Attack on Troll

While walking in the death of night, the young troll saw a burst of light coming from the east accompanied by a roar. The troll followed the direction of the sound and saw a wall guarded by goblins. She finally found it, the tribe that killed her younger brother and her wolves. She returned to her cave before sunrise and prepared for an attack.

When the sun finally set, she left her cave, leaving without her parent's permission. It's time to begin her act of vendetta. She walked on the snow with her unusually large snowshoe, barely sinking despite her weight. The hilt of her hammer drags on the snow, and her knives kept clattering against her bronze chest plate.

She reached the wall that protects the tribe. Goblins stood on top, talking among themselves. They were too busy socializing to notice the giant troll standing at the edge of the forest. She slowly walked to the wall. When she got nearer, her chest-plate began to reflect the light from torches on top of the wall. She reached for her cloak to cover her chest, then suddenly her knives loud clacking noises. One of the goblins heard the clinking sound, so it looked out at the forest and saw nothing. It returned to its fellow goblins. The troll froze still, hiding her chest plate behind her cloak.

She took a few more steps, then she stopped. The light coming from the torches on top of the wall blanketed the snow in front of her. Tall shadows of goblins would come and go on the curtain of light. The troll took a deep breath and calmed her nerves. She glared at the torch above the wall. Light will not stop her.

She took out her hammer and ran to the wall. She swung her hammer against the wall. The impact was strong enough to shake the very foundation of the wall. The goblins fell on their feet from the wall trembling. The wall in front of the troll collapse after one hit, opening the way towards her target.

The goblins rang the bell raising the alarm. They jumped off the wall with their weapons ready to combat the intruder. One of the goblins with a spikey helmet commanded the goblins to form a defensive line. The troll stood mighty and tall on the other side of the wall. The torch on top of the wall fell on the rubble, lighting it on fire. The light from the flames pushed revealed the troll's massive body to the goblins. Their bodies trembled in fear and awe at the troll in front of them. "Ma-master Ca-Ca-Cancer, what we do?" A goblin asked.

"Run!" Cancer yelled back. The goblins ran back to the town with tails between their legs. "Get Chief here now!"

The troll laughed at the sight of goblins running. She chased after the goblins while swinging her hammer. The first goblin she hit flew across the field and into a shed. The second one had its head blown off from the sheer strength of her swing. Watching the bodies of the fleeing goblins fly and blown to pieces brought a cathartic release to the troll.

The cries of her victims filled the atmosphere, accompanying her sadistic laughter. But her laughter was rudely interrupted by an arrow penetrating her thigh shot by a goblin with a bow. It had a helmet with red painted chainmail dangling in behind the helmet. "Olhos, keep shooting at it!" A goblin yelled.

She turned her head towards the voice and saw what she was looking for, the redskin. She howled at the moon and then dashed towards her prey. The troll raised her hammer over her shoulder, then leaped to the redskin. The redskin jumped away as she swung down to the earth, barely dodging the attack. A cloud of snow and dirt erupted up in the air. She quickly lifted her hammer and turned her body to face the redskin. Without any hesitation, she swung her hammer across her chest. The redskin blocked the attack with a round shield, but the strength behind the swing destroyed it in half and sent the redskin flying. "Chief!" Another goblin with a red painted helmet ran to its chief.

"Cloud, I need to get out of here." The Chief said.

"What are you talking about, Chief? We need to,"

"I need to go!" The Chief yelled as he pushed Cloud away.

The troll watched as the Chief ran past his followers. She ran after him; her heavy footsteps rocked the earth. Cancer ran with the Chief, "Where we going?"

The Chief grabbed Cancer on the collar and threw him at the troll, "Slow her down!" He yelled. Cancer rolled on the snow, dazed and confused. He stood up to see the head of the hammer fly towards him. The troll smashed Cancer's head open.

"Cancer!" A goblin yelled out. The goblin had a red-tinted helmet on its head. Other goblins pulled him back as they retreated back to the town.

Goblins scattered as they retreat. Their flimsy line of defense was cut through like butter as the troll walk over the dead bodies. The Chief looked back at his followers fleeing for their lives. One of them had their head squeezed with just her bare hand. Fear continued to fester inside the Chief's mind. Finally, he reached the square. His people were running back to their homes or out to the meadow. The Chief ordered his followers to take large planks with them to his home to board the doors and windows.

The troll continued to wreak havoc, destroying every building she came across. Goblins tried to throw rocks and wood at the troll, but it did not phase her. When she tears down a cottage, goblins would spring out of the rubble and bite her ankle. She punches these stranglers, planting their face to the ground.

Finally reached the square, and in front of her was a tall building with a red roof. In front of her was goblin, pointing a spear at her. Behind him were goblins knocking on the doors and windows, begging to be let in. "Cheif, let in! Troll outside!" They yelled. The troll grinned from ear to ear. Her prey was cornered. All she had to do was smash the goblin's head in front of her.

"Stick, throw it now!" The goblin yelled. A small glass bottle shattered behind the troll's head. The gas inside the bottle brought her to tears. Her vision got blurry, and her nose congested.

The goblin ran to her and stabbed her thigh. She yelled so loud the glass windows shattered around her. She slammed the goblin away with her forearm. The goblin landed in a pile of snow. "Sun!" Stick yelled out. She turned around and glared at Stick. Her gaze scared Stick; he stumbled back and fell on his butt.

After wiping her eyes clean, she began to walk over to the shaking the goblin. She rested her hammer on her shoulder. As she walks, she imagined the many ways she could kill the goblins of this tribe.

She stopped when Sun threw snow at her. "I'm not down with you yet!" He yelled at her. She turned to face the goblin. His feet were shaking in fear. She laughed at the goblin's feeble stance.