The Royal Gamble

Everyone quieted down like magic, as they genuinely wanted to know how news reporting worked.

Just watching the camera crew do their thing looked incredibly cool.

Even the new reporters sounded so elegant and outstanding.

Everyone perked up their ears and chewed on snacks excitedly.

"I'm Jessie Aluya."

"And I'm Ryan Globa, and this is the BBC, Channel 1, reporting from Sanpodia Square, the cradle of royalty.

Jessie, can you believe the sight before us?

Just look at the turn-up. 

It truly is an extraordinary sight."

"Yes, Ryan. I totally agree.

Ha-hahaha.... Oh my God.

I just spotted the most amazing thing today.

Right over there, at 3 0'clock, there are people holding up signs.

And one says, 'Marry me, Queen Penelope.'

What a guy.

At someone's wedding, that's the sign he's holding up?"

The crowd who heard the jokes laughed while snacking merely.