
Chapter 7

It was late at night. Yang Lan just finished having dinner and directly went to his room. He was preparing to clean up himself when the door opened.

Multiple men entered his room. He recognized one of them. He was the partner of the one who got his arm broken. Beside him was a man with a very scary face, It was Boss Wei.

Yang Lan sat down in a chair and crossed his legs, "I think I didn't invite anyone to come to my place this late."

Boss Wei also sat down and said, "You must be Yang Lan, right?"

"If you already know, then why ask."

"I can give you a chance. Give me the jade and I'll spare your life. If not I'll make you disappear." He lifted one hand and ordered his man to surround Yang Lan.

Yang Lan as always didn't care much of his surroundings. He just sat without doing anything.

"I guess this is your answer. Take him down."

Ten or so guys went forward to attack Yang Lan but as soon as they moved, Yang Lan disappeared from his spot and arrived behind one of the attackers and knocked him down. They were stupefied, they couldn't believe how fast he was.

Yang Lan didn't give them time and started knocking the rest down.

45 seconds! Only 45 seconds was needed to defeat everyone. Now only three were left standing in the room; Yang Lan, Boss Wei and the 'Short' Man.

Yang Lan sat down again in the same chair and said, "What did you say you would do?"

Boss Wei was scared. But he still had an ace up his sleeve. He pointed a gun to Yang Lan. "I don't care how strong you are, I don't think you can dodge a bullet." He then shot.


The shot could be heard but Yang Lan was still fine. In his hand he was holding a spoon. It was the one he bought previously. He didn't thought it'd be useful in this situation.

He then looked at him and said with a grin, "Well I didn't dodge."

Boss Wei looked at Yang Wei with opened eyes and shot multiple times till he emptied the magazine.

'Bang, bang, bang...!'

Everytime he shot, Yang Lan would move his hand and block the bullets with the spoon.

Seing he couldn't defeat this monster (Yang Lan) he turned around and run. When he was at the door, Yang Lan snorted, "You think you can come threatening me and leave when you want?"

He then threw the spoon with such force that pierced Boss Wei's legs. He then fell and cried agonizingly.

He knew he couldn't stay in his room anymore so he left but before that he picked up his stuff (and the spoon) and ordered Zero, "Zero erase every recording where I appear and my records in this hotel."

[Master I already did so. The police won't be able to find any footage of you. While the room has been changed to someone else's name.]

He then left the Morning Hotel and directly went to his new home which was currently being renovated.

A while later, the police officers arrived at Yang Lan's room and were stunned by the sight. They found Boss Wei lying on the floor and he seemed to have passed out because of the pain. And the only one conciuous was the short man but when they asked him what happened he could only say one word, "Monster"

The officers looked at the surveillance cameras but found that every recording in the past three days has been erased.

When Boss Wei woke up in the hospital, he was interrogated and when they asked him what happened, he didn't say anything. At the end he was imprisoned por illegal possession of firearms.


The next morning, Yang Lan woke up. He slept in the second floor which wasn't being renovated.

There were already workers downstairs but they didn't start since they knew Yang Lan was upstairs and didn't want to bother him. When he went down, the workers greeted him. The house was 80% done and would only need 2-3 days more to finish.

Yang Lan didn't stay any longer and left. He was on his way to meet a master craftsman.