A Heavy Battle

More and more Baymardians appeared, but the situation still looked bad. 


Gwanice smirked proudly when feeling that although his schedule cracked, his body was still well protected. 

This of course made him aware that these bastard Pyrons must have stolen enhanced metal from their Morg empire before this battle. 

Or how else can you explain the existence of enhanced Metal here in Baymard? 


Gwanice frowned, leaving a Baymardian soldier high before opening the prying open the Baymardian's mouth and using his poisonous dagger to stab the bastard to death. 


The pitiful body fell to the seas, causing many to shudder in hate. 

Revenge! They must get their revenge for their fallen comrades and Baymardian. 

Several people watching didn't know when, but felt tears wallow in their ears. 

