Rock n' Roll

Emerging from the blue flames were five large red goblins. Rock, Stick, Dawn, and Shuja charged out from the fire towards the troll with great vigor while Smoke closed the distance behind the troll. The troll knows of the danger red goblins can pose. Besides adventures entering the forest for treasures and the patrolling dwarves, red goblins are the only ones capable of fighting a troll inside the forest.

Trolls have the advantage when it comes to size and strength, powers that could be negated with numbers. Unless they have the mana or the experience, most adventures will team up when fighting trolls while red goblins command their lesser kind. They would use them as cannon fodder, but trolls could just overpower the small ones as if they were flies. It's the red goblins that are truly dangerous. They are stronger and faster than their little brethren, and they are competent fighters.

A red goblin is equal to an average adventure, so for the troll, it was not fighting one red goblin and an entourage of body shields, but five red goblins that fought like a team, not unlike adventures.

Knowing the danger it was in, the troll grabbed his weapon to distance itself from its attackers. But there's one problem, it dropped its weapons back at the town square. After realizing it had no weapon, it planned to swing its left arm at the charging goblins, hoping to knock out some of them.

The troll windup his fist and threw a backhand. Rock quickly stopped and extended his arms, stopping the other three from their tracks. The troll's hand could only gently graze Rock's stubby nose. The momentum of the swing had the troll's fist fly behind it.

Smoke took this moment to catch the troll's long arm. The troll stood awkwardly as it tried to maintain its balance while Smoke decided to restrain its arm to the floor. The goblins facing the troll took the chance to help Smoke.

Dawn jumped and grabbed the troll's right hand, and began to pull the opposite direction of Smoke. Stick and Shuja attacked the shin with weapons. Then finally, Rock leaped forward, slamming the troll's chest and knocking the troll off its feet.

The troll sat on the ground. It was now at eye level with Rock, who was standing in front of it. Rock tried to remove the troll's helmet, but it wouldn't budge. Meanwhile, the troll began to wrestle its way out. First, it frantically kicked its feet, trying to get Shuja and Stick off. Then it used all its strength on its right arm and lifted Dawn in the air. Then it grabbed her on the throat and slowly squeezed it. Dawn yelled out for help, but her voice began to shrink as the pressure around her neck grew stronger.

Rock removed its hands of the helmet and released a flurry of attacks. "Let go of her!" He screamed, but the loud sound of his fist drowned his voice.

Stick climbed up the troll's arrow and tried to rescue Dawn. He jammed his sickle in between the troll's fingers. Eventually, the troll freed Dawn from his grasp to punch Rock. The troll's fist landed on Rock's side, but it did not stop Rock from continuing his onslaught of attacks. Slowly, the troll's helmet began to cave in. Out of desperation, the troll tried to stand up, but Smoke pulled the troll's left arm behind it and pushed the arm against its back. Eventually, the troll's body fell on its left side as Rock beat its head into submission. Their followers stared at awe.

While lying on the snow, the troll saw its daughter's remains inside the hole. The troll's anger returned and fueled its body. Before Rock could get on top of the troll, it began to roll on the snow. Snow and dirt sprayed around the area.

Smoke and Rock fell on their backs. Once freed, the troll stood back up and stared at the town. These goblins took the troll's son and daughter, and in return, it will take everything from them. IT ran towards the town and planned to destroy it all. "Get out of its way!" Shuja yelled while chasing after the troll.

The goblins dispersed as the ground shook under them. Some of them tripped on the ground and were squashed when the troll ran over them. "Give me your quiver!" An archer gave Shuja his quiver. Shuja started shooting at the troll's dented helmet, hoping it was damaged enough for the arrow to penetrate through it.

Rock pushed himself up and ran to Dawn. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Throat hurts a little, but otherwise, I'm good. But how about you?" Dawn grabbed Rock's hand.


"Look, your knuckle is covered in blood. Oh god, I can even see one of your bones!"

"Let me see!" Stick ran up to them. He checked Rock's hands. "Looks like I'm not the only one who shattered his knuckles." Hey White! Come here. I need you to get some things for me!"

"While you're at it, do you mind making more of those black stuff." Smoke said while walking towards them. "We are going to need it."

"Got it." Stick turned to White, "Ok, I need you to get me two bottles of the healing elixirs Rock's fist. And get the bucket filled with the clear liquid. It should be under the shed. Pour in a barrel and mix it with white powder. Now make sure no fire touches the clear liquid or the white powder or else you will explode. Keep mixing until the clear liquid begins to expand and turn black and sticky. Then mix in some horny toad mucus, and you're good to go." Stick pulled out a small book and gave it to White, "This book was Cloud's before he died. It has pictures of the ingredients and how to make the bombs and such. If you ever get lost, use this book. Now go get the rest of the followers and make the black tar. Come back as quickly as possible!"

"Yes, Sir Stick!" White ran off to the other goblins.

"Alright, let's go. Wait where Shuja?

"She went ahead."

"Then let's go!" Smoke and Stick started running after the troll.

Rock stood up, ready to follow. "Where do you think you're going? You are injured!" Dawn yelled. She stood up and grabbed Rock's arm.

"I have to help. Just stay here." Rock said.

"If you are going, I am going!"

"But you almost," Dawn leaned in and kissed Rock on the lips. Dawn pulled away from her face while maintaining eye contact. Her eyes turned deep blue and mesmerized Rock. She leaned forward again, putting her forehead against Rock's.

"If you go, I go." She whispered.