Leaving Mirvanna

The next day came too fast for many who crowded around the aircrafts, watching their brave Mirvs go out for the first time. 

The weather here in Mirvanna was quite mysterious. 

They hardly had snow, only 3 or 5 times the entire winter season. 

The temperatures now were similar to the time frame when spring was transitioning to summer. 

There was sun out, but not boiling sun. And by late afternoon, the temperatures did turn chilly and cold. 

Some rain fell once in a while too, but for the most part, it wasn't drowning rain that thundered and caused floods. 

 The peculiar birds were up, chirping away in a beautiful melody.

Many crowded around in official attire, staring at their brave and adventurous Mirvs who were walking alongside the Baymardians. 

"Your Majesty, please be safe!"

"Ruler, we will take care of the empire and help the 2nd prince watch it diligently when he arrives!"