Victory Is Near~


The roar of the sea was defeating, but it paled in comparison to the thunderous approach of the Enemies coming in. 

 Kardinal Dickson stood atop his towering balcony, his eyes narrowed as he gazed out at the many images now coming to view.

"There it is… Baymard, our future Base." He commented, his chest swelling with excitement with thoughts of victory in mind. 

"Look over yonder, boys~... home awaits." Gwanice, Morg commander, also commented.

The more they saw from the distance, the more happy goosebumps covered their skin. 

"What say she, Smegal?" One of the Morgs asked the crew men on the sails. This ship was one of the first at the very forefront.

"Silent, she be… I see someone sleeping on the shores. Bah! What a bunch of wastes!" 

Oops, perhaps the guy sleeping should enjoy his calm slumber before the storm. 
