Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer was now teaching Arthur and hating every minute of it as he was teaching a Mortal how to fight with his style while his brother was watching from the sideline making sure that Lucifer was teaching Arthur the real thing and not just some bullshit.

"Why are you every day here?" asks Lucifer annoyed about it.

"Just to make sure. I can't let Alfred do it and Erlang Shen already left this realm making me the only person left to supervise you while working at the same time," says Shura as his desk and paperwork were on the sideline of the training field.

He was working from there instead of from his office making Lucifer even angry because his own brother didn't trust him that he would teach Arthur correctly.

"Why does everyone paint me in black even you," says Lucifer angry as Shura laughs at that.

"You really want to know," says Shura as Lucifer nods and Shura continues, "You know that your misdeeds are just one pile of paper over there. If it wasn't for me you would be dead long ago."

"You seduced a Mortal to eat the Forbidden Fruit when she didn't you forged evidence making the old man believe that they did. You knew that he would believe you as his favorite son," says Shura as Lucifer wasn't flinching.

"Then after the deed was done and the Mortals were exiled old man found out the truth and kicked you out of heaven but instead of repenting you wanted revenge."

"You lead an army of your brothers and sisters into a civil war in which I needed to get involved so the old man doesn't kill you all erasing his sons and daughters from history."

"I thought you learned but you didn't after that you did so many things even involving her that's why you are here. Because my mortal son is after your head," says Shura as he suddenly breaks the desk he was working on.

He repairs it again while organizing the papers with magic. Then he looks at his brother and says, "You are really only alive because she forgave you not because I am your brother."

Arthur was watching the family drama as he asks, "Who?"

"Jeanne d'Arc, she is my second wife and my only mortal wife. I was almost killed by my first wife when she found out. She can't really kill me but she can still take something that I really love away from me," says Shura as Arthur could imaging what she would take away from Shura.

"Is that all?" asks Lucifer as he was still not showing any remorse for anything he has done.

"You still don't understand anything. You behave like a Mortal Child that is stressing its parents to buy him something," says Shura when Lucifer gave him an angry stare.

"Don't compare me to a Mortal," says Lucifer angrily.

"Then don't behave like one. Your whole life you behaved like one even now. Every other God or Immortal would have grown up through that experience but you are still in that hole of yours," says Shura as he broke his desk again.

This time he didn't repair it as he kicked one-half at Lucifer who blocked it when suddenly a hand appears in front of his face.

Shura grabbed Lucifer by the head and crushes it into the ground while saying, "It's time that you grow up like your brothers and sisters and repent for what you did or you will never be able to leave this place."

"As if I never repented but he never listens to me," says Lucifer angry as he tries to get back up.

Arthur was watching everything thinking that both forgot that he was around. He didn't want to interfere since Gods were fighting and he was definitely not able to stop them.

"You believe he will listen to you just because you repent. You lost his trust and trust needs to be earned. That's why he sent you to hell so you can show him that he can trust you. But you didn't understand anything," says Shura as he lifts Lucifer back up before slamming him back into the ground face first.

"You just kept breaking rule after rule every other god in my place would have killed you long ago for going against the Godking," says Shura as he was explaining to his brother why he fucked up with the old man.

"How about you show him that you can bond to a Mortal maybe that can show him that you are repenting," says Shura as he lifts Lucifer back up.

Arthur was seeing Lucifer's face full of blood as he was getting some shivers from seeing how Shura was dominating the actual Devil easily.

"You think he will listen to me after doing so?" asks Lucifer as Shura smiles.

"Maybe, maybe not but it would be the first step for you showing him that you repent for what you did," says Shura as he lets go of Lucifer and uses magic to repair his broken desk again.

Then he lifts his desk with magic as well as the papers and says, "I will be in my office. I hope you train him as you should or not only I will be disappointed but he too."

Lucifer stands up as his wound was slowly healing as he turned towards Arthur and gives him a stare while saying, "I hope you are ready for hell."

After a year of training, Lucifer surprises Arthur by saying, "Do you want to know why I really envy you, Mortals."

Arthur was looking at him and jokes saying, "It must be because we are so pretty."

"One more of those jokes and my swords will find its way into your chest," says Lucifer as Arthur closed his mouth while smiling knowing that Lucifer was more of a person that threatens people the whole time.

"Well, why do you envy us then?" asks Arthur as Lucifer smiles.

"You all are too carefree and can do whatever you want while we Angels need to keep the balance. Did you know that we Angels can't even marry except when the big lord says it is alright? I really hated all your freedom while I was caged in a birdcage waiting for my death," says Lucifer as even he loved someone but he couldn't marry her because his father didn't allow it.

"So you loved someone who was it Uriel?" asks Arthur since he was raised in a catholic orphanage.

This made him quite good in the histories about every Archangel since young. He knew that Uriel was the only female one between the Archangels.

Lucifer nods as he says, "That's right. Uriel was the most beautiful Angel I ever met in heaven. I really loved her but my father didn't allow me to marry her. But my brother Gabriel who didn't even love her had to marry her."

"I the Lightbringer was overshadowed by the Hero of God because my father wanted them together instead of allowing me to marry her. That's where my jealousy comes from," says Lucifer as he was opening up to Arthur a little bit while they continued training.

The second-year passed quite fast for both when Lucifer says, "You Mortals. I still can't figure you out even after living for so long. They seem to have the will to never give up."

"It's because we don't have that much time on Earth, not like you Gods and Immortals," says Arthur as he was gasping for air.

"True, you are mortal after all. I want to know what that monkey and the man-woman gave you since I know what Erlang Shen gifted you," says Lucifer as Arthur tells him.

Lucifer suddenly catches Arthur's tongue and suddenly energy begins to flow into it when he says, "My time with you is over so let me give you a silver tongue. It should help you wherever you go."

Then Lucifer let go and looks up as a Norseman came walking towards them. He had short brown hair with a short beard that was quite well kept. He was carrying a two-handed sword as he approaches them and says, "Lucifer."

"Tyr," says Lucifer as he gave a stare at Tyr before turning to Arthur and says, "Kid, don't change whatever happens. It seems you are the only Mortal that I will ever like and if you change I might have you as a partner down in hell."

"Now then Tyr. I will report to my brother that you arrived," says Lucifer as he leaves the training ground.

Tyr was looking at Arthur making Arthur nervous under his stare when Tyr takes a long and heavy wooden sword and gives it to Arthur.

"I'm Tyr but you know that since Lucifer named me already. I will be teaching you the way of the Two-Handed Sword or Greatsword or whatever you want to name it," says Tyr as he lifts his sword with one hand.

"What happened to the other hand of yours?" asks Arthur as Tyr remembers that Arthur doesn't remember who he was and smiles.

"Do you know Fenrir the son of Loki?" asks Tyr as Arthur nods and Tyr continues, "My duty was to catch him and I did peacefully but he bit it off thinking I betrayed him. From that day on I lived with only one hand. I needed to adapt my style to it so I asked Shura to give me a second hand for a year to teach you my first style and later on my second one that I developed after losing my hand."

Tyr sighs as he looked at Arthur as Arthur asks, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything is alright. Let's begin your training," says Tyr as a ghost hand appeared where no hand was before.

Tyr grips the sword he was holding with both hands and felt whole again as he swang his sword around. Arthur began to copy him trying to follow up when Tyr notices he was going too fast.

He went slower so Arthur could follow his movements. Shura appears on the training ground and waves his hand toward Tyr.

Tyr walks over and Shura says, "You can tell him indirectly who he is. But don't get too emotional, understood."

"Why did he reincarnate is my question. It was you who promised me that his soul would rest forever," says Tyr as he was angry that Shura didn't hold his promise.

"I don't know that myself. It's almost as someone stronger than the old man liberated him and killed him again for me to find him," says Shura as he himself was still looking into Arthur's past.

Tyr turned around walking back to Arthur as he says, "If something happens to him again. I might rebel."

"He will be given a new life after you all trained him. I will be investigating from the Darkness to make sure nothing happens to him," says Shura as he wanted to catch the perpetrator red-handed.

Shura then leaves as Tyr continued to train Arthur in the way of the Greatsword when Arthur asks, "What were you talking about?"

"About my foster-son. He died a long time ago," says Tyr not sad about it since he was talking with him right now even if Arthur didn't know it.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned it," says Arthur as Tyr puts his hand on Arthur's shoulder calming him down.

"He died long long ago that scar won't reopen just because you mention him," says Tyr as his scar was reopened because he was standing right in front of him.

It hurt him even more now that his foster-son didn't know him at all. That made him sigh again as he continued to train Arthur without him knowing that his former foster-father was training him.