Chapter 9: The Wind Spiritualist

From the spirit summoning circle, a creature 5 centimetres tall, the size of a full adult's first; a doll-like humanoid that resembles a child, wearing a lime green and white flower petal dress, two fairy wings appeared on her back.

Her lime green gem coloured eyes sparkle, with a look of curiosity, that of an innocent naive child, at her summoner John. 

Her light green coloured hair flutters against the wind, as she flew around, encircling around John's figure.

She then flew, and landed softly on  John's soft blonde lock of hair, as she then plays with his hair.

[You have summoned an Infant Wind Spirit Faerie - Sylph {Unnamed}! ]

"Impressive, John! You've managed to summon a wind spirit faerie, a Sylph if I remember that's what it's called, huh..." Alex said as he clapped his hands.

John straightened his back, as he faced towards Alex's direction, and got into a pose. He points his thumb out and shouting. "Success! Who  wouldn't be successful at their first summon!" He exclaimed out.

"John, the spirit binding contract!" Alex then reminded him, as he has completely forgotten about the last step, the spirit familiar binding.

"Oh, that's right, I've completely forgotten about the last step. The most important part of the spirit summoning ceremony. The spirit binding contract." John then exclaimed out in shock.

"*Giggles*." The little sylph girl cutely giggles, whilst lightly pulling on John's hair.

Her fairy wings gently flap, causing a small gust of wind, as a soft fresh breeze is blown about in the boy's restroom.

"This is a bit refreshing!" Alex said.

"Thy soul is bounded to mine. Let thy life, mind, and body be interconnected with mine. For I shall my life and soul with thee! Spirit Binding!" John chanted the spirit familiar binding incantation.

He then placed his hand on top of his head, as the little green girl then excitedly jumped onto his hand, and he brought her down.

The little sylph girl then felt the mana fluctuations in her surroundings, as John pushed all of his mana into the little sylph girl's body. The little sylph girl was extremely delighted, as she happily devours all of his mana.

As he quickly began to write the magical formula for the spirit binding familiar spell, within her mind space. The spirit binding formula was not at all that difficult, or complex, but it's the effect is extremely obvious.

The little sylph girl's body began to glow, being steadily consumed by white light. 

The simple spirit binding formula within the little sylph girl's mind space has taken root, whilst constantly absorbing John's mana, it rapidly began to grow into a magical array formation.

And soon the magical array formation began to merge with all the fibre of her being, reaching the soul of the little sylph girl, as the magical array formation gathers over the spiritual orb, which is her soul nucleus.

The magical array formation then engraved the spirit binding formula onto the little sylph girl's soul nucleus, creating a mental soul link and connection between the two. Establishing the master and servant relationship.

As it finishes, the mana within the little sylph girl's body, began to go crazy, flooding outwards. It then turned into a small turbulent tornado, surrounding her figure and John's, rapidly increasing in speed and intensity. 

The turbulent tornado then split into two, becoming vacuums, and sucking in the surrounding mana. One went straight into the little sylph girl's forehead, condensing all of the gathered mana into one spot, it crystalises. Therefore becoming a small green gemstone on the centre of her forehead.

The other vacuum went straight toward John's chest, located on the left side where his heart is. It then sucks in all of the surrounding mana, as a glowing lime green magic circle appeared on the left side of his chest, where his heart is located.

The glowing lime green light diminishes, as the magic circle disappears, seeping into his bare skin. It left behind a green coloured tribal flower tattoo, that resembles a flower and stems with butterfly wings attaches to the flower stem.

[To complete the spirit binding contract! Please name the summoned creature! ]

Having given it some thought, John decided to go with the name 'Rosa'.

[You have named the Infant Wind Spirit Faerie Sylph - Rosa! ]

[You have successfully formed a spirit binding familiar contract with an Infant Wind Spirit Faerie Sylph  {Rosa}! ]

[You have automatically learned the skill [Soul Link Connection]! ]

[You have automatically learned the skill [Soul Link Telepathy]! ]

[You have automatically learned the skill [Wind Elemental Control {Basic}]! ]

[You have automatically learned the skill [Wind Enhancement]! ]

[You have automatically learned the skill [Wind Slash]! ]

[You have gained the achievement [Spirit Master]! ]

[Achievement: Spirit Master ]

[Bonus Stats: +6 Int. +4 Wis. Inventory Slots: +5. Additional Reward: +1 x Copper Reward Box. ]

[You have acquired 1 x [Copper  Reward Box]! ]

"I've completed the spirit summoning ceremony, earned a new title, also gained an additional reward a Copper Reward Box," John said to himself, feeling extremely delighted by it all.

A futuristic Copper Reward Box then materialises right before his very eyes, and John immediately grabs a hold of it.

[Would you like to open the Copper Reward Box? Yes/No ]

And John instantly presses the 'Yes' button, as the futuristic Copper Reward Box disappeared from his hand, having become white particles of light, as a magic item falls in its place.

A small metallic blue cube, with electric circuits running down its sides.

[Tier 1 Mana Spell Cube]

[Rarity: Uncommon ][Durability: 1200/1200 ][Buffs: +6 Int. +4 Wis. +20% Cast Speed. +Double Casting. +25% Magic Damage. ]

"Cool, I've obtained a magic item. Hey Alex..." John said excitedly, as he was suddenly interrupted.

Alex threw the Apatite Necklace of Protection over towards John, and he catches it. Slightly surprised, he grows scarcely angry at Alex. "What the hell, man! Why did you throw stuff at me for? I thought we were friends." He exclaimed.

Alex sighs at John's stupidity, as he points his finger at John. "Look at the content of the thing that I threw at you, John!" He said to John.

John then looked a bit puzzled, as his brain took a couple of seconds to process things when he looked down at the thing, he caught on his hand. It clicked as everything starts to be put together.

John appraised the magic item with his passive observe skill, as the item's description pops up, appearing right before his eyes.

'So that is what he meant...' John thought to himself, as he read the item description.

[Apatite Necklace of Protection ]

[Rarity: Rare ][Durability: 2400/2400 ][Buffs: +4 Def. +2 End. [Item Description: Whenever the host is in life-threatening danger, this magical artefact would project a magic barrier that lasts 30 seconds. It consumes it's own stored mana within the embedded mana gemstone for usage and takes 24 hours to recharge.]

'Such a rare item to find. It can become a lifesaver if used probably.' John thought as he stares intently at the Apatite Necklace of Protection.

Without further thought, Alex then came to a decision on his own. "I  don't need this. You can have it, John." He said to John with a serious face.

John then looks at Alex with a conflicted face, whether he should be happy or not. For the matter of fact, the Apatite Necklace of Protection in his hand is of a rare rarity. It means how rare it is to find, much less acquiring rare rarity equipment out from the Copper Reward Box.

"Are you really giving this to me?" John asked, feeling pitied, as he felt a sense of guilt. 

Alex replied back with a stoic cold voice, unwilling to take back what he just said. "Just take it, John. You will need this more than me. If you ever hoped to survive and make it through this, then accept it. Or else you will die! Do you understand me!" Alex was being absolutely serious, as he stares down at John, despite being at a lower angle.

John's body is quivering at the mere stare of Alex's cold murderous eyes. It gave him goosebumps, whenever he looked at him.

However, when he heard Alex said the word 'die', out of his mouth, his body froze on the spot. As he recalled the dying screams of the boy that died in the boy's restroom, being slowly ripped apart by an Infected Zombie.

'Death... We die if we are killed, despite how this resembles so much like a game. There are no resets. No, respawn upon killed... It's Game Over!' John shivers at the mere thought of encountering death.

He stumbles a few steps back but is able to stand his ground, as he sighs internally at his cowardly self.

"Alex, are we friends?" John then asked Alex a simple question.

And he responded. "Well, of course! We are friends, then why would I give up my rare necklace of protection, that I obtained myself, instead of keeping. We're friends after all. We should look after each other when one of us is at our all-time low." Alex said, giving a convincing speech, as it touches John's heart.

"Thank you..." John quietly thanked Alex, as he put on the Apatite Necklace of Protection.