Chapter 8: Spirit Summoning Ritual

Normally in a standard MMORPG game, what you do is to specialize your character in your own playstyle, or either built your character around a particular class.

If you want to be a specialised fighter or brawler, then you would put most of your additional attribute points into strength and agility, while sacrificing intelligence and wisdom.

Then if you want to be a wizard or cleric, it would be the exact opposite. Being a jack of all trades, usually means a failed character, because they're a master of none. However, in this case, it is special, as the user can do multi-classing, building their character from the bottom up.

The user can choose a main class, in which they can build their specialisation around, with added subclasses.

A swordsman who wields a sword, with powerful magic is called a Magic Swordsman, which can later evolve and become either a Paladin or a Sword Sorceror.

A mage who wields powerful magic, with a specialisation in the art of crafting, knowledge of traps, and the lost alchemy arts, can become an Artifice Master. Agile and nimble with the hands, but can build powerful mechanical hidden weapons, which is even capable of rivalling or surpassing modern-day weapons.

Alex then gives it some thought, as he contemplated what to do. 'What should I do? Add all of my additional points into physical attributes, and become a physical attacker. Or add them all into magic related stats, increasing my mana pool, and spell firepower. So many choices. So what should I do?'

"Let's just distribute it equally, focusing mainly on strength, agility, dexterity, and wisdom for now," Alex said to himself. "The other stats can be increased gradually as I levelled up."

Strength deals with the damage the Player can do in a melee attack. The higher the player's strength stats, the more damage they will output.

Agility is quite different to dexterity in the way that agility deals with the entire body, while dexterity is all about your hand control.

Constitution is simply the vitality of the player, while endurance is simply how sturdy the player's body is. Both constitution and endurance added together, deals with the player's total health gauge, and his resistance with special types of damages like poison, illness, fire, paralysis, etc...

Intelligence, wisdom, charisma, and luck are all pretty much self-explanatory to Alex, in which he doesn't need to further elaborate on it.

Also, now that he is level ten, Alex has somewhat become aware of 'Skill Points'. Skill points are used to either unlock new skills on the class skill tree or help to level up previously learned skills. You start with 3 additional skill points at the start and gained 1 skill point per level up. Now he has 12 skill points in total.

Alex then spends some time checking his skill list on the screen, before outright spending 2 skill points to upgrade his fire magic mastery skill to level 2 novice rank.

[You have upgraded the skill [Fire Magic Mastery {Basic} ] to [Fire Magic Mastery {Novice} ]! ]

[2 skill points have been deducted! You now have 10 skill points left! ]

[You automatically learned the Tier 2 Fire Magic Spell [Fire Arrow ]! ]

[You automatically learned Tier 2 Fire Magic Spell [Flamethrower ]! ]

Alex smirks, feeling quite proud of himself. "It looks like I've obtained new fire magic spells after levelling up my fire magic mastery." He said to himself.

Then after a while, he returns back to studying his character screen. Below the character screen, there are two other tabs for Skill Tree and Class/Subclass. 

Currently, both tabs are greyed out at the moment, but in the future, when he reached the designated level desired by the System and unlocked his first class. The two greyed out tabs will then be unlocked allowing him access to the Skill Tree and Class/Subclass tab.

Alex finally closed down the Character screen after half an hour of studying it. Not before updating his Character Page by spending his 32 additional stats points.

There are 10 primary attributes, and he has 32 available stats points to distribute. And so added 12 points into agility, 6 points into dexterity, 8 points into intelligence, and the final 8 points into wisdom. Balancing out his stats evenly in magic and physical, focusing less on defence, and more on the attack.


[Player Status Screen]

Name: Alex Huang Li

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Race: Human {Earthling}

Affiliation: Insignius Order

Guild: N/A

Class: N/A

Subclass: N/A

Base Level: Lv10 

Titles: Player, First Blood, Magus, Zombie Slayer.


HP: 155/155

MP: 121/195

Strength: 27 (47)

Agility: 46

Defence: 23

Endurance: 29

Dexterity: 37

Constitution: 26

Intelligence: 50

Wisdom: 45

Charisma: 21

Luck: 26

(Available stats points to distribute: 0 )


Passive Skills:

Active Skills:

(Available skill points to distribute: 10 )


"I should focus on levelling up for the moment before I can unlock my first class. What class should I choose?" He asked himself.

He left his skill and skill points as it is, saving them up for another occasion when he finds some skills that are difficult to level up. Then he closes the screen.

He is not sure if it was his imagination, but he felt his body has become a lot lighter and more agile. 'It's probably because of the increase in agility and dexterity, that my joints have become a lot volatile.' Alex thought to himself.

Alex then stored all of his items, gold, and backpack, withinside his inventory.

However, he then took out the futuristic Copper Reward Box. He received as an additional reward from the First Blood title, he earned earlier on.

[Would you like to open the Copper Reward Box? Yes/No ]

Alex then presses on the 'Yes' button, as white light engulfs the whole futuristic Copper Reward Box, as it disappears.

[Apatite Necklace of Protection ]

[Rarity: Rare ][Durability: 2400/2400 ][Buffs: +4 Def. +2 End. [Item Description: Whenever the host is in life-threatening danger, this magical artefact would project a magic barrier that lasts 30 seconds. It consumes it's own stored mana within the embedded mana gemstone for usage and takes 24 hours to recharge.]

Seeing the item description of the magical artefact that lays before him, Alex when wide eyes, as he exclaimed outward. "What!" Jumping right up upon his feet, which totally surprises John, who jumps back in fright, whilst shouting. "What is it, Alex? Did something happened?" John asked, slightly growing more worried.

Alex sighs, breathing in deeply, as he lightens up, downplaying the accident as nothing more than just a simple joke. "It's nothing, John. Just forget about it for now, and focus on the spirit summoning ritual. I will talk about it with you later." He said to John.

John response was, "Are you sure?" As he nodded in compliance.

Alex hid the Apatite Necklace of Protection within the pocket of his blazer, as he sat back down, to give it some thought. 'Should I keep this magical artefact to myself. It is rightfully mine after all. It came out of my Copper Reward Box... but do I need this really.' Alex thought as he glares intensely at the back figure of John. 'Do I need this more than him?'' He thought to himself, contemplating his actions, should he do it or not.

John eventually finishes the spirit summoning magic circle, as he drew a very complex summoning magic circle, on the boy's restroom floor.

As small sweat drops dribble down the side of his face, congregating at the bottom of his chin. 'I've finally done it. I've completed the spirit summoning circle. Now I just need to perform the summoning incantation for the elemental spirit that I want to summon.' John thought to himself, as he walks to the center of the spirit summoning circle.

"And now to chant the spirit summoning incantation," John said,  readying himself, as he is prepared to chant the incantation.

It is a known fact, that the incantation which is spoken during the summoning ceremony is always unique because it is made up by that individual.

As the incantation normally decides what creature is summoned, it serves as a visual clue to decide what criteria or category of creature is summoned. For example, by adding the word fire into the incantation, the summoned creature would either be hot-blooded and ferocious or possesses the fire attribute.

"Elemental Spirits of Nature, Heed my call, call forth thy Strength, and lend me your Power, to stretch out your Wings, and Ascend to the Sky!" John chanted his spirit summoning incantation, as the magic circle beneath him began to light up.

John's blonde hair began to flutter, being blown wildly everywhere, against the strong winds conjured up by the spirit summoning ritual.

As a light greenish tornado forms within the small boy's restroom, gaining speed, as it revolves around John's figure. His eyes began to lit up, glowing hazel green in colour, the same tornado.