The Wedding Day

The empire of Carona, the morning of Friday, September 27th, the morning of the most anticipated wedding in the empire, was finally here.

A new day dawned, and slowly the first rays of light crept across the face of the royal city, lighting up the ground beneath it.

As early as 5 A.M, people began buzzing around the streets like bees.

From the farthest corners of the world, many had gathered to see the First Lady of the empire, journey in rich majesty to her blissful married life.

This was her first day, first step and first moment into the next phase of her life.

The throb of excitement grew, for within the city, the people started preparing for the grand event.

And all the preparations they saw the Baymardians do made their blood boil with enthusiasm.

For the last few days, some Caronians also volunteered to help out and were very surprised that they were given compensation yesterday after everything was completed.