The island was far from the mainland so it'd take them 12 hours to arrive.
They have been traveling for already 8 hours and it had been quite smooth.
In a big room inside the yacht, Yang Lan was sitting in a poker table. Along side him was also Song Lan, Xu Bai and three other leaders while Tong Hu was the dealer. Of course they wouldn't play with real money, just playing for fun.
The one winning was probably Song Lan since she had towers of chips in front of her. Everytime they played a hand, Song Lan would win 85% of the time which shocked everyone in the room.
'Lady boss has such heavenly defying luck.' Everyone thought.
As they were about to play another round, an alarm.
At that moment, Lin Ping hurriedly entered the room and said distressed, "Boss we've got a problem. We need you at the control room."
Lin Ping lead Yang Lan while the rest followed. Song Lan also wanted to follow but she thought it was important so she decided to stay with her maid.
When they arrived, all the present inside the room saluted Yang Lan, "Greetings Boss."
Yang Lan nodded at them.
"So what happened?" he asked.
The captain took a step forward and said, "Boss we've encountered pirates."
Yang Lan looked outside and could see a warship. Although it was an old model, it was still dangerous. "How do you know they are pirates?"
The captain explained, "If they were from the military, they'd have already sent us a signal but they didn't and also that warship is a Type-037 corvette which has been decommissioned 2 years ago."
The rest were holding their breaths. They couldn't believe pirates could get this warships in their hands.
One of the leaders was curious and asked, "How could they get this warship?"
The captain replied, "I heard from a friend that when they were transferring 2 Type-037, pirates came and managed to steal both."
"What? You're saying there's another of this thing out there?"
"It seems so."
Yang Lan didn't know what a Type-037 was exactly so he asked Zero.
[Master this type of warship is incorporated with anti-ship missiles. But even if they were to launch them, they could be intercepted by the surface-to-air missiles.]
"Prepare the missiles and lock onto them. Don't fire without my order." Yang Lan said.
The crew members were professionals and started doing their job.
Meanwhile at the pirate ship,
"Jin that yacht should be worth billions. We're rich." A plain looking man said.
This man Jin laughed and said, "Yeah, we should be able to get tons of money from them. But remember, never harm them."
All the crew who heard him shouted, "Yes Captain Jin."
But all this joy didn't last, an alarm sounded all of a sudden.
"Captain we've been locked by missiles."
"What? From where?"
"It's them Captain. That yacht."
The Captain was fidgeting, "We can't afford to battle with them. This ship isn't capable of intercepting missiles."
"Then Captain what do we do?"
"If Sister was with us we could be in a stalemate but she isn't nearby. Contact that yacht. I'll negotiate with them."
Coming back to Yang Lan's group,
"Boss they want to speak with us."
"Ok, put them on."
[Hello, I'm Jin the captain of this ship and the vice leader of Iron Pirates. I'd like to talk with your leader.] His voice sounded from the speaker and could be heard from everyone in the yacht.
Yang Lan didn't immediately answer but waited a couple of minutes and then took the phone and said, "Yang Lan speaking."
[Brother Yang I hope we could forget about all of this and continue our separate ways. If we were to fight, no one knows who would be victorious]
"It isn't that easy. I've heard of your pirate group before. I know you never harm your victims which made me curious. We also don't want to fight but talking with the phone isn't appropriate. So how about you lead us to your base and we can discuss it along with your leader?" As for how Yang Lan knew about them, he heard it from Zero.
[This... I guess I don't have another choice. I trust that Brother Yang won't go back his words.]
"I always keep my word." Yang Lan resolutely said.