Erlang Shen

"Now then Arthur. I know what you are thinking. 'Why do I have to learn how to fight with a spear when I know how to fight with a staff?' am I right," says Erlang Shen as Arthur was exactly thinking that.

Arthur began to scratch his head while laughing from the embarrassment of being found out when Erlang Shen chuckles.

"I can understand that young people don't understand the difference but since you were trained by both Athena and Wukong you should have found out the difference right," says Erlang Shen as Arthur nods.

"The difference is in the style," says Arthur as Erlang Shen nods.

"Exactly, Athena is a Fortress and Wukong is Unpredictable. What do you think I am?" asks Erlang Shen is he just stood in his relaxed position making it pretty clear to Arthur.

"Order?" asks Arthur when Erlang Shen neither agrees or denies it.

"It's Control," says Erlang Shen as he shows his style to Arthur when he says, "You will profit from learning it. Now follow my lead."

Erlang Shen begins to demonstrate the beginner moves to Arthur when he notices something and asks, "Did the two not teach you any footwork?"

"Footwork?" asks Arthur back when Erlang Shen puts his hand against his face while shaking his face.

"We will begin your spear training after you learned some footwork. I can understand that Athena didn't teach you some since she is a Fortress but Wukong should have taught you some at least," says Erlang Shen as he puts his spear away for the moment and says, "Follow my steps. I want you to memories the Footwork of the Jade Emperor."

"Jade Emperor, you mean the King of Immortals," says Arthur surprised when Erlang Shen nods.

"He is my uncle after all. I learned it from him. You learning it will help you in the long run," says Erlang Shen as he begins to move when Arthur follows his movements.

"Good, keep going until you reach this level," says Erlang Shen when he suddenly was 10x faster than before.

"Once you can move this fast I will teach you the way of the spear," says Erlang Shen as he stopped and looks at Arthur while saying, "This was the basic footwork. Once you learn the way of the spear we will talk about the other footwork techniques like this one."

Suddenly an afterimage of Erlang Shen was standing in front of Arthur while the real one was behind him when Erlang Shen says, "This one is quite easy once you learned the footwork I taught you right now."

"Yes, sir," says Arthur as he wanted to salute when Erlang Shen sees that and smiles.

"It's been long since someone saluted to me. It was before I became an Immortal," says Erlang Shen as he liked the feeling of getting respected by Arthur.

"Now then let's begin your training," says Erlang Shen as Arthur began to train his footwork.

It took him 2 weeks to get to a level near the level Erlang Shen showed him when he gets praised by him.

"You did quite well," says Erlang Shen as he then takes his spear in his hand and begins to show Arthur how to combine both the spear art and footwork.

Arthur follows the example to the point as Erlang Shen got motivated by seeing Arthur succeed.

"Good you the beginner stuff is easy let go with the intermedium stuff," says Erlang Shen as he began to move again.

Arthur follows until a point when Erlang Shen was suddenly too fast to follow because he got too excited from training Arthur that Arthur says, "Shen you are going to fast."

"Am I?" asks Erlang Shen as Arthur nods making Erlang Shen laugh while saying, "It must have been my excitement. I will go slower again but I wish that you will go as fast as I did in the future."

Arthur nods as Erlang Shen smiles, "Good."

They continue the training as one and a half years pass when Erlang Shen says, "So you got a gift from Wukong. It seems I will have to gift you something too."

Erlang Shen was thinking about it since he began training Arthur but didn't know what to gift him when he suddenly realizes something and says, "I know now what to gift you."

Arthur looked confused at Erlang Shen when he waves Arthur to him. Arthur does as told and Erlang Shen sits down crossing his legs.

"Come sit and close your eyes. It will hurt just a bit but afterward you will thank me," says Erlang Shen as Arthur sits down.

Erlang Shen then put his hand over Arthur's heart and forehead as he closed his eyes and his third eye appears in his forehead.

Qi begins to rush from Arthur's head into his forehead as a link was beginning to connect to the brain.

Arthur was feeling pain as he was screaming the hell out of his lungs when Erlang Shen made a hole in his forehead.

The Qi was beginning to form a third eye that was blue when Arthur suddenly falls over from the pain he felt.

"You did well. Rest for now," says Erlang Shen as he picked Arthur up and walked him inside the Palace.

He places him in a bed when Shura appears and says, "That was a great risk."

"Was it really," says Erlang Shen as he smiles before saying, "He got a gift from Wukong and Athena. Mine should be more memorable than theirs."

"Well, you should at least have cleaned the blood from the forehead because we will dirty the bed with blood now," says Shura also smiling as he begins to walk while making a hand gesture telling Erlang Shen to follow him.

"How is his training?" asks Shura curious about Arthur's progress.

"He is learning faster then it seems. But now that he has the eye I will train him harder," says Erlang Shen as he was quite excited.

"So every teacher is gifting him something," says Shura as he found it quite exciting that they did.

"It seems so," says Erlang Shen as they were almost outside when he asks, "Who will be his next teacher?"

"My brother will be his next teacher," says Shura as Erlang Shen smiles.

"Your brother that hates humans more than anything. He will get his ass handled by Arthur if he doesn't take him seriously," says Erlang Shen as Shura begins to laugh hearing that comment while Erlang Shen leaves him.

The next morning Arthur wakes up and finds his armor still on his body. He touches his forehead since it was hurting when suddenly he sees fingers darkening his vision.

'What is going on here,' thinks Arthur when his door opens and Erlang Shen comes through the doorframe seeing him touching his new eye.

"You are late for your training. I will forgive you since you needed to rest so the eye could adapt to you," says Erlang Shen when Arthur looks at him confused.

"Don't you think your fingers are on the forehead. How can they disturb your vision if that really is the case," says Erlang Shen as he copies Arthur making Arthur realize what was going on.

"I have-" says Arthur when Erlang Shen nods.

"That's right, you have a Third Eye better known as Truth-Seeing Eye. It's hard but everyone could open it with some help," says Erlang Shen when Arthur looked at him angrily.

"How am I supposed to walk now in the Mortal Realm. They will all see this Eye," says Arthur as Erlang Shen sighs.

"It's quite easy to hide it. Why do you think I opened it now and not half a year later? It's because I wanted to train you how to control it or you will become crazy while living under the Mortals," says Erlang Shen as he closed his third eye showing that it's possible.

"You learned everything about footwork and spear art from me now you will learn how to control your third eye," says Erlang Shen as he turns around towards the door while saying, "See you on the field."

Arthur stands up from his bed as he then walks out of his room to join Erlang Shen on the training field. He arrives and finds not only Erlang Shen but also Shura who seemed that he couldn't wait to see Arthur's progress so far.

"How do we begin?" asks Arthur as he looked at both when suddenly he hears voices inside his head.

"What is going on?" asks Arthur as Erlang Shen smiles while putting his hand on Arthur's shoulder.

"Shura is letting you hear some of the thought of the Mortals. Your first assignment is to block every voice out and find the voice of the only good person of them all," says Erlang Shen as he takes a deep breath while telling Arthur to do the same before starting his challenge.

After three hours Arthur finally was able to block everyone out of his head when he was now trying to find the one voice of the good person.

It took him another two hours before he found it when he says, "It's the beggar."

Shura begins to clap his hands showing Arthur that he was right when he says, "You did well. I will now close the gate again."

"Do so please we don't want a crazy Arthur after all," says Erlang Shen as Arthur was a little offended by that.

Erlang Shen begins to train Arthur seriously since one fault could get him killed in the Mortal Realm.

Half a year passes like nothing as Arthur could control the third eye now without going crazy from hearing the deceptions of the people.

"I taught you everything that you need to know. Your next teacher should be arriving soon," says Erlang Shen as a portal opens and Lucifer comes out of it.

Arthur was looking at him confused because in the Bible he was portrayed to wield a lance as his brother Micheal and not wielding two swords.

"I know what you are thinking. 'Why isn't he wielding a Lance like on the pictures?' Well it's quite simple not everything that was written by you humans is correct," says Lucifer as he notices the third eye and asks, "Why the hell do you have a third eye?"

"I gifted it to him," says Erlang Shen as he was holding his spear.

"And why would you do that?" asks Lucifer annoyed already that he needed to train a mortal.

"Because Wukong and Athena gifted him something too after finishing their training. You should also think about one or your brother might be disappointed in you," says Erlang Shen as he leaves letting Arthur and Lucifer alone.

"I don't know why my father and brother favors your race but be warned you will die if you make a mistake," says Lucifer as Arthur was ready to train when two wooden swords appear in Lucifer's hands.

He throws them at Arthur who catches them. He began to swing them a bit when Lucifer says, "You will follow my movements. You make a mistake-."

"And I die. I already understood that the first time," says Arthur as he begins to mimic the moves of Lucifer.