Cloud Nine

Flute ordered her followers to remain in the barn. She did not want them to get swept away by the current gossip circulating in the tribe. Last night's explosion caused an uproar among the goblins. Some thought a lightning strike caused it. Others pointed at the firekeepers, the goblins in charge of lighting the fireplaces next to the wells and the torches that light up the night, for causing the explosion. Lightning is rare, and lightning in winter has never been seen before. Firekeepers accidentally creating the fire makes some sense, but Flute knows who caused the explosion.

Flute suspects Cala and Sum to be behind the attack. There were goblin remains found among the burnt rubbles. A family of one of the goblins overheard their father saying blasphemous things to Sum. But this rumor was quickly dismissed by many due to fear.

She left Pin in charge of the barn while she was gone. She wanted to talk to Cloud. He's probably the one that got the house to explode by using a modified stinkbomb. She helped Stick make his version of those bombs before, so its possible Cloud made more types of bombs as well; bombs that are strong enough to destroy a cottage.

Flute found Cloud at the western fences, sitting on a log beside the gate. There were no guards in sight. She sat next to him and asked, "What Cloud doing here?"

Cloud got startled, "Oh, Flute it's you. I'm just waiting here for those halflings. I wanted to apologize for the cottage."

"Cloud saying sorry. That's good," Flute looked around. None of the guards were present. Cancer is in charge of the western border, but Salacity's plan of spreading the rumors around town might have needed the Cancer's assistance. She was alone with Cloud. "but Flute thinks apology late now. And Cloud, why you save Sum?"

"What do you mean?"

"Sum supposed die from bomb, right? You tell Sum of plan, and Sum survives."

"I just thought that," Cloud head blanked out. He couldn't find the right words to say. He thought of Tama and how he warned he urged him to tell the Chief about the dangers outside. He thought of Sum when he returned with the halflings and the wolves. He thought of Cala and how he dismissed everything and everyone just for Dawn. He took a quick glance at Flute. Cala threw her away after finding out she was infertile. Flute cried and begged to be killed instead, but Cala just made her the leader of the infertile goblins. Cala made that decision because he told the new Chief to spare her. "Flute, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I told the Chief not to kill you. I just thought you suffered enough. But I guess dying can be another form of escape."

"Is ok. Flute knows that only way Cloud fight back Chief."

"Fight back? No, no, I wasn't fighting back," Cloud tries to deny feverously. "I just thought you had the right to live."

"And what about Tama and Sum. Flute knows you listened to Tama's advice. Give advice to Cala for Tama. And there is Sum. Cala wanted Sum dead, but you spare Sum's life. Flute knows Cloud not agree with Chief." Flute stood up and walked away. "If only Cloud braver and stand up to Cala." She whispered loudly.

Cloud sat still facing the forest. He was lost for words. He never intended to defy Cala; he merely thought that killing Sum and Flute was a waste of talent. But then Sun's words from yesterday rang in his mind, "Fucking coward."

The sky was getting darker, and the sun was beginning to set. Cloud left his log and entered the town. On his way to the square, he met Dawn running in the opposite direction. On her person was a goblin baby, wrapped up and pressed on her chest. She was crying. It seems like Salacity's plan was set into motion. The only thing left to do was for Sum to confront Dawn and tell her to provide service to the Chief.

He wanted to greet her but couldn't put it his intentions into words. His conversation with Flute and Sun's brutal honesty stuck with him. Why did he let Cala use the halfling's cottage? Was it because he was weak, a coward? Cloud wanted to do something to ease his mind. He walked to the meadow and entered his small shed. He had another bomb sitting on his shelf.

A goblin knocked on the door. Cloud panicked, and the bomb slipped off his hand. Luckily it landed inside his pocket. Cloud rushed to the door, opened it, and asked what she needed. "The powder. Chief want take it back. Chief said, bring powder to treasure room."

"Get the other goblins." Sum stood up and took a bag of powder off the shelf. "Let's go."

"Cloud coming too? Cloud no wait for halflings?"

Cloud didn't answer. He walked to his followers and ordered them to gather the powder bags. While he and his followers gather the materials, the brothers finally entered through the western gate. The brothers were exhausted after their expedition. They carried with them another deer and bags full of berries they thought their mothers would like. The sky is a dark shade of blue. The night will arrive soon.

There were no guards present at the gate. It didn't surprise the brothers since they were the only goblins that exited through. The guards must have forgotten about them and left to do other things. Lucky for them because they get to keep the whole deer. Before heading to the barn, they returned their equipment at the armory.

When they got to the barn, the room was full of caretakers resting on the floor. They were tired after working themselves to the bone. When they noticed the brothers have returned, they jumped up on their feet. They took this chance to leave the barn, telling the brothers to take care of the slaves for them. Finally, they can take a break.

The brothers sighed in frustration, but there's nothing they can do. Flute and her followers let them stay here, and they can kick them out. Once the caretakers leave, Mari quickly walked up to Sun and his brothers. "Sun, I need to tell you something." She said. "Natasha overheard the caretakers talk about the chief's plan for us."

After hearing about Cala's plan, Sun's face turned red from anger. He grabbed the map they were making out of the bag. They found a path heading south. Where it leads is unknown, but that is their best bet. Sun turned to his brothers and their slave mothers. "Guys, next week, Cala will open the doors for those horny assholes. We have only one option, and that is to escape from here. And I think its the best time to leave."

"Wait, you mean tonight!" Stick was surprised. "Can our mothers even walk."

"Yes they can," Mari turned to the other women and nodded. They all stood up."

The brothers' jaws dropped. "But shouldn't we prepare first."

"We have a map." Sun said, "That's one thing down.

"Can I see that map." Mari reached out her hands. Sun placed the map on her hand. Mari was amazed at what she saw. "Wow, this looks great. How did you make this?"

Sun had to use a device to search up maps in his past life to avoid roadblocks. Although he had no proper training in drawing things such as changes in elevations, he had some idea of map-making. "We just did our best."

"But what happens once we passed our map's boundary?" Stick asked.

"I'll step in," Mari said confidently. "Looters, I mean, adventurers entering the forest must have used the path you found. Once we travel down that path, we should be fine."

"Well, that settles it then." Smoke proclaimed. "We an entire deer and bags of berries. We should be fine when it comes to food."

"We just need clothes and weapons," Sun added.

"I'll go them. Rock, you come with me." Smoke motioned at Rock, who didn't respond. "Rock?"

Rock stood still for a few seconds, then finally he said, "Do we have to go tonight?"

"Well, yeah, its the best time to do so." Sun said, "Why did you ask? Do you need to do something first?" Sun knows why Rock is hesitant to leave the tribe. He's fallen in love with a woman.

"Well, there's this thing I wanted to do before,"

"Rock!" Sun interrupted. He placed his hand on Rock's shoulder. "Go tell her how you feel. We'll wait for you at our burnt cottage."

Rock looked at Sun and his brothers. He clenched his fist and raised his chest. "I won't take long!" He said. He rushed out the door with a tear running down his cheek. But his sadness was visible under the cover darkness.