Cloud's Treasures

White, Root, and Mist arrived at the shed with the rest of Stick's followers. White entered the shed and opened the small hatch leading to the shed's basement. The underground storing room was twice the size of the shed above it. Cloud and his predecessors dug this hole themselves, often finding strange trinkets and weapons along the way. The room was filled with random bottles, bags, and barrels they found throughout their lifetime.

Cloud always told him that the most valuable treasures were underground and not inside the Chief's home. White thought he was talking about the basement underneath the Chief's house, but now he realized he meant the earth underneath the shed.

White took a bucket filled with the clear liquid and gave it to Root to carry up the ladder. Then he found the bag filled with the explosive powder used to blow up the cottage filled with traitors. On the way out, White noticed something shine in the back of the room behind a thin veil. He walked towards it and peaked behind to see a metal hand poking out of the earth, holding a small buckler, not unlike Sum's buckler. White tore it off the metallic hand, and he planned to give this to Rock.

The troll's helmet was tougher than Rock's fist. He would have broken his hand before breaking through the helmet, but with this buckler, Rock could punch as hard as he wants to without hurting himself. And he might even be rewarded for presenting a gift to one of the powerful.

White climbed out the hatch, and the goblins began to mix the white liquid and white powder. Root and Mist ran left before the black tar could be finish to give Rock the healing elixir.

Once they were finished, they rolled the barrel back to town. They passed through ruined buildings and occasionally the bodies of the innocent that got caught in the ensuing battle. At the town square, Smoke and Stick tried to restrain the troll while Shuja kept its weapons away from its reach.

By tying rope on his sickle, Stick could spin it around and swing the sickle further. He began to spin his sickle to throw it, creating clouds of snow and dirt that are getting blown away. The troll noticed Stick spinning his sickle but had no idea what this strange 'dance' was for until Stick released his grip. The sickle launched itself towards the troll.

The sickle's rope landed on the troll's neck, making the sickle turn and wrap itself around the troll's throat. Rock and Dawn arrived right on time. They helped Stick pull the rope back while the troll tugs for control. If not for its helmet, the troll would have bitten the rope off.

Smoke climbed on the troll's back and tried to pull the helmet off, but with no success. "Smoke, maybe this could help!" Shuja yelled. She threw a wooden club at Smoke.

Smoke shoved the wood between the helmet and the troll's nape then push down on it. The trick was beginning to work, but the troll reached behind and grabbed Smoke. Then it threw him towards the three impeding his movement. After freeing itself from the rope, the troll turned to Shuja and the giant ax and sword behind. "Oh, fuck." She whispered to herself.

The troll ran towards its weapons, nearly trampling Shuja. She slipped between its legs and shot an arrow right up its butt. The attack startled the troll.

Shuja continued to shoot a volley of arrows at the troll, but none of them could penetrate through the troll's coat. The troll grabbed its sword and slashed the air creating a gust of wind sending Shuja flying away. The goblins rolling the barrel saw Shuja land in front of them. White ran to her and helped her get back up. "Where Sir Smoke and Sir Stick?"

Shuja pointed, "Over there."

"Sir Stick!" He waved at him, "We bring black water. Where go?"

Smoke looked around the town square. Nearly every building near them have been obliterated with only the rubbles remain where they once stood. The only building left standing was a large white house facing the opposite direction of the troll. "Go get the barrel up on that building. Once we get the troll underneath, drop the barrel on it."

"What about getting the helmet off?" Stick asked.

"I doubt we can get that shit off. So we might as well burn coat off."

"Then, let's get that asshole!" Rock stood up and stretched his arms.

"Wait Sir Rock," White gave Rock the buckler. "White found under shed. Think help fight troll."

"This looks like Sum's shield. I don't need it."

"Take it," Dawn looked at Rock, "We need it. Besides, you are stronger than Sum, so you'll be better with that."

Rock reluctantly held it on his right hand. "That better not be a lie."

"Guys, we need help!" Shuja yelled. The troll began to advance towards the goblins rolling the barrel. Shuja fended it off with her arrows, but they could barely do anything.

Stick picked up his sickle and spun it around once more. The troll felt the winds gather behind it and turned around to witness a sickle fly pass it once more. The troll raised its ax and chopped the rope connected to the sickle in half. The sickle continued to fly until landing on the barrel, nearly hitting one of the goblins carrying it.

Shuja grabbed the rope and pulled the sickle towards her. Before the troll could charge towards Stick, Shuja leaped in the air and tied the line around the troll's neck. Smoke and Rock rushed forward.

The troll swung its ax down towards Smoke but missed its attack due to Shuja pulling the rope. Still holding the club, Smoke slammed against the troll's side, hitting his liver. The troll's legs almost caved in from the pain. Rock was right behind Smoke. The troll rotated its sword on its hand, placing its thumbs on the pommel. Then the troll turned its shoulder, cutting the ground and Rock, but Rock parried the attack away from him. With his momentum unbroken, Rock jumped and released a devastating right hook on the troll's chest, breaking one of its ribs.

The troll was beginning to lose its energy. It has been fighting for five hours, and its large size is detrimental when it comes to a long fight. But it still has the strength to fight. The troll raised its weapons and began to spin its body, creating a large column of wind around it.

Rock, Shuja, and Smoke were blown away in an instant. Stick and Dawn charged in hoping to stop the troll. But before they could reach it, the troll used its ax to blast snow and dirt towards them. Stick got hit in the face and sent him flying while Dawn barely dodged the attack.

Dawn saw the troll ran towards her and raising its sword. She closed her eyes and blocked her body with her arms anticipating the sword to strike her down, but the sword did not connect.

Hearing the sound of metal clashing, Dawn opened her eyes and saw Rock standing in front of her. He parried the troll's attack to side with his buckler. He stood strong and tall against the troll towering over him.

"I told you, didn't I." Dawn couldn't help but say it out loud. And she was right. Rock was stronger.