The Future Is Bright

Seated on the Military Grade Carrier aircrafts, many were taught how to buckle their seatbelts. 

"Mother, mother, look! I did it! It made a clicking notice when I connected them!"

Se aircrafts mimicked the commercial airline flights, while others were foldable seats you had to pull down from the walls and were a more military, on-the-go style. 

Landon had all families of the Mirvs take the seats in aircrafts that mimicked commercial seating arrangements leaving these burly warriors, military personnel and ministers to take the aircrafts that were for toperations. 

Only Amrous, Tacholla, Julian, Bilthozar and a few others joined the families in Commercial themed aircrafts. 

Yes… Julian. 

They had gotten him out of his sleeping him, carrying him to sit beside his mother and sister. 

He was sleeping so soundly that he didn't even know he was transported away. 

Well, that was thanks to Landon, who made him sleep deeper.