are not that strong so the demon lord will be a little stronger than the people of this world. He wont be as strong as Ainz Ooal Gown. Anyway even if he is too strong I can easily response.

Masato's brain started hurting because of all his overthinking. He was not able to decide what he wanted to do. He wasn't scared of the demon king. He was just decided whether he wanted to return back to his old life of to continue enjoying his life in this fantasy world which he dreamt of. It's a tough choice his life in this world was damn easy. He just woke up, ate, and slept again. His business was successful so he had nothing to worry about.

But now he has a tough decision to make.

Masato: Xero let's return back to our mansion.

Xero: I dont mind, it's your decision. But can you tell me the reason, is the strongest guy on this planet scared of snakes.

Masato: No, just the fact that I want to live my life comfortably prevents me from attacking the Serpent King. Plus I will attack him after my magic reaches its maximum limit.

Xero: You mean after 6 years. After you are completely an adult of 18 years.

Masato: Yeah I dont want to risk my life.

Masato (inside): I can easily beat the King but I'll wait. What if, I die and never return back to this world. What about Rize. I also am living in the world which many Otakus dream of.

After 6 years (Just to add legal sex scenes I am skipping years. Sorry if its annoying.)

It was Masato's 19th Birthday. He was 13 years when he cleared the dungeon.

The king of the country. King Lear the 69th personally came to welcome Masato when he returned from the Dungeon.

more than ¼th of the people of the came to the spot just to welcome Masato and Xero.

King George: Welcome back champion. You are the first human to ever clear the dungeon. The whole country is proud of your accomplishments. We are having a royal party and expect you to attend it. And you are also given the badge of the strongest human on the planet.

Masato: Thank you your Highness. I and Xeronom shall surely attend the party.

Because of her help I am standing here infront of you.

Xero (inside): He is an awesome liar. But yeah in this world where discrimination is really common, we demi humans are ill treated by all humans. This may be his try to stop discrimination. I shall thank him later about this.

King George: I should probably invite the kings of demihumans too.